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""Brother Lin Quan, are you okay?"

They had already left the Sina Wall, but Krista was still worried. Shortly after entering their village, Lin Quan seemed to have guessed what would happen. He asked Krista to leave the village in advance and wait for him outside the Sina Wall!

She expected what would happen, but no matter how she asked, Lin Quan just smiled and didn't tell her, so she didn't know who Lin Quan was waiting for in the village, or what happened there!

While waiting outside the wall, Krista was always worried about Lin Quan's safety, and after seeing that he was safe, Krista finally breathed a sigh of relief!

"Well, I'm fine, but Ymir and the others might be in danger!"

Lin Quan concealed the fact that he had contact with Rod Reis. It was better not to let the little angel know about this. Even if she knew, it would not be a good thing for her.

""Huh? What happened?""

The relationship between the little angel and Ymir is very good. If it weren't for the appearance of Lin Quan, according to the normal script, the two of them would gradually develop in the direction of lesbianism! The two of them regard each other as the most important person, and they will even completely ignore their own safety for the sake of each other's safety and make very risky moves!

The scene where Ymir turned into a giant and jumped off the tower, and the scene where Krista believed in her and took the initiative to fly to her and was held hostage by her, all proved this point!

In this world, because of the appearance of Lin Quan, the relationship between them is not as close as before, but Ymir, who knows Krista's life experience, still cares about her very much!

"I got information from the Military Police that the Colossal Titan appeared in the south of Trost District and it is said that it has broken through the gate of Trost District. At this time, the garrison is fighting with the Titans entering the city, but I am worried that they may not be able to resist for long!"

This information was reported by the soldiers of the garrison when they met with Rod Reis. After hearing the news, Rod's face changed. He hurriedly ended the conversation with Lin Quan and returned to his own royal city.

Because of the loss of the power of the Founding Titan, the Eldians no longer have the ability to control the coordinate power of the Titans. They used to conquer the alien team, but now it has become their biggest worry. If they are not careful, they may perish!

"Then wouldn't Ymir and the others have it?"

The little angel immediately became anxious. They already knew the next arrangement before they left. The next step was to communicate and learn with the garrison troops. The party would conduct exercises in the Trost area. If the time when the Colossal Titan broke into the city was coincidental, there was a high probability that it would coincide with the training time of their training corps. In that case, the recruits would face the attack of the Titans directly!

"Well, it is very likely, so we have to rush back as soon as possible. Neil, in order to preserve the strength of the Military Police, refused to send troops to reinforce. He is watching people die without helping. If Wall Rose cannot be saved, then the next giant will attack Wall Sina!"

Neil Dek's choice was actually within Lin Quan's expectations. The internal friction of the three major corps is actually very serious. It is unlikely to expect them to cooperate sincerely, unless something directly threatens their own interests and forces them to cooperate. Otherwise, ha, with the behavior of the Military Police, they will not interfere in the battle outside Wall Sina!

""Yes!" The little angel nodded heavily and kept up with Lin Quan's speed. The two of them galloped on their horses. At this time, they didn't care about protecting their horses, because every minute of delay meant that their companions would pay an extra price!


"What's the situation?"

Commander Pixis finally returned to the front line, but the reinforcements mobilized from other places have not arrived yet. At present, the garrison corps is seriously short of troops, and most of their troops are scattered in the long walls and the urban areas of the four areas!

There are less than 1,800 troops in the Trost District, and this also includes the troops scattered on the surrounding walls. It will take time to gather them together!

Moreover, the family knows the situation of their own family. Although he has a lot of soldiers, he lacks a strong combat force!

With such strength, it is not only difficult to achieve results in fighting against giants, but it is easy to suffer heavy casualties!

"Report to the commander, the people in the city have been evacuated almost.

Thanks to the desperate resistance of the frontline troops, the residents have gained an hour of evacuation time.

According to statistics, nearly 38,000 residents have successfully escaped.

Including the more than 4,000 people who have not yet left the city, basically all the people in the city have evacuated!

"The registered population of Trost District is more than 50,000, but even if the more than 4,000 people who have not escaped are included, there are only 42,000 residents who can escape from this catastrophe.

This means that this time they have lost nearly 20% of the city's population again!

Fortunately, this time only the Trost District was attacked, and no reports were received from other places. Maybe other places haven't yet!

"Haven't the troops evacuated in an hour? I remember that the drill clearly stipulated that the evacuation time was half an hour. After half an hour, the city gates would be closed and the troops fighting in the city would be withdrawn. Why didn't you execute it?"

Although Pixis was a little older, his mind was not confused at all. He approved the attack and defense drill in the Trost District himself. Many things in it were formulated according to the requirements of actual combat. 30 minutes was the limit time for them to control the casualties of their own soldiers and the casualties of the people in the city!_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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