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"Yes, since you have come to our Levi class, we will be partners in the future. We must work hard together. Hello, I am Elder King, this is Genta Schultz, and that guy is called Oruo Bozart. Don’t be fooled by his ferocious appearance, he is actually a very interesting person!"When everyone in Levi's class heard Oruo's voice, they all came out and greeted Lin Quan and the others.

Lin Quan shook hands with them one by one, smiled, and said:"Hello, seniors, we are new here, and we hope you will take care of us in the future!"

Mikasa followed Lin Quan's lead, so when she saw Lin Quan posing like this, she followed suit and bowed to several people.

Everyone in Levi's class was relieved to see that Lin Quan and the others were so obedient and well-behaved.

They had already known these two people before Lin Quan came, and knew that they were very powerful, but it was precisely for this reason that they were worried that Lin Quan and the other two would become troublemakers, because their strength was too great to handle for the other four except for the Captain, so the situation might be difficult to control, and when they saw Lin Quan's attitude at this time, they seemed to be very sensible, and not as difficult to deal with as they had imagined before!

So everyone felt relieved!

"Haha, no problem, we'll be partners from now on, so there's no need to be so formal!"

Elder looked very happy, and took Lin Quan and Mikasa around, introducing them to the rules of Levi's class and their main tasks.

"Our main task is to deal with those difficult giants that pose a threat to the main force's advance, such as the Time-Traveling Giants. They are very fast and their movements are unpredictable, so they are difficult to deal with. We must get rid of them to prevent their existence from threatening the main force! And because of this reason, the frequency of our class's battles is much higher than that of other classes!"

He introduced it in great detail, mainly to make Lin Quan and Mikasa mentally prepared in advance. After all, they will soon need to go out to carry out the 52nd wall survey, which means that they will soon have another battle, so let them be mentally prepared in advance so that they will not panic easily!

"It's not that complicated. Let's keep it simple, kid. Our goal is the Titans. Others are here to complete their missions, but we are here to kill the Titans. Let me tell you, don't be surprised. My current record is that I have defeated 39 Titans independently! How do you think? You admire me, don't you?"

While Elder was talking, Aoou was hanging around. This time, he finally found an opportunity to interrupt him, and he immediately said something to show off his record.

Mikasa was very surprised after hearing this. She defeated 39 giants alone. It was too scary!

Lin Quan had been prepared for this number. The records of the people in Levi's class were very scary, especially when they were facing the very difficult female giants. Their performance was perfect. After losing one person, they still exerted great combat power. If they hadn't miscalculated and didn't expect the female giant's self-repair ability to be so strong, they might not have had the opportunity to kill the female giant!

And it was for this reason that when the four people in Levi's class all died in battle, many viewers expressed their regret. Maybe they couldn't remember every one of the four people, but the only woman here, that is, the best remembered character, is definitely unforgettable to many people, that is Sister Pei.

When Sister Pei appeared in front of Lin Quan alive and kicking at this time, he had to sigh: It's great to be alive!

"So, how many victories did the Captain have?"

Lin Quan didn't care about the number of victories that Oruo had won. On the contrary, he was more concerned about the Captain's data. After all, the Captain was a very skilled person. Since a guy like Oruo could achieve such a brilliant record, the Captain's record must be incredible!

"Why are you asking so many questions about this?"

Oluo saw that Lin Quan did not show any surprise at his record, let alone admiration, but instead asked about the captain's record, and he immediately felt unhappy.

"Haha, I'm just a little curious. So, Senior Aoluou, you don't know? Sister Pei, do you know?"

Lin Quan turned his head to look at Sister Pei and ignored Aoluou!

This guy is the typical person who wants to show his presence. For such a person, it is best to ignore his words!

"I'm not sure about this. Before we came into the Survey Corps, the Captain had already been fighting Titans, so how many Titans he has defeated? This number is probably only known to the Captain. But one thing is clear, that is, the number of Titans that the Captain has defeated alone is more than the four of us combined!"

Sister Petra admires the Captain very much, and because of Isabel, the Captain has always treated Petra as his own sister, so Sister Petra has a little misunderstanding. She is a little hopelessly in love with the Captain, and therefore has admiration and worship for him.……

"So that's a bit scary!"

Lin Quan nodded, and seeing the little stars in Sister Pei's eyes, Lin Quan finally understood why the captain had that look of pity in his eyes when he saw Sister Pei's tragic death!

"However, since it cannot be measured, there is no way to surpass it, so I set a small goal for myself!"

Lin Quan suddenly raised his voice, glanced at the four people, and said to them.

The four people were very curious and looked at Lin Quan, wondering what he was going to announce.

"If it's your first expedition, just chop down 100 giants!"

Lin Quan smiled and said casually!_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download

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