The battle was a battle, and the battle was a battle.

Xia country, Kyoto Supernatural Bureau.

In a closed meeting room, three people were watching the battle on the faraway island of Waiwi through the screen in front of them.

The leader was a white-haired old woman, and behind her were two girls of similar age.

"Master, what kind of potion is this? It can turn people into monsters?"

Chu Qingcheng frowned as he looked at Mark on the screen who turned into a monster after taking the potion.

"It should be a potion developed by the Ugly Country that can enhance strength in a short period of time. It seems to be very effective in the future."

Grandma Chu shook her head, her face a little solemn.

I didn't expect that someone on Blue Star also developed this kind of potion.

In addition to the two of them, people also stared at the screen intently, but she stared at the screen not to watch this wonderful battle,

but to notice the man sitting next to Director Li Wenhua who appeared in the camera when the picture turned,

"Lu Zhe!"

Nan Xin looked at Lu Zhe with complicated eyes. He had been practicing under the master. In addition to communicating with his family, he did not return to Nan Province.

And in the communication with his family, he also learned about the disappearance of Zhong Lingling.

In addition, his father brought a letter from Zhong Qingtian, which pointed to Lu Zhe as the murderer.

Just when the picture was transmitted to the chief of the viewing platform again, she suddenly asked Granny Chu:

"Master, I wonder who is the person sitting next to Director Li?"

Granny Chu and the others looked at it, and their reactions were different after seeing Lu Zhe.

Chu Qingcheng's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise. He had communicated with Lu Zhe, and even sent penguins to each other from time to time.

Now seeing Lu Zhe sitting in that position, how could it not be strange?

Granny Chu glanced at her own disciple inexplicably, shook her head and said nothing.

She didn't know Lu Zhe.

The scene turned and the camera returned to the ring again.

After Mark took the potion and turned into a monster, the power fluctuations around him suddenly increased.

The green skin exuded an unpleasant smell.

The audience who approached immediately exclaimed: "It's poisonous!"

There was a commotion on the scene. Unexpectedly, after Mark turned into a monster, even the smell emitted from his body was poisonous.

Lu Zhe also frowned and sniffed, and found that the poison in the air was not very toxic.

It may have an impact on the first-level extraordinary, but it is basically harmless to the extraordinary above the second level.

A blue light flashed in his eyes, and he activated the detection technique to carefully check Mark on the stage, and found that Mark's physical strength had been greatly enhanced, and his spiritual power had also improved.

However, his physical strength was only enhanced to the second level, which was roughly equivalent to the late stage of a great warrior, and his spiritual power had not reached the middle stage of the third level.

Liu Yiyi should not need much effort to deal with it.

This was indeed the case. After Liu Yiyi was slightly frightened at first, she immediately reacted and looked at Mark solemnly.

After Mark roared, he ran on the ground like a hunting tiger!

He was very fast and approached Liu Yiyi in the blink of an eye.

He kicked his hind legs and rushed to the sky like a toad!

Liu Yiyi was not in a hurry. She stretched out her hand to hold up the shield in front of her.

The shield was hit hard in an instant. The huge impact force made her draw a distance in the air.

The shield in front of her moved violently, and it seemed that it would break in the next moment, but it finally resisted.

Mark was weak and fell on the stage.

This situation attracted the attention of others. After Marx lost consciousness, although his physical strength was enhanced, he also lost the moves to deal with the enemy.

He could not use spiritual energy, and he could not even control spiritual energy to float in the air and fly.

"This potion is not very good!"

Many people thought to themselves.

The reason why humans are stronger than monsters is that they can use various spiritual skills.

Powerful, flexible and changeable spiritual skills can make them more powerful in battle.

If they lose these things, even if their physical strength is enhanced, they will just become a monster.

It is not much stronger than before.

When the Ugly Country authorities saw this scene, they immediately slammed the table and roared:

"Which idiot developed this potion? Doesn't it say that you can use spiritual skills independently after losing consciousness?"

Yan Lian stood aside and trembled with fear.

It shouldn't be. The previous experiments clearly used spiritual energy. Why did it seem like a complete beast when it came to the third-level extraordinary?

He was already sweating profusely, and he looked up at the standing

The big guys around him were shaking with fear.

It's not easy to be a traitor. You have no status, you are criticized every day, and you have to worry about being chopped up if you don't do a good job...

After some tests, Liu Yiyi also figured out the approximate strength of Mark after the transformation.

The interest in her eyes gradually disappeared.

She didn't plan to continue playing. The red moon suspended above her head swung along with her long sword,

It turned into a hundred-meter-long sword energy, and crushed Mark in an instant!

The splashed green liquid was instantly evaporated, and the toxins were burned out!

After the sword energy destroyed Mark, it didn't stop for a moment, and it slammed into the ground fiercely.

The whole island shook violently like an earthquake!

The soil and rocks splashed in the field!

Li Wenhua, who was sitting next to Lu Zhe, reacted immediately and propped up a spiritual power wall in front of him to block the flying soil and rocks.

The others were not so lucky. They were hit by flying stones and felt dizzy.

Coincidentally, they were still shocked by the sword swung by Liu Yiyi just now.

They were almost dazed in place, recalling the power of the sword energy, and had no time to react.

When they reacted, they hurriedly put up their shields, but unfortunately, the stones that had hit them made them bruised and swollen.

"Pooh, pooh!"

"What kind of punishment have I suffered? I was hit all over my head while watching a fight."

The great warrior who came in through connections pushed away the big stone on his body miserably.

He cursed in his heart, but he didn't dare to say a word. If he said it out, what if the female warrior heard it, wouldn't she chop him into pieces with a sword?

"This kind of power!"

Seeing the situation calm down, Li Wenhua slowly retracted his shield and sat quietly in his seat, but his heart was turbulent.

It is not inferior to the third-level spiritual skills at all!

The level was in chaos, and officials from the Ugly Country immediately came out to maintain order.

Fortunately, everyone was a transcendent. Although they had no qualities, they obeyed the arrangements.

When the dust gradually dissipated, they saw that the originally flat ground on the ring had turned into a huge gully!

In the gully, it was bottomless.

In a trance, the sound of the sea water splashing came.

Is this... a sword pierced through the island?

The Ugly Country authorities were already scared. Before, they had been thinking that if the duel failed, they would keep Liu Yiyi for various reasons and finally get rid of her by means. Now there was no trace of it at all!

With this strength, who would dare to stay?

Not sending her away quickly would be the greatest malice they had!

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