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"Is this guy serious? 100 giants? Are you kidding me?"

Genta shook his head and looked down on Lin Quan's small goal. Let alone 100 giants, it would be very difficult for him to kill one giant!

"This kid really looks like me when I was young!"

Oruo looked nostalgic, as if he was thinking of his past.……

"Ahem, okay, that's all for today. We'll be setting off in a few days, so we won't be training today. Come early tomorrow and work together. These are things we must use in the battle!"

Elder coughed twice, waking everyone up from the shock of Lin Quan's announcement.

After he announced the decision, he left on his own, and everyone else also dispersed.

Mikasa looked at Lin Quan and asked,"What about us now? What are we going to do?"

Lin Quan held his chin and thought for a while, then asked,"Do you have any money on you?"


Mikasa was stunned for a moment, thinking what he was going to do, but it turned out to be money.

She looked through her pockets, but there was nothing in them, not to mention money, not even a film producer, she was so poor!

"No money……"

Mikasa opened her empty pockets to show him.

Lin Quan put his hand on his forehead. He really had no money. It seemed that borrowing money from Mikasa was not a good idea.

Mikasa had been living in Allen's house. Allen's family was not very wealthy. The pocket money they had was very limited. In addition, they had left their hometown and spent more than three years outside. Even if they had money, it would have been spent long ago!

"Well, I don’t have any money either!"

Lin Quan opened his pocket and looked at it. It was also empty, and there was even a hole.

Mikasa wanted to laugh when she saw it. This guy……

"What do you want the money for?"

Mikasa was a little curious. Lin Quan suddenly asked her for money and didn't say what he was going to do.

"Well, it is somewhat useful, but I need to make something that is not enough for the two of us even if we have money. I don’t know if there are rewards for killing more giants in the Survey Corps."

He wants to make a hot air balloon, so that he doesn’t have to fight on horseback on the ground, but can fight in the air, and then the range of action and vision will be greatly expanded, and it will be more convenient to fight against the giants. He only needs to operate the hot air balloon and land directly on the back of the giant’s neck to attack them.

But knowing the principle of a hot air balloon does not mean that he can make it.

"Oh, then I'll go back first, you take your time with your work!

Mikasa didn't seem to be interested in what he said, so she turned and left.

Lin Quan breathed a sigh of relief and took out the small piece of paper in his hand. There were a lot of things written on it, most of which were small things used by girls. These were the things he was going to buy for the little angel. Speaking of which, they would be seconded to the Survey Corps for a long time, and it would be very inappropriate if he didn't bring some gifts back for the little angel after returning.

So he was actually collecting money to buy gifts for the little angel, so he bought some at this time and asked someone to bring them over. She must be very worried now that she is in the training corps...

But, the landlord's family had no surplus food, and Lin Quan had no money in his hands, which was very embarrassing!

Think of a way to raise money, right?

Lin Quan looked at the time and found that it was still early. In that case, he would go out for a walk. There was a forest next to him, so he could go in and take a look. Maybe he would have a chance to hunt!

So Lin Quan prepared some weapons and sneaked away.


"Captain, the two new recruits have reported in!"

Captain Levi finally came back after discussing things with Captain Erwin, and Petra couldn't wait to tell him everything that happened during the day.

"Okay, I see. Where are they? Aren't they here?"

The captain casually took off his three-dimensional mobile device and put it in the equipment room, then asked.

"No, they should be in the room arranged by the Corps before!"

"Okay, I got it!"

After taking off his equipment, the captain hesitated for a moment, and still did not change his clothes. He left the room in his training uniform and went outside. It seemed that he was going to Lin Quan and Mikasa!

"Petra, Captain, are you going to check the wards?"

"It seems so, it seems that he still cares a lot about these two recruits!"

"Yes, these two new recruits are quite capable. If they are trained well, they can greatly improve our class!"

While they were talking, the captain had already come to Mikasa and Lin Quan.

"Are you Mikasa Ackerman?"

The captain frowned. He only saw Mikasa in the room. Lin Quan was nowhere to be seen. He felt a little unhappy, but he still greeted Mikasa.

"Captain Levi, Private Mikasa Ackerman reports to you!"

Mikasa was startled. She was writing a letter to Eren when the captain suddenly came. She was really not prepared at all!

"Well, where are your companions?"

Levi nodded and glanced at them nonchalantly. The surname Ackerman was very special. The girl probably didn't know what it meant, but if she was really a member of the Ackerman family, then it wouldn't be surprising that she had outstanding strength.

"Over there in the central square!"

Lin Quan had just come back once, covered in blood, and brought a lot of prey, including rabbits, pheasants, hedgehogs, and even large prey like wild boars and sika deer. It was hard to believe that he had caught so many things in such a short time!

After leaving a few rabbits for Mikasa, Lin Quan took his prey and left, as if he was going to sell them for money!

"Central Square?"

Levi was stunned. This square was no longer inside the camp. This guy actually ran out at this point. It was really outrageous!

"Captain, do you need him for something? Do you want me to go and get him back?"

"No, you take a rest, I will go find him myself!"_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading -

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