"Sister Pei, I am not too late, am I?"

Lin Quan took back the knife. He was not used to using this blade knife. It felt a little lighter, and it felt a little worse when cutting!

But this knife is really sharp. With this knife, the effect of using it is much better!

Lin Quan walked down from the giant under his feet. This time, after he chopped down the giant, he did not fly away, because there was no place around to leverage, so he couldn't fly away.

"Well, you came just in time!"

Petra breathed a sigh of relief and looked back. Oruo and his team had already killed the giant. At this time, the two giants on their side also fell down. They had completed the task assigned to them by the captain before, and they could go to support the captain!

"Boy, you can do it! You killed two giants by yourself!"

Oloo had planned to continue to refresh his record, but the giant on their side was killed by Mikasa, and the giant on Petra's side was killed by Lin Quan. Three 12-meter-level giants all died in the hands of two recruits, which was somewhat embarrassing for him!

"Haha, it’s not bad, just barely, not as good as your achievement of conquering 39 giants!"

Lin Quan smiled slightly and greeted Mikasa. Mikasa looked fine and nothing happened. Lin Quan was relieved!

"Let's go support the Captain. It will be very difficult for him to deal with two 15-meter-level giants alone!"

Sister Pei was more worried about the situation on the Captain's side. Although she was confident in his strength, she was too worried. After all, these were two 15-meter-level giants. It would be very difficult for the Captain to deal with them alone!

"Haha, that's not necessarily true. Look, hasn't the Captain dealt with them all?"

Elder smiled and put away his equipment, and began to call his warhorse.

Everyone looked back and saw that, as expected, the two 15-meter-level giants had all fallen down. As for how they fell down, there was no need to think about it at this time. They must have known that it was the Captain who killed them!

"Help the vanguard squad send their wounded into the city, and then we will meet up with the main force!"

The captain was already riding towards them, followed by another horse with a wounded member of the vanguard squad on it.

Everyone nodded and began to clean up the battlefield with the vanguard squad.

Although this was a battle taking place under the noses of the garrison, out of fear of the giants, the garrison was not willing to leave the city to help them clean up the battlefield. They had to clean up the bodies of the wounded and the dead themselves and then send them into the city. If the giants outside surrounded them again, the garrison might even close the city gates and not let them in!

Lin Quan sighed slightly in his heart. Although they were all imperial armies, the contradictions between the Survey Corps, the Garrison Corps and the Military Police were very large. Such a large contradiction was very detrimental to their mutual cooperation and coordinated operations. When disadvantaged!

For a long time, the garrison corps has a large number of people, and its manpower and equipment are far ahead of the other two corps, but they have not made much achievements in fighting against giants. This is certainly related to the fact that their jurisdiction is too large and the manpower is too spread out, but it can also be seen from here that there is a contradiction of non-cooperation between them and other corps.

Under the premise of having such a powerful enemy outside the wall, the Eldians inside the wall are still scheming against each other. Such a country is really despairing!

Lin Quan could only sigh for this. Every empire that is on the verge of national extinction will face such a desperate situation on the eve of its demise, and the Eldians may have reached this stage!

The vanguard squad had been crippled, so they did not continue to follow them.

Captain Levi put him After they settled down, they started to advance at full speed with their subordinates, ready to catch up with the large force in front!

The long-distance search formation of the Survey Corps is very layered, and each team in it has its own important responsibilities. The outermost team is the outer row (initial row) search team, the inner team is the two-wing search array, and there are support teams in the intervals. In the middle is the command team, and behind them are the carriage team, supply team, and special operations team.

They are equipped with four types of flares!

Red: Flares to detect the approach of ordinary Titans!

Black: Flares to detect the approach of abnormal Titans!

Green: Flares used by the command team in the central array to notify subordinates to change direction!

Yellow: Flares used when unpredictable events occur!

These courses are basic courses that need to be learned in class, and every soldier in the training corps must master them before graduation. 's knowledge, these things are not only used in the Survey Corps, but also in the garrison corps and other corps!

When the female titan disappeared from the formation set by the commander, she changed into the uniform of a general Survey Corps soldier, and fired a green flare to lure Allen, who was protected by Levi's squad, to where she wanted to go, and then took the opportunity to ambush and kill all the members of Levi's squad!

As the most special unit in this formation, the special operations squad, that is, the position of the Levi squad, is not in the middle of the team like the 57th wall survey. The position is in the front of the command squad, below the vanguard squad, so that once the command squad receives any information, it can immediately command and dispatch the special operations squad to deal with it.

Although the number of people in the special operations squad is not large, they are very important. Without them, the strength of the Survey Corps will be greatly reduced!

Because of the limited manpower and the relatively backward communication tools, there are not many people every time the Survey Corps attacks.

During the 52nd Outer Wall Survey, there were more than 200 members of the Survey Corps participating, but at that time the total strength of the Survey Corps was approximately 1,200 members, so those who were selected to participate in the Outer Wall Survey were basically the elite among the elite!

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