"Boss, how much does this dress cost?"

Lin Quan was short of money and had a tight budget, so he could only buy something cheaper!

However, the system's budget should be coming up soon this month, so it wouldn't be a big problem if he spent all the money, because the system still had a budget to pay for food and other expenses. The

Kingdom of Eldia controls relatively few areas, so the products are relatively scarce, which makes many things in the country very expensive, and the soldiers' salaries are not very high, just enough to cover expenses!

It stands to reason that the salaries of high-risk troops like the Survey Corps should be very high, but because the royal family does not support the Survey Corps and even has some intention of suppressing it, the salaries of the Survey Corps soldiers are no different from those of other corps!

And because the garrison corps manages the local area, it is normal for them to take bribes. Phenomenon, although there is not a lot of oil and water, but at least there is some!

As for the gendarmerie, because they are stationed in the royal city, their jurisdiction is the richest and the safest, and a large amount of materials are concentrated here. It is not uncommon for them to collude with the Chamber of Commerce and sell state assets privately, so the gendarmerie lives the most comfortable life, and they are the richest!

Thinking of this, Lin Quan felt that this country was deformed even more!

The 10 people with the lowest training corps scores can enter the gendarmerie, and these people are basically the most suitable people to fight with giants, but they have to stay away from the battlefield.

The purpose of doing this may be to stimulate everyone's potential, let everyone train hard and then have the opportunity to get rid of the threat of giants, but those outstanding talents who entered the gendarmerie have become so corrupt, but the top leaders still turn a blind eye.

This phenomenon itself is extremely abnormal!

"This one costs 2 gold coins!"

The shop owner took a look at what Lin Quan was wearing and discovered that his armband was engraved with the Survey Corps' Wings of Liberty. He smiled and changed the topic, saying,"Since you're from the Survey Corps, we'll sell it to you at a lower price, fifty silver coins for one gold coin!" The shop owner seemed to have a good impression of the Survey Corps and directly reduced the price for him!

Lin Quan was a little touched, but he still had a little less money in his pocket, so even if the shop owner reduced the price, he couldn't afford it!

"You keep it for me first, I will come back to buy it when I have enough money, okay?"

This dark black coat matches the snow-white down jacket that Lin Quan bought for the little angel before, one black and one white, which is a perfect match, so Lin Quan really wants it in his heart, but he doesn't have enough money, so he can't buy it directly!

"Well, OK, if no one else buys it, I'll leave it for you!"

The shopkeeper also knew that the soldiers didn't have much money, so he didn't laugh at him at all. Instead, he took the clothes off and put them in an inconspicuous place inside, so that other customers wouldn't find it so easily and they wouldn't buy it!

""Thank you!"

Lin Quan was very grateful for the store's actions. These people at the bottom seemed to really love their soldiers. After all, the Survey Corps was the hope of the entire human race! After leaving the store, Lin Quan stopped on the street for a while. He didn't know where to get the money. Last time he went hunting to raise some money, but now, what else could he do to make money?

"Hey, what are you giving? Is it for humans? This is clearly for pigs, it's so disgusting, are you kidding us?"

Just as he was lost in thought, Lin Quan heard a quarrel coming from across the street.

He subconsciously looked over and found that the team of gendarmerie that they had driven away before were picking a fight with a small vendor! It would have been fine if they had eaten and drunk for free, but they also made things difficult for the small vendor, not only smashing his things, but also asking him to pay for it!

Such bullying behavior immediately aroused the anger of the people around them, and everyone surrounded them, but because they had guns in their hands, no one dared to do anything excessive.

Lin Quan frowned slightly, and when he was about to teach these people a lesson, he suddenly thought of something!

Just like this, openly and aboveboard. It seems that teaching them a lesson is not a good idea, and it is easy to make enemies. It is better to beat them up quietly, and take away their money and clothes, so that they can embarrass themselves, and then take away their guns and make them lose their weapons. In this way, these guys will be severely punished when they return!

This will have more serious consequences than simply teaching them a lesson!

Lin Quan felt that he was so black-bellied, and the method he came up with was simply unethical. However, it seemed that there was no problem in using such an unethical method to deal with these people. After all, these people could even oppress the people, so what was wrong with targeting them?

"My Lords, I really have no money, I really have no money!"

The vendor begged desperately, but the military police still refused to let him go!

"No money, what is this? How dare you cheat us! Beat him up!"

The leading gendarme snatched the vendor's purse, opened it, and found that it was full of small change, all copper coins, basically no gold coins, and even silver coins were rare. He frowned slightly, but still put the money away, after all, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat!

Several soldiers beat the vendor violently, and then triumphantly pushed through the crowd and walked away.

Lin Quan watched it clearly from the side. The people around him were very angry. If it weren't for the annoying guns in these guys' hands, they might have risen up and beat these termites severely!

Lin Quan saw the anger of the people around him. It seemed that he was right not to take action just now. The image of the gendarmerie regiment in everyone's mind is now worse!

Very good, this is what he wanted to see!

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