As the carriage continued to move, Lu Zhe and others were getting closer and closer to Bianchang Town. When the carriage entered a cement road, Xiaoming, who was sitting in the car, suddenly felt that the comfort level was improved to a higher level, and there was no longer the shaking feeling before. This also meant that they officially entered the coverage of Bianchang Town. Thank you, after the road that connected Bianchang Town and Hutou Village before. He did not ask his subordinates to stop the road construction, but continued to renovate the road system covered by Bianchang Town.

The material used was the cement he brought from Blue Star.

And this cement was not an ordinary material for building roads.

It was a high-grade material for building highways. The roads built were not only of very good quality and not easy to be damaged, but also more stable.

Of course, the price would not be cheap, but this was not something Lu Zhe had to do, but the sky world was different.

They had very common extraordinary powers. Not to mention humans, but the monsters in the wild had powers that ordinary people could not reach. This power was very destructive to the roads. If the roads were of poor quality, they would be destroyed by the monsters after a period of time.

Therefore, in order to prevent the repair work from being too frequent, Lu Zhe decisively chose better quality materials for construction and used a lot of steel bars.

If this were known by some people, they would directly cut off his road and steal the steel bars from it to forge weapons.

After all, the forging of weapons in this area is relatively backward. In their opinion, the quality of steel bars is already a very good thing. If they were to buy them, they would have to pay a very high price.

As the carriage continued to move, Lu Zhe and his team came to a rest stop at the farthest point.

When the transportation system was first built, according to Lu Zhe's instructions, rest areas were set up on all sections of the road.

Especially on the sparsely populated but very important transportation roads, rest stops were set up at intervals.

These stops not only provide accommodation and supply services, but also open a small number of shops.

The shops have some specialties from Bianchang Town, which are sold to the caravans.

Every rest stop will have someone guarding it to prevent someone from directly robbing the shops.

After all, this is a different world. In such a place that can be said to be in the wilderness, if you are robbed, you are robbed. No one will chase the murderer. If you are not strong enough and are robbed, you can only blame yourself for your bad luck.

In order to prevent this from happening, people must be sent to guard. Of course, because there are many rest stops, if a great warrior is sent to each stop, the human resources required are very terrifying. Therefore, the people guarding the rest stops are all villagers from Hutou Village who hold guns.

The strength is not particularly high. There are people from the early to late stages of warriors. It is not required to have a high level of cultivation, but they must be familiar with guns and have special training to deal with close combat with warriors.

The road they are on is the only way from Bianchang Town to Qingzhou City.

Therefore, there will be rest stops every few distances, and the rest stop they arrived at is the farthest one.

"Waiter, serve a table of good dishes!"

When they came to the rest stop, they found that there were quite a few people here, almost all of them were caravans running outside. Wang Hu got off the carriage, and after settling the carriage, they entered the inn.

The inn not only provides accommodation services, but also Bianchang Town delicacies. Most of these delicacies are recipes brought by Lu Zhe from Blue Star. After changing the ingredients and transforming, they have promoted the popular delicacies of Bianchang Town!

"Okay, wait a moment, guests!"

Although the waiter was called, most of the service staff in the inn were good-looking women. They walked around with plates of dishes to meet the guests' requirements.

Of course, the requirements here refer to the requirements for serving dishes.

"It seems that the village chief and his team have implemented these plans very well! Just from this menu, you can see the tricks!"

The moment he got the menu, Wang Hu's eyes lit up.

I didn't expect that after just leaving for a while, new delicacies would be introduced!

This is a treat!

After wiping his saliva, Wang Hu directly ordered all the delicacies he had never eaten!

He also ordered a lot of his favorite foods!

The quantity was not small, and the table was directly piled up.

Seeing this scene, Lu Zhe just smiled and didn't say anything.

There is no such thing as wasting food in this world. The strong can enjoy more.


"Hey, let me tell you, I didn't expect that Bianchang Town would develop into this after just two years of not coming here! It's really unexpected!"

"That's right, let alone these new things, I was stunned!"

There were many people eating together in the inn, most of whom were talking about the changes in Bianchang Town.

Most of their caravans had fixed business routes, and many of them would pass through Bianchang Town.

Although the time interval between business trips was very long, they saw the changes in Bianchang Town.

From an ordinary, economically depressed small town to a completely new look today,

It took less than a year!

At the table next to Lu Zhe, there gathered a group of merchants from afar. They had been to Bianchang Town several years ago, but as they yearned for life in the Central Plains, they left for the capital of the Central Plains.

Now because of the war, they have returned to this area to make a living, but they didn't expect that when they passed through Bianchang Town again, they almost couldn't find the way!

In the past, Bianchang Town gave them a plain impression, with nothing particularly outstanding.

How can I describe it now? I can't describe the shock in my heart.

"I really don't know how they built those roads to be so flat. The carriage is very comfortable on the road!"

Zhang Xiaozi stuffed a few peanuts into his mouth and talked to the others in the group.

"You don't say it either. There is really no such thing in other places. Not only the road, but also this rest stop. I feel it is very convenient!"

The thin man sitting next to him looked a little wretched, but his eyes revealed a simple and honest look that was different from his facial features.

He found that he had finished eating the peanuts in front of him, so he grabbed a handful from Zhang Xiaozi, and then ate while sighing:

"Did you notice? Not only the roads and rest stops, but also the house layout and road planning in Bianchang Town all look very simple and clean.

Both the public security and living environment are very good. If it were more prosperous, I might want to settle here!"

Generally, when they go to other cities for business, they need to pay money to enter the city, and the amount they pay is different. Many times, the soldiers guarding the city gate are in a bad mood,

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