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"Lin, there are more and more giants!"

The soldiers on both wings kept sending bad news. If they were not very fast, they would have been cut off by the giants that were catching up!

"Hold on, there are less than 1,000 meters to go.

The tall city wall is like Noah's Ark in everyone's eyes. As long as they reach here, they will be basically safe!

However, the last 1,000 meters to the safe destination has become the biggest obstacle in front of everyone!

Two giants rushed over from the street in front.

Lin Quan's heart trembled, but there was no hesitation in the movements of his hands.

Even if he brought Mikasa with him, his movements were not as agile as before, but his strength was not underestimated by these brainless giants!

After making a detour from the left wing, using the height and the power of the turn, Lin Quan quickly landed on a giant.

When he landed, the back of the giant's neck was already open.

Without a doubt, this giant who looked very strong became the dead soul under Lin Quan's knife!

And he didn't stop at all, and continued to pounce on another giant, and it didn't take much effort to kill this giant!

But there are too many giants here!

They are still more than 900 meters away from the city wall!

"Connie, let the giant run to the northeast and don't keep following us!"

Alan's Attack Titan target is really too big. Originally, he was counting on him to help kill those small Titans that were inconvenient to deal with. However, unexpectedly, Alan not only failed to help, but also made things worse. The Titans he attracted were much more than the Titans he killed!

Such a price is really too heavy, and it is totally unacceptable!

So Lin Quan decided to send it away first, letting it escape to the northeast where there are fewer Titans. In that case, after Lin Quan brings everyone to the edge of the city wall, he can return and rescue it!

After hearing the order, Connie and others were a little at a loss. They didn't know how to communicate with this big guy. They hesitated for a while, and with a try-it mentality, they began to shout loudly at the Titan. Unexpectedly, this method really worked. This Titan who followed them all the way, did not hurt them, but helped them kill a lot of Titans, ran to the other side after hearing their words! As soon as the

Attack Titan left, it immediately changed its target, and most of them followed in the direction where Alan left!

"We are saved!"

Connie and the others breathed a sigh of relief. The feeling of being surrounded by giants just now really made them feel very depressed and nervous. After all, no matter how powerful Lin Quan was, he couldn't help them break through the blockade of the giants!

Without the strong pressure of the giants, the pressure on Lin Quan's side was suddenly reduced a lot. He didn't dare to delay and immediately rushed to the wall with the new recruits of the training corps. The few remaining giants along the way were easily killed by him. These giants didn't cause him much trouble!

But on the other side, Allen's situation was not so good!

""Armin, take good care of Mikasa, I'll go and bring Eren back!"

Lin Quan put Mikasa down from his back and handed her carefully to Armin and the others. He didn't have time to explain anything. He left the city wall and rushed towards Eren!

Eren's situation was not good at this time. He was surrounded by a large group of giants. Although he was still fighting hard, Lin Quan knew that he might not be able to resist for long. Eren's physical strength should have been used up long ago!

But it doesn't matter, he has completed his mission!

Without Mikasa's restraint, Lin Quan's agility returned to its peak, and he could finally kill well!

Facing the hordes of giants in front of him, Lin Quan's eyes did not have the slightest fear. He rushed into the pile of giants like an unstoppable war machine, madly slaughtering these monsters that seemed difficult to resist for ordinary soldiers!

"So… so strong!"

The soldiers had all escaped, and they were all sitting on the city wall to rest.

The thrilling escape just now left many of them with lingering fears!

At this time, seeing Lin Quan fearlessly rushing into the giant pile, and easily wandering between the gaps around the giants as if he had turned on a cheat, and lightly harvesting the lives of the giants with one very exaggerated move after another, they all widened their eyes, opened their mouths, and even forgot to breathe, and looked at all this stupidly, with expressions full of astonishment on their faces.

Obviously, Lin Quan's strength scared them!

""Huh, luckily you weren't eaten!"

At this time, Lin Quan finally dispersed all the giants around Allen.

In the middle of the giant's encirclement, Allen's situation was very bad. Most of his body had been eaten. Of course, this was the body of the giant, not Allen's own body. His body was also exposed from the giant's body. If Lin Quan came a little later, he might really be eaten by the giant! And if he was eaten by the giant

, then the giant that ate him would become an intelligent giant, right?

Lin Quan suddenly became curious. If the giant that ate him became an intelligent giant, that is, a giant with the power of the Attack Titan and the Founding Titan, does that mean that other giants would also eat it?

Then other giants would also become intelligent giants, and then be eaten again, and the cycle would continue until only one giant survived in the city?

It seems that this is feasible?

But the price is to let Allen be eaten. Lin Quan thought about it and decided to forget it. It's not worth it!_Please download the novel without underline

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