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"Hey, are you okay? Can you hold on?"

Lin Quan patted Alan's face and tried to wake him up with a little force, but it seemed that he fainted due to excessive force. Lin Quan patted him for a long time but failed to wake him up.

"Forget it, let's take him back first, I don't know what Pixis will think!"

Lin Quan picked up Allen and used the three-dimensional mobile device to leave the encirclement of the giants.

Because the body of the giant that Allen transformed into was still there, the other giants did not catch them at this time. Although there were several giants chasing them, Lin Quan didn't want to pay attention to those giants. Most of the other giants were attracted by the giant corpse left by Allen, and they all went to eat the corpse of that giant, which reduced a lot of their burden.

Speaking of which, in such a high-intensity battle just now, although Lin Quan's performance was amazing, it was still very exhausting for him. He was not really a machine, he was just an ordinary human, so he was not as good as others. Like his humans, Lin Quan would also feel tired.

After bringing Alan back, it seemed that he needed to have a good rest, otherwise he might not have the strength to continue fighting.

Because there was only one person, it was much easier to bring Alan to the city wall this time than before.

Pixis was very surprised to see Lin Quan rescued a person from the giant pile, because when Lin Quan fell just now, they were both surrounded by giants, so in the eyes of everyone on the wall, they did not see clearly what happened below.

Therefore, although they saw Lin Quan rescued Alan, they did not quite understand what was going on.


Krista got off the horse, holding the warhorse with one hand and putting the other hand on her chest, looking at the soldiers who were wounded and coming down from the battlefield with some worry.

There was an open space outside the city, where dozens of soldiers' bodies were lying. The team doctors were covering these soldiers with white cloths. There were also some bodies that looked miserable and bloody, and their identities had not been confirmed and registered.

Krista was even more worried. She was a little worried about her companions. She didn't know how Annie, Sasha, Ymir, Hannah, Mina and others were doing. On the other hand, she was more worried about Lin Quan's safety.

They received the news inside the walls of Xina, and after Lin Quan escorted her out of the sphere of influence of the Military Police, he rushed back without stopping. His intention was obvious. He wanted to save his companions and didn't want to see them all die in this raid.

Krista didn't know if he had caught up with the battle. She had a conflicting feeling on the way here. On the one hand, she hoped that Lin Quan hadn't caught up, so that he wouldn't be injured or lose his life. On the other hand, she was afraid of losing her friends. If they were really trapped and Lin Quan couldn't catch up, they would die.

With such a conflicting feeling, Krista finally arrived at the Rose Wall and came to the outside of the Trost District.

"It's so tragic. Half of his body was eaten, but he still crawled on his hands for more than 50 steps. His desire to survive was really strong!"

A soldier sighed as he looked at the half-body on the ground.

The team doctor shook his head:"He's not dead yet. What's his name?"

The soldier flipped over the nameplate of the deceased soldier and said:"It's Franz from the training corps."


A female soldier heard the name and screamed, then ran over like crazy, holding a corpse and crying loudly in pain.


Christa knew the female soldier. They were a couple in their class, Hannah and Franz. And the soldier on the ground...

Christa quickened her pace. She became even more worried.


"Have you arranged all the people?"

Lin Quan sat on the city wall, looking at the giant who had lost his target and was wandering around in the center of the city. He frowned slightly and said to the people behind him.

"Well, they all went down to rest. Lin, you have fought before, why don't you go and rest?"

Armin looked at Lin Quan with some worry. Lin's body was covered with blood, even his hair was bloodshot. He knew that most of it was the blood of the giants, but it still looked very scary.

Armin knew that Lin Quan was a person with mysophobia. He usually had very strict requirements for his hygiene. If he was a little dirty, he would wash it immediately. But at this time, his whole body was like a bloody man, and he didn't react at all. This abnormal attitude made him a little worried.

"Well, I'm fine, you go and rest. Oh, by the way, make some separate arrangements for Mikasa, I'll ask to see her injuries later."

Lin Quan hesitated for a moment, then said:"Also, don't tell her about Eren's condition."

Because Mikasa was a seriously injured soldier, she was directly transported away by the garrison corps when she was rescued, so she did not see the scene of Lin Quan rescuing Eren.

The reason why she was not told the news was because Eren had been locked up by Pixis at this time.

Although he did not see Eren transform into a giant with his own eyes, Pixis felt something strange, and he began to doubt Eren's identity cautiously, so he locked Eren up.

If Mikasa was told about this situation, it would definitely make her worried. Mikasa has a stubborn temper, and Lin Quan didn't want her to know about this and be distracted. Although this matter is not easy to handle, Lin Quan still has to intervene in this matter.

"I see, Lin, you will save Eren, right?"

Armin is very smart. He has actually guessed something. When the previous giant showed abnormality, he had already thought of something. Combined with Lin Quan's previous arrangements, Armin obtained more information and made a bold guess: Eren is the giant!

"Well, probably!" Lin Quan turned around and smiled at him.

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