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Quan nodded, and it was probably not beyond his expectations.

They were selected into the Levi class, which was something Lin Quan had guessed a long time ago!

If the Survey Corps had not made such a decision before, then Lin Quan had changed their decision with a battle and a record-breaking test in the morning!

He didn't believe that after seeing how strong his strength was, the Survey Corps would still be bold enough to put him in other classes! Are n't they afraid that others can't control them?

No, they will definitely have some concerns, and so far, the only one who has the strength to control Lin Quan is probably the captain!

Moreover, the original intention of the establishment of the Levi class was to become the sharpest bayonet, piercing the enemy's heart directly to complete the task that others could not complete, so those who entered the Levi class were the strongest soldiers!

Lin Quan and Mikasa's strengths were outstanding and met the requirements of the Levi class very well. It was not surprising that they were selected into the Levi class!

Mikasa was a little surprised, as if she was a little surprised that she and Lin Quan were selected to join Levi's class. She had heard of Levi's name. After all, there was someone next to her who knew everything about the Survey Corps, so he knew more about the members of the Survey Corps. The ones she had heard the most about were probably the captain Erwin and the captain Levi.

She knew that the captain was very powerful, and she also knew that there was a strongest combat class in the Survey Corps that had defeated more than hundreds of Titans - the Levi class, but she never thought that one day she would join this class.

"Okay, everyone's assignment has been announced. Is everything clear? If so, then leave!"

After Hanji finished his announcement, he left on his own, and Lin Quan also turned around and prepared to report to Levi's class.

"Lin, you don't seem surprised at all?"

Mikasa saw him leave, so she followed him and asked

"Well, I guessed it a long time ago, there's nothing to be surprised about!"

Lin Quan was thinking about the mission of the Survey Corps this time. The captain's previous words had made it very clear that their main task was to reserve resources and investigate the Titans, not to fight to the death with the Titans, so if the battle can be avoided, then they need to avoid the Titans and win at the lowest cost!

Titans are transformed from humans, or to be more precise, from the Eldians, and killing Titans is actually not very meaningful. The reason why the Titans outside the walls of Maria became Titans is because someone is constantly exiling prisoners to the continent where they are, or to be more precise, to the island where they are!

After these prisoners are injected with the Titans' cerebrospinal fluid, they will become brainless Titans. This is the reason why the number of Titans on their island has not decreased too much!

Despite the successive Survey Corps' They paid a huge price when they went to investigate, but they actually killed quite a few giants!

According to current human research on giants, giants have no brains, do not need to eat (no digestive organs), and cannot reproduce, so it should be very simple and easy to eliminate them. Even if they have to exchange human lives with them, it is a very cost-effective thing, because giants cannot reproduce, which means that their number is fixed!

But the fact is not like this.

Over the past one hundred years, the Survey Corps has carried out more than fifty investigations outside the wall, suffering more than tens of thousands of casualties and killing more than 2,000 giants.

However, the number of giants outside has not only not decreased, but has greatly increased.

When they were conducting investigations outside the wall before, they could move forward hundreds of miles after leaving the wall.

kilometers to conduct an investigation, but now, it is difficult for the Survey Corps to maneuver so far!

Because the number of giants has increased a lot, they can no longer advance that far, so the casualties of the Survey Corps are getting higher and higher. Even if Captain Erwin used a long-distance search formation, he could not reduce the casualties of the Survey Corps as effectively as before!

All this is based on the premise that they know nothing, and Lin Quan knows a little more than them!

He knows that they are just trapped on an island, with extremely closed information and very backward technology.

The outside world has even developed fighter jets and airships, but they are still at the technological level of the Middle Ages.

If it weren’t for the three walls full of giants on this island, they might have been wiped out long ago.

The people who knew the inside story didn’t want the people at the bottom to know more.

Whenever the Survey Corps wanted to do something big, they would always find various reasons to stop the Survey Corps.

This led to difficulties for the Survey Corps.

Thinking of this, Lin Quan sighed. A lot of things suddenly came to his mind. If he told this information, people might not believe it, and it might not be good for everyone. Maybe then he would cause internal strife. Instead of that, he might as well wait and see and let nature take its course!

Finally, Lin Quan gave up the idea of leaking what he knew. Being in a torrent, being the one who stood up might be the first to be washed away by the torrent...

Thinking about it, Levi’s class had already arrived.

"Hey, new recruits are coming! Come and see, the regiment commander has assigned us new recruits to clean toilets!"

"Oro, don't bully the newcomers, the captain said that we should treat every partner well!"

Petra came out, glared at Oro, walked in front of Lin Quan and Mikasa, smiled and stretched out her hand to them:"Hello, I am a member of Levi's class, my name is Petra Lal, I am very happy to meet you, we will be partners fighting side by side in the future, so get along well!"

If Krista is a little angel, then Petra's image looks like a big sister next door, with a distinct temper, but she cares about her partners very much!_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading-collect

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