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Standing in front of the newly dug grave, Lin Quan frowned slightly, glanced at Krista who was silent beside him, opened his mouth slightly, but didn't know how to start.

"Otherwise, you take a rest and let me do this!"

Lin Quan dropped the shovel in his hand. This shovel was found in a nearby villager's house. Because it had not been used for a long time, the shovel was badly rusted.

Krista nodded. She really couldn't face such a scene.

Just now, she resisted the nausea and discomfort in her heart, leaned over to take a look, and turned back to vomit. The deaths of those people were too tragic.

Most people were burned to death, so in the last moment of their lives, many people stretched out their hands in despair, as if praying for someone to come and save them, but such salvation did not come.

"Take a break and drink some water. Here are some sour plums. Eating some will make your stomach feel better!"

Seeing that she was unwilling to move and seemed to want to watch him bury all these people with her own eyes, Lin Quan forcibly picked her up, reported her to a position upwind, put her down, and stuffed some water and plums into her mouth. People who vomited will have gastric juice in their esophagus, and the digestive juice in the stomach contains bitter bile and pantothenic acid. These things need to be washed with water, otherwise the taste will be very uncomfortable.

And the feeling of nausea and vomiting will not disappear all at once, so giving her some sour plums can help her suppress the uncomfortable feeling in her mouth.

""Stay here, don't move, or I won't be polite if you move!"

Lin Quan pretended to be vicious and threatened.

The little angel lowered her head, not looking at him, staring blankly at the water and plums in her hands, without moving.

Seeing her like this, Lin Quan felt very distressed. He leaned down and kissed her on the head, then whispered,"Wait for me, I'll be back soon!"

After that, he strode with tools to move the corpses.

These people had obviously been dead for a long time. Lin Quan calculated that they were probably killed by the Central Military Police when Kenny Ackerman let Krista go.

The purpose was probably to destroy the evidence of Krista's existence. After all, these people had seen Krista. Although they might not know Krista's identity, he obviously didn't want to leave this hidden danger.

The Central Military Police probably did a lot of things like killing people to silence them, and the methods were very cruel. They seemed to have always enjoyed killing people!

If it was just to kill people to silence them, they would have shot these people and buried them, and the house would have been destroyed. Wouldn't it be clean if they were all burned? Instead of burning the houses or shooting them, they dragged all these people to the center of the village and burned them to death!

This cruel method was really shocking, and even made Lin Quan hate these guys very much! If he met Kenny Ackerman, he probably wouldn't be able to help but kill this guy directly!

The corpses were carefully and slowly transferred to the graves that had been dug before. Because these people were basically burned corpses, they had to be extra careful when moving them. If they were not careful and moved too much, their bodies might fall apart directly.

"Damn it, these guys didn’t even let the children go!"

At first, Lin Quan was a little surprised. Why didn’t they find the bodies of the children? Could it be that the Central Military Police were soft-hearted and let the children go?

But soon, he found that the guys didn’t let the children go. Their bodies were protected by a large group of adults in the middle. It seemed that the fire was burned from outside. The adults were protecting their children and wanted to save them, but their efforts were useless. The fire burned very thoroughly and all the children in the back died.

Looking at these young bodies, even Lin Quan, who was used to the world, couldn’t help but feel a little sick in his stomach at this time. It felt like a raging sea!

Fortunately, he didn't ask Krista to come and help, otherwise, seeing such a scene, Krista would probably collapse directly.

Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, Lin Quan suppressed the nausea in his heart, held his breath, and moved all the bodies away.

Among these children, there might be those who rejected and hated Krista in the past. In a way, they paid the price for their ignorance and rudeness, although this price seemed particularly heavy.

After spending some time burying all the bodies, Lin Quan cut down a tree and put The trunk in the middle was split open, and a line of words was carved on it with a dagger.

The tomb of the villagers in the southern village.

He didn't know the names of these people, or even the name of the village. The deaths of these people did not cause any waves in the country, and no one even noticed them. If Lin Quan and Krista hadn't come back, it is unknown how long these bodies would be exposed here.

The dead are the greatest, may you rest in peace!

Lin Quan closed his eyes, clasped his hands together, and prayed for them slightly. Although he knew that this was useless, people always have to find an excuse to numb themselves, isn't it? ?

After doing all this, he breathed a sigh of relief and walked to the position of the little angel.

The little angel still maintained the previous posture. She didn't eat the plums, but she looked like she had rinsed her mouth.

Lin Quan sat down beside her, and they both looked at the farm in the distance.

They haven't been to that place yet, and they don't know what the scene is inside, but after all, those people are directly involved with Rod Reis, so they shouldn't kill them and leave them alone. They will probably bury them. However, as for the bodies and the burial locations, Lin Quan thinks they should be lost.

These people won't leave any evidence.

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