"The strongest combat corps protected by three walls, well, so powerful, I'm so scared!"

After seeing the other party being fooled, Oluo really began to taunt mercilessly!

The result of doing so was naturally that the military police were completely enraged!

"What did you say! Brat, do you dare to say it again?"

The soldiers of the Military Police Corps all pointed their guns at Oluo. The low-ranking officer looked very angry and might order Oluo to be shot at any time!

"Not to mention saying it once, even saying it a hundred times will be fine.

Do you want to hear it? Sure, grandpa will satisfy your request.

Just listen to me.

I will say that you all in the Military Police Corps are cowards without balls.

You only know how to hide in the safe walls and show off your might, but you dare not go out and fight the Titans to the death like our Survey Corps.

You only know how to bully those who are even more timid than you.

And then you think you are really the First Corps? In my opinion, those Garrison Corps that seem to be useless are much stronger than you!


Oluo is a man who is not afraid of anything. If you let him speak, he will naturally not be polite to you. What's more, he can vent his anger at this time. What is there for him to be afraid of?

Lin Quan's forehead was full of black lines. This guy is really an idiot. Forget about the Black Military Police Corps, why do you have to drag the Garrison Corps into it! Do you think you don't have enough enemies? Idiot!!

"What did you say? How dare you look down on our military police? Come on, arrest him!"

The other party was so angry that he was shaking all over, and ordered his subordinates to tie up Oruo!

"I wonder who of you dares to do that. This is not your military police! Look clearly to me where this is!"

Oluo was not afraid of the other party at all. Although they were not carrying weapons, he was not afraid of the other party attacking him at the door of his own Survey Corps. As long as the other party dared to do so, the other people in the Survey Corps would definitely not sit idly by!

When Oluo said this, Lin Quan and his men had already forced their way up, basically blocking his men. If they really wanted to fight, these fancy military police would not be their opponents at all. After all, Lin Quan and his men had walked out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood. The murderous aura on their bodies had already intimidated these military police who had never seen the scene!

And some people in the Survey Corps also saw that the situation here was not right, so the people who surrounded them, and at this time more and more people came over, so the Military Police did not dare to take action for a while!

"You, you just wait!"

The Military Police were scared. They had guns, but there were too few of them. Moreover, they were just stirring up a hornet's nest by shooting and wounding someone else at the door of the Survey Corps. They would definitely not be able to escape. Moreover, even if we didn't count the others, the people around this guy looked very difficult to deal with! So they didn't dare to continue to capture Oruo!

"Wait, you want to leave now? Have we agreed?"

Seeing that the other party was scared, Oluo became more aggressive and had no intention of letting the other party go!

"What else do you want?"

The other party turned around and looked at Oruo, his eyes full of anger, as if for him, this scene today made him lose face, so he still remembered Oruo very clearly and would not easily forget this person!

"Hey, these things, are what you brought here? Since you want to get out, then take these things with you!"

Oluo gestured to the roadblocks left by the gendarmerie before, and now asked them to take away the roadblocks they brought!

The people of the gendarmerie looked at him deeply, and left with the roadblocks with humiliation on their faces!

After seeing the other party running away with their tails between their legs, Oluo was very disdainful:"Even if the gendarmerie is like this, even if there are 5,000 people, they are still our opponents, right?"

Lin Quan held up his hand to his forehead. This guy has a big mouth. He dares to say anything, and his words can stir up a hornet's nest. He offended the garrison corps and the gendarmerie corps at once!

People in the gendarmerie corps are despised, but they are not enemies after all. If you offend them all like this, the Survey Corps will naturally be placed on the opposite side by the other side in the future. When you need the help of the gendarmerie corps, others will definitely make things difficult for you!

Shaking his head, Lin Quan thought about it and decided to forget it. Oruo has such a sharp tongue and it is basically impossible to change it. It’s useless to say anything. But now that the roadblocks are gone, let’s go into the city! Speaking of which, he was also going to buy some things!

Elder’s home is in the Tross District. After several people entered the city, they went to his house and took a look. Lin Quan did not stay for long, but found an excuse to come out. He also He had some matters of his own to take care of, so he couldn't go with them.

The captain had promised him before that after they went to the Royal City to report what happened this time, he would allow them to leave the Survey Corps and return to the Training Corps.

And this place is not too far from the Royal City, the straight-line distance is only 130 kilometers, and it only takes half a day to get there by horse. Even if you go by water, it won't take a day. Basically, you can leave in the morning and arrive in the evening. Even if you have to deal with some miscellaneous matters, it won't take a few days.

So if we estimate optimistically, Lin Quan will be able to finish his work and return to the Training Corps in about a week!

Actually, it didn't take long, but it felt like a long time. He missed Krista a lot!

Thinking of the little angel waiting for him in the Training Corps, Lin Quan felt a warm feeling in his heart.

"Winter is coming, so I'd better buy her a coat. One with a waistcoat seems to be very good. If you add some animal hair and wrap it around the neck, it will feel very warm!"

Lin Quan started to choose in a clothing store. The styles of clothes here are not bad, and there are more varieties than other places, but they are a little expensive!

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