After fierce competition, Wu Xu got his wish and got the ranking, ranking 9th in the late stage of great warriors! This ranking is already very good for him who has just entered the late stage of great warriors! In addition to him, several other people also got rankings, but their rankings were not high. "It's a pity for Brother Lu that he didn't participate in this Qingzhou Martial Arts Competition, otherwise he would definitely get a better ranking!" After the Qingzhou Martial Arts Competition, everyone gathered in a high-end restaurant in the city to celebrate their ranking. After drinking two cups of horse urine, Wu Xu couldn't help but regret that Lu Zhe didn't participate in the Qingzhou Martial Arts Competition. His ranking this time was very good, and there were three rewards for him to choose one. The other two items were useless to him. The other one was a third-level demon pill. Thinking that Lu Zhe needed this thing, Xiao Xiao chose that demon pill.

He threw the demon pill to Lu Zhe. Lu Zhe did not refuse, but took it directly and promised to bring him some pills for cultivation next time he came to Qingzhou City.

"Brother Lu is leaving again?"

Hearing Lu Zhe's words, the others were shocked, especially Yu Xiaoqian.

Just after participating in the Qingzhou Martial Arts Conference, she wanted to take Lu Zhe to the famous places in the city to play and enhance the relationship between the two sides to see if there is any chance.

Unexpectedly, Lu Zhe actually proposed to leave Qingzhou City at this time.

When Lu Zhe said that he was going back to Bianchang Town, the others were very puzzled.

In theory, Qingzhou City is more prosperous than Bianchang Town. Whether it is cultivation resources or living standards,

It is not Changsha. It is the kind of small place that can be compared. To put it bluntly, there are many more beauties in Qingzhou City!

They couldn't understand. They had the ability to open a store in Qingzhou City, so why did they return to the small Bianchang Town to live?

Lu Zhe would not answer their questions. He silently poured himself a bowl of fine wine, and slowly ate the cooked beef meat on the table.

He returned to Bianchang Town to prepare for his college plan.

After watching the Qingzhou Martial Arts Competition, he also saw the strength of the young talents in Qingzhou City,

and also saw the gap between Bianchang Town and them.

A sense of urgency naturally arose in his heart.

After all, it is still a war era. Who knows, some day some people can't stay in Qingzhou City and run to Bianchang Town to bully others. If they don't have some means, how can they keep their own property?

This is the family foundation he fought hard to win in the Sky World.

He must return to Bianchang Town to speed up the development of Bianchang Town, and at the same time start his own extraordinary reagent experiment.

"Since Brother Lu has made up his mind to leave, we will not try to persuade him to stay. However, we hope that Brother Lu will come to Qingzhou City often. Apart from other things, we still have a certain face in this city!"

They knew that they could not change Lu Zhe's mind, so they shook their heads helplessly.

But in fact, the problem was not big. After all, Lu Zhe had a shop in the city. He just went back to Bianchang Town.

In their opinion, Lu Zhe must come to Qingzhou City to settle down in the future.

Except for Yu Xiaoqian who was a little uninterested, the others calmed down and drank and ate meat.

Two days later, Lu Zhe and Wang Hu took three people away from Qingzhou City.

On the way back, Lu Zhe was not idle, but kept planning the future development direction of Bianchang Town.

The college plan was determined to be established a long time ago, but at that time, he only thought about establishing a warrior college,

and did not plan the immortal cultivation and supernatural departments. Now that there are the inheritances of the immortal cultivation and supernatural departments, they must be included.

However, joining still requires skills, after all, the difference between the Immortal Cultivation Department and the Supernatural Department is too big compared to the Warrior Department!

It is easy to attract the attention of others, so who will enter the Warrior Department Academy to practice, and who will enter the Immortal Cultivation Supernatural Department to study,

This requires a selection standard.

Before, he originally wanted to let the people of Hutou Village learn the Immortal Cultivation Department and the Supernatural Department, and select talented children in Bianchang Town to serve Bianchang Town to learn the Warrior Department.

In this way, Bianchang Town has both the power of the Warrior Department and the power of the Immortal Cultivation Department and the Supernatural Department.

And the power of the Immortal Cultivation Department and the Supernatural Department is equivalent to being firmly in the hands of the people of Hutou Village. As for whether it will be leaked, it may be, but it is better than letting outsiders.

After all, Hutou Village has come to where it is today.

His help is indispensable, and he will definitely maintain the status of the people of Hutou Village.

But after this trip to Qingzhou City, Lu Zhe saw the gap between Bianchang Town and big cities like Qingzhou City.

Not only in the strength of the warriors, but also in the foundation, the number of warriors is very different!

After the repeated purges of Hutou Village, there is not a single young hero in Bianchang Town, not including the villagers of Hutou Village and Lu Zhe!

And what about Qingzhou City?

There are so many that a Qingzhou Martial Arts Conference can be held!

This does not include those who did not participate in the Qingzhou Martial Arts Conference.

It is true that if Bianchang Town wants to develop, it is essential to attract talents from the outside world, but it is equally important to explore its own potential.

With hundreds of thousands of people in the city, as long as the inspection is in place, many talented children will be selected from them.

And their selection method is not limited to martial arts talents, but also includes immortal cultivation talents and extraordinary talents.

It can be said that they have three standards to select talents. In this case, there must be more people who can be selected.

As long as they can be trained and their loyalty is determined, it will become a great help to Bianchang Town and a powerful force in Lu Zhe's hands!

It may not be impossible to bring this force to Blue Star in the future to help him deal with some unnecessary troubles on Blue Star.

Before, Cynthia was asked to help him find some brainwashing information for this matter.

Cultivate these people and form their own foundation, and then rely on the Bianchang Town base to gradually erode the sphere of influence of Qingzhou City.

Once the scope of Qingzhou City becomes chaotic, he will be able to capture the city and seize resources!

Even though he couldn't be blatant before Qingzhou City had problems, he could still develop his own strength with the help of the stable situation in Qingzhou City.

When his power grows up, he doesn't need to look at the face of Qingzhou City at all. At that time, there are thousands of ways to go!

It can be said that whether Qingzhou City is in chaos or not, it will not affect Lu Zhe's development of his own power, and the establishment of the academy is also something he must do!

For this, he has made sufficient preparations. He asked the village chief's people to sort out the training methods of the warrior system in advance, and also got a detailed training system of the extraordinary system from Blue Star.

Various martial arts and spiritual skills have been prepared, not to mention the resources. Once he returns to Bianchang Town, the butcher knife will fall on the major families immediately.

It can be said that everything is ready, only some specific details are left.

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