The whole town of Bianchang has tens of thousands of people who meet the test age. They lined up in an orderly manner to take the talent test according to the announcement issued by the City Lord's Mansion. During the test, when their talents were revealed, countless people's moods fluctuated violently. Some were happy, and some cried. "Oh my God, why is my talent so low! Damn it!" Some people were told that they had no talent for cultivation. They knelt on the ground in pain, dug their hands into the ground, looked up at the sky, and shed tears with red eyes. The miserable scene made the people queuing around feel pity. They couldn't bear to see this scene. In order not to affect the order around them, they held back their pity and pulled the crying and disrupting people out of the test site. Some people suffer because of their low talent, and naturally some people are extremely happy because of their extraordinary talent.

Just like Fan Jin, Xiao Zhangzi roared to the sky and vented his excitement.

His family has been herbalists for generations. Entering Wanli Forest to pick spiritual herbs for the shop owner is not only hard but also very risky.

Last year, his father was attacked by monsters when he entered Wanli Forest to pick herbs, and he died.

Only he, his mother and his young sister were left at home.

In this year, he picked up his father's job and dragged his thin body into Wanli. Picking herbs in the forest earned a meager salary for the family, while his mother made cloth for the shop in the city, getting up early and going to bed late every day, and making little money.

Now he was tested to have a strong talent for cultivation, which also meant that he was equivalent to entering the Warrior Academy in one step.

Moreover, the Warrior Academy has a rule that for students like him whose families are in very poor financial conditions, a certain amount of money will be directly given.

Of course, this is not given for free, it is equivalent to a loan that needs to be repaid.

Even so, it greatly eased the situation at his home. From the moment the test ended, his life changed dramatically.

And all this came from the City Lord's Mansion!

"Thank you, the adults in the City Lord's Mansion, thank you, the City Lord!"

Little Zhangzi knelt on the ground and kowtowed hard in the direction of Chenzhou Mansion.

Behind him was his young sister, who was only 8 years old.

Just caught up with the age for the test. When his sister was tested, her little hand was placed in the instrument for blood and qi without any reaction.

The little girl's face turned pale. No reaction meant that his cultivation talent was extremely poor, or even no cultivation talent.

"Sister, it's okay. I will protect you in the future!"

Not wanting to make his sister sad, Little Zhangzi immediately grabbed his sister's hand and said in a firm tone.

"Well, I believe you, brother!"

Although the little girl was sad, she still wiped away the tears from her eyes when she thought of her brother who passed the test.

There are two types of test content. One is to test the talent of the martial arts department. The content of this test is written on the announcement. Everyone who comes to take the test knows it.

In their opinion, whether they can enter the academy is determined by this test.

But in addition to the martial arts test, there is another test conducted by a strange big iron lump.

No one knows what this big iron lump is used for. They only know that after taking the martial arts test, whether you pass or not, you need to take another test.

And the direct way is to take your own blood and put it into the big iron lump for testing.

However, so far, Xiao Zhangzi has seen that the people in front of him in the queue have no use after testing on this big iron lump,

naturally, he didn't take it seriously.

His sister followed the procedure and put her hand deep into the big iron lump.

A small needle came out of the machine, pricked the girl's hand slightly, and took out a drop of blood.

Then when the two were about to leave, the machine suddenly issued a beeping alarm.

The soldier in charge of the test immediately stood up, put his head on the machine display, and looked at the data displayed on it with surprise.

"A-level, it's an A-level talent! Great!"

The soldier's face was full of excitement, and he said to the little girl with ecstasy:

"You passed, you can enter the academy to practice!"

He said to enter the academy to practice, not to enter the warrior academy to practice.

That's right, that big iron lump was the extraordinary series test instrument that Lu Zhe specially got from Blue Star.

It took a lot of effort and resources to get it from Cynthia's mother.

The instrument needs electricity to run, so there are two rows of generators in the center of the test site, and all the test machines are connected to the circuit.

"Ah, I, I don't have the talent for cultivation?"

The little girl stood there with a dull face, as if she thought she had heard it wrong.

After asking again, she was sure that she had obtained the qualification to enter the academy for cultivation, and immediately thanked the soldier with ecstasy.

Xiao Zhangzi was so happy to know that her sister also got a place in the academy.

And this scene also happened in other test teams. Many people were frustrated because they did not have the talent for martial arts cultivation, but when the soldiers announced that they also had the qualifications to enter the academy for cultivation, they were stunned by the sudden surprise!

"Dark curtain! This is a dark curtain. Why can they enter the academy for cultivation without passing the talent test!"

Some eliminated people felt very unbalanced when they saw this scene.

Obviously, they were also eliminated. Why can they get the qualification to enter the academy, but they don't have this treatment? !

No, no!

He wants to complain!

"How dare you! Who allowed you to make noise here!"

Knowing that someone dared to openly disrupt order here, the soldiers on guard immediately picked up their weapons and arrested the protesters!

"Let me go, I don't accept it, why can they enter the academy to practice!"

The arrested people were still resisting angrily, and there was no pity in their eyes when they looked at them, only as if they were looking at fools.

The City Lord's Mansion was able to build an academy and give them free skills and resources to practice, which was already a great favor.

As for who can enter the academy, it is still the City Lord's Mansion who has the final say. They are grateful to be given a chance to test, but they still want to protest.

It's simply not right to put themselves in the right position!

Lu Zhe, who was standing on the high building, naturally saw the noise that happened.

This was just a small matter, and he didn't need to go down to deal with it. He still sat quietly on the high building and drank spiritual tea with Liu Yiyi, watching the test below.

From time to time, he enjoyed the massage from Li Lingling behind him.

"Put more strength in your hands."

"Hmph, you just love to bully me!"

"I'm trying to improve your state of mind, how can you say I'm bullying you?"


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