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""Crack, crack!"

The giant was enjoying his lunch leisurely. There were corpses lying on the ground, broken arms and limbs everywhere, shocking blood everywhere. The three-dimensional mobile devices and corpses scattered on the ground pieced together a tragic picture after the war.

Mikasa's hands were shaking slightly. She had seen the power of the abnormal species a long time ago. Even the elite troops of the Survey Corps would suffer heavy losses in front of the abnormal species. This small force hoped to rely on their own strength to stop this abnormal species. They were really a little too presumptuous!

However, their courage to fight to the last moment, until everyone was killed, made Mikasa feel very shocked.

She was late!

The blade made a harsh sound when it passed through the scissors, which attracted the attention of the giant.

The giant stopped chewing, raised his head, glanced at Mikasa, and a prey appeared.

"Come on, you will have to pay the price for what you have done sooner or later, let me avenge these seniors!"

Mikasa's eyes became scary, this murderous look has proved her inner anger!


The giant roared, rushed over, and slapped Mikasa fiercely!


A loud noise accompanied by a large amount of debris flying out of the house after being smashed, and a cloud of white dust rose up!


Mikasa flew over from nowhere and accurately nailed the anchor of the three-dimensional mobile device on the back of the giant's neck, and the lead was stretched straight!

She magnified the distance to the farthest, and then suddenly accelerated!

The powerful diving force brought by the huge height, plus the traction brought by the lead of the anchor, Mikasa's attack was very powerful!

The giant had just pounced on the house, and at this time his body could not turn around in time. Facing Mikasa's attack, it just raised its hand, not wanting to block it, but greedily wanted to grab Mikasa and put it into its mouth!

But at this time, no matter what it did, it was too late

Mikasa's body began to spin. If there were people from the Survey Corps present, they would definitely shout out in surprise, because this move was their Captain Levi's favorite attack move - the diving phase slash!

However, Mikasa's move was slightly different from Levi's. Her move seemed a little slower, but the power was greater. With this slash, the giant would not only be cut off, but even the entire head might be chopped off directly. Mikasa faced the giant's outstretched hand, and rotated the sharp blade in her hand. With a few swishes, she completely cut the thin palm into pieces!

"Go down and be buried with them!

With a loud bang, the house collapsed completely, and the headless body of the giant began to spray a lot of blood. The majestic steam rose quickly. A soldier standing on the city wall watching the battle trembled and put down the telescope in his hand. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva with a gurgle.

"What's wrong? Soldier, what happened ahead?"

Captain Chiz Wilman was scared to death at this time. He had long since left his post and ran to the command position. Logically, his position should be in the center of the city, but that place has completely fallen at this time. If he is still there, he will definitely be killed or even eaten by the giant like other soldiers!

Such a thing is very terrifying to think about, so he escaped!

Not every soldier has the courage to face death when facing the enemy. There will always be deserters on the battlefield. It's just that a cowardly person has become the captain. From this point of view, the garrison corps still has a lot of problems!

""One... a recruit killed one, a strange species!"

The soldier said tremblingly. He just saw with his own eyes that the strange species destroyed one of their combat teams, and a recruit from the training corps killed it easily. Especially the look in the recruit's eyes, which made him feel cold in his bones. That kind of murderous aura was unforgettable.

Dong, dong, dong, dongdongdongdong!

The dull sound came again, and the footsteps changed from slow to fast. The giant seemed to have found some prey and started to speed up instantly!

Mikasa stood up from the body of the killed giant, looked in the direction of the sound, and then his face changed!

No, this giant has discovered the crowd near the city gate!

The rear guard troops are trying their best to stop him at this time, but this giant seems to be a strange species as well. His actions are not disturbed by the rear guard soldiers at all, and he just rushed into the crowd at full speed!

"City defense artillery, fire, bombard it!"

Although Chiz Wilman was standing on the safe city wall at this time, when he saw the giant rushing towards the city gate, he felt as if the giant was rushing towards him.

In panic, he directly ordered the city defense troops to fire!

The city defense artillery is not very effective against giants.

At this time, there are still many soldiers around the giant, and there are a large number of innocent civilians around.

If you fire at it, it is very likely that the giant will not be knocked down, but the surrounding troops and people will be injured by mistake!

""Captain, look! That soldier is catching up!"

The soldier holding the binoculars suddenly said loudly, and everyone looked down.

Sure enough, Mikasa caught up!

She adjusted her gas nozzle to the maximum and caught up with the strange species at the fastest speed. Because this giant didn't seem to care about the interference of the surrounding troops at all, and only rushed towards the crowd in front, so Mikasa took a great risk to launch an anchor stake at the giant at high speed. If this anchor stake missed, then she would probably lose balance and fall to the ground!


A barely detectable sound spread, and a faint white smoke rose from the back of the giant's neck._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading-collect

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