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However, there are no less than 15 giants wandering on this road at this time. These giants blocked their way. They either killed this guy or took a detour through other places!

However, considering that there is not much gas left in everyone's three-dimensional mobile device, large-scale avoidance is impossible. They must choose the nearest route!

Mikasa closed her eyes slightly and thought about her own route of action. Soon, she had basically established it in her mind!

Although doing so would involve certain risks, it is obviously the most direct and fastest way, but the danger has also increased a lot!

"Are you ready?"

Mikasa asked.

"Wait a minute, I will fire a signal flare to inform the other soldiers. If they can understand what we mean, then they can also���"They have entered us!"

Armin took out a flare gun and fired a green flare in the direction of the supply station.

This flare meant that they were going to move towards the supply station. If there were any soldiers still alive around, they hoped they could provide some help. If other soldiers saw it, they should also move towards the supply station immediately. After all, all their combat training was in team-based combat. When facing the giants, fighting alone would not only be ineffective, but also very dangerous!

""Okay! Let's go!"

Armin loaded the gun and looked at Mikasa, who nodded! He immediately rushed towards the nearest giant!

This was a 12-meter-level giant, who blocked the troops' way forward. In Mikasa's choice, they could not bypass it. Only by killing it could they ensure the safety of the team! Mikasa's battle was very simple. She was very strong. Although her speed was not as fast as Lin Quan and Levi, it was undoubtedly much faster than others!

Therefore, Mikasa landed directly on the giant, using the giant as a springboard. There were no fancy moves. She killed it while it turned around, and then quickly used it as a springboard to leave before its body fell!


The corpse that fell down brought up a lot of dust, and the distance between San and Wu was pulled apart a lot. For her, she didn't need help in her battle. If others were too close to her, it would affect her performance!

"Too strong! How did she do it?"

Rang felt very much in his heart. If he had chosen the assault just now, he would definitely choose to use the buildings on both sides as springboards, avoid the front, and attack the giants back, because if he attacked head-on, the attack range of the giants was too large!

Although the giants would not defend at all, his attack was the best defense. Within the area that the giants could reach with their hands, as long as they were touched by the giants, even if they did not touch their bodies directly, as long as they touched the leads of their three-dimensional mobile devices, they would basically be knocked down!

This is very obvious when dealing with intelligent giants. When facing female giants, because Ani is very familiar with the three-dimensional mobile device, when the soldiers of the Survey Corps faced her, even if they avoided her front, she could directly find the vital point of the three-dimensional mobile device, resolve the attacks of the Survey Corps soldiers, and achieve a counterattack!

So this way of attack is very dangerous in itself!

"This guy is so powerful, it looks like we have hope to leave!"

Ymir and the others were also full of hope at this time. Mikasa's arrival gave them new hope in the midst of despair, and this hope seemed very reliable!

"Everyone speed up and keep up with Mikasa. Don't let other giants hold us back!"

Armin looked at Mikasa's back with some worry. She had never checked her 3D mobile device before, so she probably knew how much gas she had left!

But she came directly from the back and didn't seem to go to the supply station to resupply. In other words, Mikasa's gas storage capacity was probably about the same as theirs, or maybe even less than theirs. Therefore, Armin was a little worried. He was afraid that something would happen to Mikasa!

The consumption of 3D mobile devices in battle is very high, because during the battle, you have to constantly adjust your posture, height and position, which all consumes gas!

At this time, he was very worried that Mikasa's gas would run out. In that case, not only would all of them be in danger, but Mikasa herself would also be in danger!

Unfortunately, Armin's worry is about to become a reality!

Lin Quan's fighting method does not rely much on the 3D mobile device. He relies more on his physical strength, including his speed and coordination, so as to maximize his strength within a limited space!

But this method is not suitable for everyone except him.

Others, even Captain Levi, can't do this.

If Mikasa wants to achieve the combat effect of Lin Quan, she has a very high demand for three-dimensional mobile devices, and she has spent a lot of effort on this.

At this time, she has already shown her advantage in the battle!

The second giant rushed towards them head-on.

If she was alone, Mikasa would not kill the other party, but would avoid it.

However, the team was too long.

She avoided it, but others could not avoid it.

This giant would just pounce in the middle of the team.

The casualties caused were almost unimaginable.

You can guess that it will be very huge!

So, she didn't have too many choices, she could only choose to kill this giant!

This giant is about 15 meters in size and a little bit high, which is not conducive to Mikasa's choice. Her attack is destined to be from bottom to top. If she attacks from above, the speed will slow down and the giant's reaction time will be longer!

So, Mikasa risked nailing the anchor pile to the giant's body, flew around its body, and narrowly avoided the clamping of the giant's arm! _Please download to read the ununderlined version of the novel

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