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However, this is only a superficial phenomenon. In fact, the movements of the giants are not slow at all. Considering the length of their arms, their arm swinging speed is much faster than that of humans!

It's just that compared with their huge bodies, this relative speed will be a little slower than that of humans!

So in fact, this is just a difference in visual effects, not that the giants are really slow!

Therefore, it is very difficult to avoid the swinging and grabbing of the giants' arms when attacking from the front.

It is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to do it, because the three-dimensional maneuvering device will become a fatal weakness in this situation-the fuse is too long!

The human body is of course much smaller than that of the giants, but the fuse of the three-dimensional maneuvering device is very long.

If the giant's arms touch these fuses unconsciously during the swinging process, the force transmitted from the fuse will instantly make the user lose balance!

This is a very dangerous thing!

Therefore, masters like Levi and Lin Quan will choose a tactic that others will not and dare not use when fighting with the giants!

That is to withdraw the fuse!

It sounds like nothing, but if you think carefully about the role of the three-dimensional mobile device, you will know that the soldiers rely on the traction on the three-dimensional mobile device's lead to achieve the jump. If the lead is removed, the person will have no leverage in mid-air, and it is very likely that he will fall to death! Of course

, in order to avoid such a situation, they need to rely on the help of another thing, which is the gas jet of the three-dimensional mobile device!

In the air, relying on the inertia of the traction provided by the lead, quickly remove the lead to ensure that they will not be involved in the lead by the giant's large-scale movements, and in the process of keeping moving, accurately control the gas jet, and spray gas to continue to maintain their own power!

Lin Quan taught Mikasa this method, but Mikasa has never used it. This is the first time!

It looks like she succeeded!


After the back of the neck was chopped off, the giant lost his strength and collapsed to the bottom, and Mikasa continued to rush out at high speed!

There are less than 300 meters left, and they are there in just 300 meters!

"So strong! If it weren’t for Lin Quan, Mikasa would definitely be the most powerful one among our group of students!"

"I think even if Lin Quan is here, he probably can't compare to Mikasa!"

Seeing Mikasa so brave, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that they were temporarily out of danger!

However, Armin's expression became more and more. For some reason, he felt very bad in his heart!

This inexplicable feeling, coupled with his worry about the body in Mikasa's gas tank, made his eyes never leave Mikasa's back! There's only one more point! Just a little bit! Mikasa looked at the one in front of her, which was getting closer and closer, and her heartbeat was getting faster and faster! The giants have been attracted by the movement here. At this time, countless giants are rushing towards them!

Mikasa didn't dare to neglect, and didn't dare to stop for a moment.

There was a straight street in front, and the houses on both sides of the street formed a straight line.

As long as they passed from here, they would basically be out of danger!

However, there was a giant in front of her who was looking at her but didn't rush over!

Strange Species!

Mikasa was instantly alert.

Judging from the opponent's every move, this should be a strange species!

Mikasa knew very well how dangerous the strange species were.

She killed a total of 2 strange species today.

These two strange species caused a large number of casualties to their troops.

The casualties caused by a strange species often exceeded several ordinary giants!

Because the strange species are highly unpredictable, their actions cannot be predicted, and it is very difficult to judge what they are going to do!

This strange species just looked at her and did not attack, but the threat this giant brought to them was very huge!

Mikasa hesitated for a moment, and she flew over directly without attacking this strange species.

The strange species seemed to have telepathically let her go and did not attack her!

But the next moment, when he saw Armin and others running over with Eren, the strange species suddenly moved!


Mikasa was too late to turn around, she could only look back worriedly, and saw that the abnormal slapped Marco away with a slap, and Eren was also knocked away from Armin's hand!


Mikasa shouted desperately, no longer caring about the supply station!

At this moment, there was only Eren in her eyes!

"Mikasa, it's dangerous, don't go!"

The anomalous creature swallowed the injured Marco in one gulp, and grabbed Allen with his other hand!

The pain of falling from a high altitude woke Allen up from his coma!

He opened his eyes confusedly, but only saw a bloody mouth in front of him, which was constantly approaching him, getting closer and closer!


Mikasa's desperate voice dragged on for a long time. Eren looked up and saw tears in the corners of Mikasa's eyes. He smiled and stretched out his hand to Mikasa, his lips moving as if he was saying a goodbye word, and seemed to be asking Mikasa for help.


The giant bit off Eren's arm, and then with a gurgle, it swallowed Eren whole!

And his broken arm flew far away!

"Allen, Allen, Allen……"

Mikasa finally used up her gas and fell from the sky. Even Mikasa couldn't bear the fall from a height of seven or eight meters. She was injured.

However, Mikasa didn't care about her injuries at all and crawled towards the direction of the strange creature that ate Eren. It seemed that she wanted to save Eren from the body of the giant. She couldn't believe that Eren was eaten in front of her.

Without Mikasa going over, after eating Eren, the strange creature had already re-selected its target. It had set its sights on Mikasa and was already walking towards her! _Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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