Because they were riding two horses, they were very fast and ignored the giants that appeared on the road. On flat ground, as long as they didn't slow down, the giants basically couldn't catch up with them!

Lin Quan's mind was no longer on the march. He had just killed two giants and got 200 experience points. He should have been promoted to level 9. He was only a little short of level 10. He could level up by killing another giant.

So at this time, Lin Quan was eager to participate in the battle immediately, so that he could accumulate experience and complete the upgrade in a short time!

"Lin, when we get there, take out your knife and show it to me!"

While he was daydreaming, the sergeant suddenly said something to Lin Quan. Lin Quan was slightly stunned. Knife? What's wrong with the knife?

If it wasn't inappropriate to open it and check it on horseback at this time, he really wanted to take it apart and see what was wrong with his knife.

The sergeant couldn't have said such a strange thing for no reason. He must have a reason for saying this, but Lin Quan didn't know what the focus of his concern was.

"Oh, I see!"

He nodded, thinking that he would go over and check his sword first.

The main force left not far away, so they soon caught up with the main force of the Survey Corps.

"All resolved?"

The main force's advance speed had slowed down at this time, and Levi's squad soon returned.

Captain Erwin handed a kettle to Sergeant Levi and asked him:

"Well, it's all solved!"

The soldier took the kettle, took a sip and returned it.

This kettle actually belonged to the soldier himself, not to the captain. It's just that the soldier is a bit of a germaphobe, and it's a bit serious.

He doesn't like those dirty creatures killed by him, nor does he want them to dirty his things, so before the battle, he put some of his personal belongings with the captain. Although the captain's position is not the safest position in the entire army, he is the person in the entire army who is least likely to fight with the giant!

Just imagine, if even the captain himself has to take a knife to the battlefield, how bad would their situation be!

So if you leave your things with the captain for safekeeping, it won't be too difficult to find, and it won't be dirty. It's a good choice.

"How did the two newcomers perform?"

The captain did not seem to ask about the casualties of the vanguard class, but directly asked about the performance of Lin Quan and Mikasa. This shows that he still attaches great importance to Mikasa and Lin Quan, which is not at all like the indifference he showed before.

"Very good, except for my two giants, the remaining three giants were killed by the two of them!"

The captain had no expression on his face. He said what the facts were, basically without any emotion, but he added some of his own comments, such as"very good".

The captain smiled slightly and looked at him. It was rare!

The arrogant Levi would actually praise others for being very good. This was something he had never thought of before!

But such a thing made him a little happy!

The captain basically would not doubt what Levi said. He believed in Levi's judgment and his own vision.

Although he had not shown too much attention and care about these two people before, he actually admired his old boss, Instructor Keith.

The two newcomers sent to him by his old boss this time were very strong.

If he could keep them, then with these two people as the team, he would form two special combat squads and deploy them to the left and right wings.

In that case, the combat effectiveness of his troops would be greatly improved.

In the future, when he encounters problems on the left and right wings, it will not be so difficult to solve them.

"Oh, really? That's good!"

The captain just thought about this for a moment, and he didn't mean to say it out loud, especially considering that these two people haven't graduated yet, and it's hard to say where they will go after graduation. If he shows too much attention to them at this time, I'm afraid that the garrison corps and the military police corps will come to snatch them away!

"There is a forest ahead. This place is rather strange. We haven't studied it too much before, but this place can be used as a supply station for us. It may come in handy in the future!"

The captain pointed to a forest that was getting closer and closer in front of him and said to his subordinates.

Levi looked in the direction he pointed and was slightly surprised.

There are such huge trees in this world. The height seems to be hundreds of meters!

Such huge trees are not one or two, but a whole piece. This place is an ideal place for the Survey Corps!

The most difficult part of fighting in the wild is that there is no good terrain for them to display. The combat effectiveness of the Survey Corps is one of the best, but if the conditions are not suitable for fighting, they can't play out their martial arts even if they have nothing!

Therefore, the long-distance search formation of the Survey Corps was not developed to fight with giants, but to avoid fighting with giants, reduce their own casualties, and flexibly according to the outside. The intelligence of the encirclement was used to change the formation of the marching route.

However, the giants are powerful and stupid creatures. Once they discover humans, they will relentlessly pursue them.

One consequence of this is that the giants that the Survey Corps encountered along the way, even if they were separated by their speed, these giants would most likely still relentlessly pursue them behind them.

If they encounter strange species, these guys will be very fast and even more unpredictable. They might stick to their butts and can't be shaken off!

This is definitely not a solution, because the carriage is heavy and the horses have limited physical strength. It is impossible to keep running at high speed. They must find a place to deal with the giants following behind!

And this forest is a very ideal place!

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