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""Everyone, check your equipment. The wounded will be taken care of by strong people. Reiner, Bertolt, you guys will take care of the wounded and take them away. Jean, Connie and Sasha, you guys follow me. I don't want you to be in charge of the battle, but you have to keep an eye on the 15-meter-tall giant behind us, yes, the one outside!"

Lin Quan returned to the supply station and gathered everyone together. At this time, everyone was almost ready. After retaking the gas chamber in the basement, they all replenished the gas. At this time, everyone was energetic and morale was high. Everyone's confidence was restored!

"I know you have a lot of questions, but now is not the time to explain. This giant will not hurt us. On the contrary, it will help us resist other giants. What you have to do is to beware of him and protect him. Keep a safe distance from him. Don't get too close to avoid being attacked by him, and don't be too far away to avoid being lost. If you find that it has a tendency to leave the team, you must report to me immediately. Do you understand?"

Alan must be brought back, but Lin Quan has to take the responsibility of opening the way, so he doesn't have much energy to use on Alan, so he needs help from others!

"Got it!"

The three of them had a lot of questions in their minds, but seeing Lin Quan's expression and what he said before, they all suppressed their doubts.

After Reiner and the others heard Lin Quan's arrangement, they were slightly surprised: Could it be that Lin Quan has seen through Allen's identity?

They had such suspicions before, and Lin Quan's actions and arrangements at this time further confirmed this point. It seems that the identity of the Attack Titan has been exposed!

This is not very favorable for their next action to take back Allen. Not only will the difficulty be greatly increased, but their own identities may also be exposed. They know how powerful Lin Quan is. This guy is not just as simple as he looks. His mind is also very meticulous. He is a very difficult character to deal with!

""Okay, now that you understand, let's all go to the roof and get ready to go!"

After Lin Quan finished speaking, he came directly to Mikasa's side.

Mikasa's injuries were very serious. Although she had been treated, it was impossible to expect her to act on her own, so Lin Quan decided to take her with him.

But if he did that, his fight would be greatly affected.

"Mikasa, are you ready?"

Lin Quan squatted down and helped her tidy up her hair. Because of the injury, Mikasa's face looked a little pale and her spirit was not as good as usual, which made Lin Quan feel a little distressed.

"Well, I'm fine.

Mikasa forced a smile, she knew her current situation, and also knew what kind of situation Lin Quan and the others were facing, so she opened her mouth, hesitated for a moment, and finally said:"Lin, if you take us with you, your actions will be hindered, so just leave me here, my legs probably can't stand up, so even if I'm rescued, it's useless... or, it's better not to cause trouble for you."

Mikasa's tone was a little sad, she was not afraid of death, nor was she greedy for life, knowing that taking herself with her might cause trouble for Lin Quan and the others, Mikasa's idea was to sacrifice herself

"I saved your name, this is no longer your decision, understand?"

Lin Quan frowned. It was indeed a bit difficult to bring Mikasa with him, but the difficulty was not so great that he could not accept it. How could he really leave Mikasa here?

However, if Mikasa insisted on this attitude at this time, it would still be a very troublesome thing to deal with, so Lin Quan deliberately showed a very strong look so that Mikasa could not argue with him.

""I saved you twice. The first time was in the giant forest. You were injured and I saved you from the giant. The second time was just now. You and Armin were captured by the giant. I saved you again. So, your life is no longer yours. Don't talk nonsense to me anymore. I said I would take you away, and I would never leave you here. Is that what a man should do?"

Lin Quan found a rope, took off his tattered cloak, asked Armin and others to put Mikasa on his back, and then wrapped his own cloak of the Survey Corps, and tied them up with a rope. In this way, if the movement is not too violent, Mikasa tied on the back will not fall off!


Mikasa's eyes were slightly moist, and she didn't know whether she was irritated by Lin Quan's stubbornness or moved by his behavior. At this moment, her body could not move, and she could only hold Lin Quan tightly with her hands, feeling the heat radiating from him and the strong heartbeats.

"All right, let's go!"

After Lin Quan was ready, he immediately came to the roof and led everyone out of the supply station.

Lin Quan took the lead and rushed forward bravely, quickly knocking down the giant in front of him. The attacking giant on the side also discovered their troops at this time, and began to follow them closely with a messy pace!

"Quick, send a team to the east wall to pick them up. Don't leave the wall too far, just clear the giants at the foot of the wall!"

Seeing the people of the training corps moving through the telescope, Commander Pixis did not hesitate this time.

He was reluctant to send people to rescue them before, mainly because he would pay a huge price in casualties if he did so.

At this time, the risk of sending people to rescue people was much smaller, because Lin Quan had attracted many giants out, and they had already left the supply station, so they only needed to be picked up.

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