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"How is it, are you feeling better?"

After being busy for a long time, Lin Quan felt a little hungry. He took the plum from her arms, opened it himself, and ate one.

Well, it tasted good, the kind of taste he was familiar with!

This kind of thing was Lin Quan's favorite food in his time, but in this world, this kind of plum certainly did not exist. He got all of it from the system! Speaking of which, since he was promoted to a private soldier, his emergency quota has increased a bit. Although it is not enough for two people now, it is barely enough for him alone!

In other words, even if there are no supplies, in the wild, Lin Quan can survive only by relying on the supplies provided by his system!

It tastes good, but you don't eat it. Are you so picky?

Lin Quan picked one and put it to her mouth.

The little angel shook her head. She didn't seem to have much appetite and didn't want to eat it.

Lin Quan didn't move his hand. He hummed and motioned her to eat it.

The little angel turned her head and glanced at him. Seeing his determined eyes, she had no choice but to eat one.

"How is it, is it delicious?"

Lin Quan saw that she ate one, and he was finally a little satisfied. That's right, there is always a first and a second for everything. If she keeps on like this and doesn't even want to eat, then Lin Quan will be very worried! Lin

Quan's question was of course not asked casually. It seemed casual, but in fact he was asking the little angel to express her opinion.

Of course, the taste of this plum is delicious. Lin Quan himself has tried it before, so there is only one answer left for her. After all, the little angel will not lie.

And if she answers that it is delicious, then if it is delicious, you can eat more. If Lin Quan gives her something else to eat, there will be no problem! The little angel nodded.

Lin Quan handed all the plums to her,"If it tastes good, eat more. I'll go get some dry food. Only after eating will you have the strength to continue. What do you think?"

Without waiting for the little angel to answer, Lin Quan left directly.

After Lin Quan left, the little angel looked at his back as he left, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he said softly:"Arigato……"


""Your Highness, we are here!"

The carriage stopped at the foot of the hill. Kenny Ackerman rode up to the carriage and reported to the people inside.

""Are we there yet?" the man inside murmured, and he opened the curtain of the carriage, looking at the farm in the distance and the village next to the farm, feeling a little nostalgic.

That period of time was so beautiful to him, and he always reminisced about it in his heart.

However, because of his action and the accident that happened afterwards, that kind of thing could no longer be undone, and he could never go back to that kind of life.

And now, when he returned to this place, he had a strange feeling about this place that was once so familiar.

He opened the curtain of the carriage, as if he was about to get off the carriage, but when he thought about the fact that he had sent people to kill all the people here, would their ghosts still be waiting here, waiting for him to come back and seek revenge on him?

When he thought of this possibility, he felt a chill in his heart!

Once a person has committed a serious crime, he will begin to be suspicious, fearing that those who were killed because of his fate Therefore, the ghosts of innocent people who died will come to seek revenge on him.

He has not made a public appearance over the years. As the only king of this country, very few people have actually seen him. The king that most people see is just a puppet that looks very much like themselves.

He is afraid to show up, afraid of being discovered, afraid of being attacked, afraid of being killed like his family!

Such worries are like nightmares, and have been haunting him for three years!

He is very tired. He hopes to find a successor and step down from this position as soon as possible. He doesn't want to live this kind of life anymore, and he also wants to make up for the mistakes he has made.

The foot that had stepped out was finally retracted. Reis returned to his carriage and said to Kenny coldly:"Send someone in to check. If they are found, don't alert the snakes. Just monitor them from a distance. Let's go in!"

After that, he closed the curtain again.

Kenny nodded slightly, saluted to the king in the car, and then sent out the cavalry to seal off the area.

In fact, no one lives here at all. They cleared the area three years ago, so they are very familiar with the situation here.

The cavalry was sent out at this time mainly to defend the surrounding area to prevent the sudden appearance of assassins from posing a threat to the king's safety.

The convoy soon arrived at the farm, and from a distance they saw a young man wearing a green cloak of the Survey Corps and fully armed waiting for them.

Kenny smiled slightly. He had seen this man, the guy who was appointed by the king as his successor.

Reis didn't like Krista, and even sent the Central Military Police to kill them for his own political life.

He wanted to get rid of these burdens that were related to him, so that he could go one step further in the fight for the throne.

But no one expected that Grisha Yeager's appearance would... It turned out to be a big help to him!

Grisha, who transformed into the Attack Titan, not only stole the power of the Founding Titan, but also killed almost all the royal family. Reis himself was also at the scene at the time, but fortunately, he escaped by luck and was not eaten by the other party! In this way, he was the only member left in the entire royal family!

But he was too old and had lost the hope of having children. Moreover, to inherit the power of the Founding Titan, a very young carrier was needed, and his age was obviously not enough!

Reis began to regret it at that time. He should not have sent a killer to kill his daughter. If the child was still there, then if the Founding Titan was found, there would be an heir!

But at this time, he learned that his daughter was not dead, but escaped from the Wall of Sina and came to the training corps!

So, hope began to rekindle in his heart! _Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading-collect

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