The battle was over, and the battle was over.

"Hurry up and make preparations, and move to a safe place!"

Important figures from the Ugly Country were also watching the battle in the conference room. When they saw the terrifying power of this sword, they immediately panicked!

This is definitely the power of the third-stage late stage, and it is the kind that comes from real practice!

"Hurry up and ask for help from the inner world!"

But before I could wait for them to make any move, the person in charge of watching the venue came out and reported:

"Report to the president, the woman has disappeared!"

Just after the battle, while the dust was flying all over the field, Liu Yiyi disappeared directly on the spot.

When others reacted, they could no longer find her trace.

The media who had been waiting outside the battle site were ready to interview Liu Yiyi, but when they learned that there was no trace of her, they immediately turned around and ran towards Lu Zhe.

"Mr. Lu Zhe, as a special envoy of Shanhai Company, do you have a clear understanding of the strength of Shanhai Company?"

"What impact do you think this battle will have on the world situation?"

"We see that the girls are not very old. Do you have any special training methods? Can you quickly improve your strength!"

"Excuse me..."

If you don't pay attention, Lu Zhe will be surrounded by a group of reporters and countless cameras will be pressed against his face, almost stuffed into his mouth!

He looked around speechlessly. Facing such an ordinary person, he couldn't do anything. He could only smile awkwardly and answer the reporters' questions casually.

In the end, there was really no way, so he led the topic to Li Wenhua:

"You can ask Mr. Li Wenhua any questions you have. I have communicated with him in the venue."

Hearing this, the reporters all looked at Li Wenhua standing in the distance.

Li Wenhua, as the deputy director of the Xia Country's Supernatural Bureau, is well-known and known to reporters. He is one of the people interviewed this time, but his importance is not that high.

The next moment, they surrounded Li Wenhua.

Fortunately, Li Wenhua often accepts interviews from reporters and can handle them with ease.

A group of reporters were sent away in a few seconds, and then the two boarded the special plane and prepared to leave the Hawaiian Islands.

The original plan was to rest here, but Liu Yiyi did not expect such a big fuss. Not only did she kill a third-level supernatural person from the Ugly Country, but she also penetrated the island to the bottom of the sea.

If they stayed here, they would have trouble. Even if the Ugly Country authorities did not take action, some local residents would cause trouble for them.

Just when they were about to board the plane, Liu Yiyi got out of nowhere and got on the plane in a flash.

The plane slowly took off and left here, and as the plane left, the rest of the news spread.

In almost one day, the news that the Western Supernatural World was killed by the mysterious Sailor Moon reached everyone's ears!

Major media and short video platforms were flooded with messages, and the top ten posts on the Supernatural Forum were all about this battle!

The Ugly people, who have always been proud, found that their country was defeated by a small island country!

The pride in their hearts made it difficult for them to accept this result!

A large number of people poured into the streets, marched on the streets, raised flags to protest, and even suspected that the Ugly authorities had joined forces with the outside world to falsify!

Demand that the president step down!

The country's always serious racial conflicts broke out, the society was in chaos, and the 0 yuan purchase craze prevailed!

Even the most economically developed state of Marquesas was clamoring for independence!

Other little brothers who followed the Ugly Country also remained silent, blocking the media in the country to prohibit the spread of such news,

But the news that the battle was broadcast live around the world on the day had already been passed to everyone, and no matter how it was blocked, it had no effect!

This day was named the Western Day of Fear by later generations.

The once proud and powerful Western world had its backbone broken and became a laughing stock of the world!

And an island country from the South Pacific, a private company, also stepped onto the world stage and became one of the world's three giants!

Unlike the Western world, in East Asia, the Xia people jumped for joy when they saw this scene!

Not to mention that Liu Yiyi has the same face as them, and they are both yellow people, just speaking fluent Mandarin makes them feel a strong sense of identity!

And as far as they know, Shanhai Company was founded by Xia people,

It can be said to be an overseas Xia company.

The fact that their company founded by Xia people has achieved such results naturally makes them proud.

Just as everyone in various countries

While the public's reactions were different, a series of debates were also going on in the Chaofan Forum.

The theme revolved around the result of this battle.

Under a post titled "How to view Shanhai Company",

"Sure enough, I knew this was a dark horse that would definitely surprise us!"

The Komodo dragon killer from Asan.

"The person upstairs is talking nonsense. He only knows what a dragon smells like!"

The little whirlwind from Xia.

Before the battle started some time ago, Asan did not have this view. At that time, they were still promoting the supernatural people in their country.

It was almost as good as the strength of their missiles!

"Shanhai Company was obviously founded by us South Koreans. Just speaking Mandarin does not mean anything. Sailor Moon is so beautiful. She is definitely a South Korean beauty!"

The Thousand-Handed Thief from South Korea.

"I thought about it all night yesterday and felt that the boss of our Dongyang country should change.

Ugly country is no longer qualified to stand there and say that it is the big brother of our Dongyang country. From today on, Shanhai Company is the boss of our Dongyang country!"

The little devil from Dongyang country.

"The people upstairs are talking nonsense. Shanhai Company is definitely our Thousand Islands Country!"

"Long live the Thousand Islands Country. The Thousand Islands Country is the strongest country in the world. All the Xia Country and Ugly Country should kneel down!"

Fanatical fans from the Thousand Islands Country.


The impact of this battle not only knocked down the power of the Western Supernatural World, but also determined the direction of the world's pattern!

Even many people predicted that from today, the world's pattern will change from the previous two-way confrontation to the future three-legged form!

Shanhai Company will become the newly rising overlord!

For a time, this topic became the top trend, and all walks of life were using this topic to attract traffic.

The film and television industry added the role of Shanhai Company to their movies.

Xiaguo Film Company made it into a powerful friend, while Western film companies only vilified it as an evil villain boss.

Especially in Xiaguo's online literature, it almost exploded like bamboo shoots after a spring rain. The protagonist is the boss of Shanhai Company who was reborn and became a useless boy. He rose all the way, pretended to be a cup and slapped his face, and returned to Shanhai Company.

Eliminate those who stabbed him in the back in the past and carry forward Shanhai Company!

Even in the female frequency area, there is a boss of Shanhai Company who returned to Xiaguo in a strong way, and found that his girlfriend lived in a doghouse. At his command, 100,000 Shanhai Level 3 Transcendents descended!

Let's not talk about how other people discussed it, but Shanhai Company actually reached a cooperation with Xiaguo.

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