The two sides of the river were in chaos, and the two sides had to face each other.

They discussed their countermeasures step by step, and gradually analyzed the interests of their families.

Finally, they decided to stop resisting and comply with the policy of the City Lord's Mansion.

Since there is no way to resist, just lie down and enjoy it!

There is really no way. If the City Lord's Mansion prohibits family disciples from joining the academy, then they can only leave Bianchang Town with pain!

After formulating countermeasures, the patriarchs of each family immediately left the Zhou family and returned to their own families to arrange for disciples of the right age in the family to go to the testing point in the east of the city for testing.

On the other side, Zhang Ergou took his son Goudan and hurriedly ran to the testing point set up in the east of the city with the flow of people.

Because the test targets all children of the same age in the entire Bianchang Town, which is tens of thousands of people!

Therefore, the City Lord's Mansion specially allocated a piece of land in the east of the city and set up hundreds of test points here. All the people who came to take the test lined up in long queues, waiting to be tested at each test point.

Zhang Ergou was anxious when he saw so many people and so many test points, but he had no choice.

However, he did not immediately find a test point to queue up, but dragged Goudan to look at several test points, and finally found a line with the shortest queue and ran over.

"You unfilial son, I tell you that you must listen to your father this time. It's a great opportunity to be able to practice for free!"

Zhang Ergou pulled Goudan over, pressed him beside him and taught him harshly.

When he was young, he also had a dream of practicing. He emptied his family property and sold his "beauty" to have a chance to practice elementary body-building exercises.

But because he didn't have enough practice resources, he couldn't enter the warrior stage.

As he got older, his dream of practicing was shattered. He spent so many years in a daze.

Now that he has such a great opportunity, he can't participate. The regret in his heart is indescribable.

But fortunately, his wife at home gave birth to this useless son for him, so he had no choice but to force his dream of practicing on Goudan.

"What's the good of practicing? Fighting and killing every day!" Goudan didn't understand his father's dream. In his eyes, although warriors have a very high status and can ride on their heads and do whatever they want, they also face danger. The warrior who rode on their heads the day before died tragically on the street the next day. This unstable life is not what he wants. He just wants the little flower next door. "You idiot!" Zhang Ergou scolded his son fiercely, and then looked at the team carefully. The soldiers on both sides who were responsible for rectifying the order were afraid that their voices were too loud and would cause their displeasure. Seeing that the soldier did not react, he held his son tightly and wanted to say something, but seeing Goudan's fearless face and resolute eyes,

he swallowed the words he was about to say and turned into another sentence:

"Why did I give birth to a stupid son like you? If you become a warrior, won't Xiaohua from the neighbor's house like you?"


When Xiaohua was mentioned, Goudan's eyes lit up,

"Of course it's true, you pig!"

Looking at his happy son, Zhang Ergou silently suppressed the picture in his memory.

Not every girl will like you because you are like this,

but Xiaohua will definitely.

Because when he went to make chairs, he saw Xiaohua and other warriors walk into the room more than once,

and each time it was a different person...

But in order not to undermine his son's confidence, they had to suppress what they saw in their hearts.

To the east of the test point, on a tall building.

Bianchang Town does not have skyscrapers like those on Blue Star, but due to the solid materials here, there are also five- or six-story buildings.

At this time, Lu Zhe was standing on the top floor of a ten-story inn.

Next to him was Liu Yiyi, who was playing with him.

"It seems that they are all willing to send their children to the Warrior Academy to study."

Standing on the top floor, looking at the crowds of people below, Lu Zhe was relieved.

This step of his plan is very important, in order to lay the foundation for a rapid rise in the future.

"Needless to say!" Liu Yiyi couldn't help but roll her eyes at him.

Not to mention the civilians like them, she saw many disciples from the family mixed in.

But compared to Lu Zhe, in addition to happiness, there was also a hint of hesitation on her face.

Noticing this, Lu Zhe smiled and said:

"Are you worried? You can just say it."

Liu Yiyi shook her head:

"I'm not worried, but I'm thinking, those families also send their people to the Warrior Academy for training, so how can we ensure that they won't leak these things to the families behind them after learning our skills and martial arts?"

If there are no effective prevention and control measures, this situation is almost inevitable.

At that time, it will cause the loss of the academy's foundation, which will be fed to these families in disguise, allowing them to take advantage.

"Haha, so you're worried about this."

Lu Zhe couldn't help laughing for a moment.

What Liu Yiyi said makes sense. The leakage of skills and martial arts is one of the biggest flaws in the Warrior Academy plan!

But this is not a big deal for Lu Zhe.

First of all, even if they are allowed to study in the Warrior Academy, they will not be given very strong skills at the beginning.

Instead, they will start with the primary body-building skills and constantly adapt different skills according to each person's characteristics.

If they can meet the requirements of the academy and get enough points, they can exchange for other skills.

As for the method of obtaining points, it is to work for the City Lord's Mansion and perform various tasks.

Only after accumulating enough points can you exchange for the skills.

However, for those family disciples, with the support of the family behind them, it will be much easier for them to complete those tasks than ordinary academies,

That is to say, it is easier for them to obtain the skills and leak them to the family behind them.

In order to prevent this, Lu Zhe set a rule for the academy. The primary and intermediate body-building skills are not difficult to obtain, and points can be exchanged.

However, if it is a high-level body-building skill, if you want to obtain it, you must have a clean background, cannot be a family disciple, and have enough loyalty to the academy.

After all, the original intention of establishing the Warrior Academy is to dig out talented children from those civilians and serve the government.

Rather than fleecing these families.

However, even those civilian disciples, as long as they grow into great warriors and obtain high-level body-building skills,

will be planted with a life and death cursor by Lu Zhe, and control life and death in a moment.

It is precisely because of this method that he can unscrupulously train these people to work for him.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have taken out the resources for no reason.

Do you really think he is a people's entrepreneur?

He is not so black-hearted.

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