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"We are less than 500 meters away from the supply station. At this distance, as long as we avoid the giants, we may arrive within five minutes. Everyone check your gas tanks to see if there is enough gas!"

Armin's mind has always remained clear. Thanks to his clarity, otherwise everyone would be in chaos!

"It's enough, 500 meters is enough, but how to break through those giants?"

Everyone looked at Armin. This problem is more serious than the gas shortage!

As a stumbling block, the giants will not ignore their actions. If they want to go back smoothly, they must come up with a strategy. Otherwise, if everyone rushes together, they will definitely be completely dispersed by the giants, and then maybe no one can escape!

"Haven't we learned the long-distance search formation of the Survey Corps? Although that formation is completed on the plains using war horses, I think it is also possible to use such a formation under the current conditions!"

Armin took out a piece of paper and started to draw on it.

Everyone came over curiously, wondering what he was going to draw!

"Look, the Survey Corps is divided into left and right search arrays. The troops on these two wings are elite soldiers, acting as the eyes of the entire army. As long as they find the enemy, they will use flares to notify the army of the enemy's situation and movements!"

Everyone nodded. Instructor Keith emphasized this long-distance search formation during class. In fact, Erwin was appreciated because of this formation. In practice, they did reduce the casualties of the troops, and Instructor Keith recommended him as the next commander of the Survey Corps for this reason. Later events proved that his choice was quite wise!

The development of the Survey Corps in the past few years has been quite surprising. Their combat effectiveness has improved rapidly. At this time, they have become the most combat-effective force among the three major corps. Even the Military Police Corps cannot compare with them!

"We have much fewer people than the Survey Corps, and we don't need to make the formation so wide. The left and right wings should be kept at a distance of about 20 meters, so that we can hear each other's shouting during the high-speed movement! And this distance is just one block apart, we can rely on houses to avoid it. If we encounter a giant in the middle of the street, we can quickly leave from the adjacent street."

Armin quickly repeated his idea.

According to the law, the advantages of their formation are very clear, that is, they can take care of each other, and the number of people is relatively concentrated, so it is not easy to get into trouble.

The left and right wings can play a role of warning and protection like the Survey Corps, and the middle is forward, which can provide early warning and command to the troops behind.

However, unlike the Survey Corps, their command squad is not in the middle, but in the front.

After all, they command by sound, not by flares, so the commander must be at the front of the team!

"Will this method work? We lack soldiers with strong assault capabilities!"

After hearing Armin's words, everyone was a little hesitant, but it seemed that this was their only feasible solution!

If this method didn't work, then they really wouldn't be able to rush out of here!

"Reiner, Ani, Jean, you three are the strongest soldiers among us. Eren is injured, so this time we have to rely on you. Whether we can rush out depends entirely on your command and efforts!"

Armin did not directly answer the question of whether they could rush out smoothly, but directly placed his hopes on them!

"Hey, hey, even for us, it would be hard to do this. We are not Lin Quan. If he were here, there would still be hope, but for us, to be honest, then……"

Seeing that Armin had given them the task without their consent, he was a little unhappy.

He had never killed any giant in the previous battles with the giants, because he was very afraid of the giants. This kind of behemoth was completely different from the target he faced on the training ground. Although the target on the training ground could simulate the height and size of the giant, it did not have the oppressive feeling that the giants on the battlefield gave people!

On the training ground, he could keenly find the position of the target and kill it, but on the battlefield, when facing the giants, he seemed to have forgotten everything he had learned on the training ground. He didn't know how to fight the giants or how to kill the giants, because when the giants ate people in front of him, he had already lost his judgment!

Humans are first of all animals, and animals have emotions. There is something called fear, which has a huge impact on humans. On the battlefield, when soldiers are affected by fear, don't expect them to show their strength on the training ground. Even if they don't run away, it's already very good. When new recruits go to the battlefield for the first time, there will always be problems of this and that. Even if they perform well on the training ground, those problems will still appear!

Let me believe that there are many people like me, those who were killed, those who survived here, everyone has experienced these things. He saw the numbness after the panic on the faces of these surviving companions. It seems that their souls have been taken away, and they have become no different from zombies. It seems that they are worse than me. At least I have recovered a little from the previous situation, but they have not recovered yet!

"There is no way, this is our only chance. If we don't seize this opportunity, we will all die here!"

Armin's tone was very calm, but no one would question the truth of what he said, because this was the reality they faced._Read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download

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