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"Get out of the way and let us pass!"

"Soldiers, please take care of him quickly. This guy is blocking the city gate. How can we leave?"

"Shut up, you bunch of useless things. If you don't let my goods pass today, none of you will be able to leave. And you, you bunch of good-for-nothings who eat our taxpayers' money, if you dare to stop me, I don't think you want to live!"

A bald middle-aged man from the Chamber of Commerce was leading a large group of carriages slowly passing through the city gate. Because the carriages were too big, other people had no way to get out. The last carriage was loaded with too much cargo, so it completely exceeded the size of the city gate and was blocked outside and couldn't get out!

The value of this batch of goods is not too much, but the merchant will never give up this batch of goods. He doesn't care whether other people will die in the hands of the giant. He only cares whether his property will be lost. He doesn't even care whether his actions will affect the defense of the city gate. If the giant breaks through the city wall because of his delay, let alone his goods, he himself will die in the hands of the giant!

But such things are completely invisible to short-sighted businessmen. Even if they know that selling a rope will allow others to strangle themselves, as long as the profit is enough, they will sell it without hesitation!

""Giant, the giant is coming!"

Just when the two sides were in a stalemate, the sound of a giant approaching came from afar.

Boom, boom, boom!

Each sound was the heavy footsteps of the giant, and hearing this sound that sounded like the death knell, everyone began to panic!

"Push it all, if you don’t want to die, push it all!"

The merchant asked his guards to go directly into the crowd to grab people and asked them to help push his carriage from behind. However, his carriage was stuck here, not because the horses’ pulling power was insufficient, but because the size of his carriage was too large. It was impossible to pass through here. However, the merchant turned a blind eye to all this!

Anyway, he would never give up these goods!

""City Gate Combat Squad, follow me!"

The garrison troops obviously didn't know what they should do in this situation. This businessman had a strong background and was someone they dared not offend. Since there was no way to get the carriage to leave here, they could only try their best to stop the rapidly approaching giant!

Swish, swish, swish!

The soldiers took off one by one. Such terrain was the best battlefield for the three-dimensional maneuvering device. The movement of the giant was restricted to the street. They used the surrounding buildings to gain leverage, and then used the three-dimensional maneuvering device to increase their speed. In the process of movement, they seized the giant's flaws and dealt them a fatal blow. This was the training that the soldiers often conducted!

However, those trainings were all conducted against fixed targets, and when they really faced the giants, their feelings were completely different from those on the training ground!


A soldier's movement speed was a little slow, and before he could retract the flying fixed stake, he was caught by the giant from the air.

Without a second thought, the giant stuffed the captured person into his mouth!

With blood splattered, the soldier's upper body that was bitten off fell from the air, with a terrified look and a heaving chest proving that he was still alive.

However, under such circumstances, it was obviously impossible to save him!

"Damn it! Everyone, pay attention, avoid the giant, attack from the side, attract the giant's attention, let me carry out the attack!"

The squad leader discovered the difference of this giant. Its speed seems to be faster than that of ordinary giants, so if they follow the usual tactics, their attack may not work, and they may pay a very heavy price!

So he abandoned the tactics of quick victory and began to turn to induction and assault, using several soldiers to distract, to create space, and then make the final blow!

This kind of tactics is often used by the Survey Corps, and the Garrison Corps has just learned and adopted it, and is not yet proficient.

But according to the current situation, this tactic of the Survey Corps is indeed a very good tactic!

"Yes! I will attract the giant's attention!"

A soldier immediately changed direction and flew diagonally past the giant!

The giant's sight was indeed attracted by him, and he immediately looked in his direction, and quickly changed direction and chased after him!

"Come here, you big fool, come and catch me if you can!"

The soldier was actually very scared. The feeling of being chased by a giant more than ten meters tall must be very bad. He was actually scared to death, but at this time, his teammates were all looking at him, so even if he was timid, he couldn't show it at this time!


The giant made an indistinct sound, as if he was very angry because he couldn't catch the flying human!

So, he immediately sped up!

"Oh no, this is a strange species! Kuchi, get out of there quickly!"

The behavior of the strange species is completely different from that of ordinary giants, and compared to ordinary giants, the strange species is more difficult to deal with. Although there is no evidence that the strange species has an IQ similar to that of humans, this thing does not need IQ to have extremely strong lethality!

"Ah, I don't want to die, save me, squad leader!"

The giant's sudden acceleration caught the soldier who had attracted his attention in front of him completely off guard. Seeing that the distance between him and the giant was shrinking rapidly, he already felt the hand of the god of death reaching out to him!

"Damn it!"

The other soldiers also gave up their previous plans and chased after him desperately, but the giant was too fast and they couldn't catch up at all!


The scream was only half heard, and the soldier in front was caught up and bitten by the strange creature!


After the giant quickly swallowed a prey, he turned his head and looked at the group of guys chasing him. These people will be his next prey!_Please download the ununderlined version of the novel

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