After counting the gains of the two families,

the total amount of Sky Coins exceeded 50,000, as well as more than a dozen boxes of various treasures and many store deeds.

There is no need to say much about the skills,

Among them, the two martial arts that impressed Lu Zhe the most.

They are the inherited martial arts of the Ouyang family, [Qingfeng Step],

This is a martial art for practicing body skills. When practiced to perfection, it can greatly increase the speed of the warrior's movement,

and fly in the air for a short time.

This surprised Lu Zhe greatly.

In addition, there is the [Willow Leaf Swordsmanship] of the Lan family.

A swordsmanship martial art with extraordinary power.

But what disappointed Lu Zhe was that this swordsmanship was more suitable for female practice and tended to be weak.

It's no wonder that the current head of the Lan family is a woman.

However, the head of the Lan family had died in the bombing.

After ordering people to carry the property into the treasury, Lu Zhe took out two martial arts books and lay on a recliner in the courtyard to observe them.

Qingfeng Step mobilizes the air with the power of blood and qi. Controlling the wind increases the speed of one's movement.

After practicing to the great success, one can fly in the air. This is the opening description of the Qingfeng Department.

Lu Zhe curled his lips and turned the pages to read.

His talent for practicing martial arts is not too strong. It took him more than two hours to finish reading this weapon.

He kept thinking in his mind,

Although the opening of this weapon book is exaggerated, its power is indeed extraordinary and can greatly increase his speed.

If he can practice to the great success, his movement speed will not be the top among the same level, but it will also be among the best.

With the spiritual skills of the extraordinary system, I believe that in terms of speed, there are very few people in the same level who can match him.

After thinking about it, Lu Zhe did not start practicing immediately, but picked up the Willow Leaf Sword Technique and started to read it.

Although he had no intention of practicing this sword technique, there were also references in it.

He could give it to Liu Yiyi to practice.

And he was thinking about a question. If he took the Willow Leaf Sword Technique to the forum, he didn't know what level it would be at. Can the extraordinary system practice martial arts?

This can be tried after returning to Blue Star.

In the evening, Village Chief Lu Zhe and others sat at a table together.

"Sir, the villagers have been settled. In an area in the north, many people directly choose to live in the courtyard.

Some people disliked the courtyard being too big and hired people in the city to modify it.

Basically, there is no problem."

The village chief talked about the handling of the relocated villagers.

Basically, there is no big problem. At this time, no one in Bianchang Town dares to provoke the people of Hutou Village.

As long as you say you are a villager of Hutou Village, you will basically be respected by others.

Everyone knows that this mountain village broke into Bianchang Town a few days ago and destroyed the two strongest families in the town.

"Okay!" Lu Zhe nodded, feeling relieved.

He brought the people of the village here, although part of the reason was to allow them to live a better life,

but the bigger reason was to drive them for his own ambition.

After thinking about it, Lu Zhe said again:

"If someone doesn't want to live in Bianchang Town, let him continue to live in Hutou Village.

We can't give up there either. Wanlilin is a good place. Planting medicinal herbs and hunting exotic beasts there are all very profitable."

Lu Zhe has already made a plan for this.

After transforming Bianchang Town, he will turn the area where Hutou Village is located into a base for planting medicinal herbs.

A place for villagers to retire.

If someone is nostalgic for his hometown, he can let him retire there and take care of the medicinal herbs.

"Thank you, sir!" The village chief thanked.

He knew that some elderly people in the village were unwilling to come to Bianchang Town and wanted to live in the village.

However, since it came to the resettlement of villagers, Lu Zhe also put forward his ideas about Bianchang Town.

Now that Bianchang Town has been taken over by them, it must be managed, and now it lacks someone to take charge of the overall situation.

The overall situation here does not mean to take charge of the development direction of Bianchang Town,

but to implement some policies or reform plans for Lu Zhe.

He needs to run between Lanxing and Tianqiong, and it is impossible for him to stay in the town for a long time to take care of these miscellaneous matters, so someone needs to be the mayor.

Lu Zhe is more optimistic about the village chief.

Not only has he managed the village and has certain management experience, but he also has no problems with trust.

Hearing that Lu Zhe wanted him to be the mayor, the village chief quickly declined.

He knew his ability. It was okay to manage a village, but if it was to manage a large place like Biancheng Town with hundreds of thousands of people, it would be considered

I am powerless.

"Now only the village chief can take the position of the town chief." Lu Zhe waved his hand helplessly.

Who told him that he didn't have much time here!

Liu Yiyi, who was sitting on the side, also persuaded him: "Grandpa, you can take the position of the town chief. It's so impressive. I will be the mayor's daughter in the future. I don't know who dares to mess with me!"

She waved her fist with excitement.

Wang Hu and the others also said that they believed in the village chief.

"It doesn't take much ability to manage the town here. Just implement some policies. I believe the village chief can do it, and I have prepared something for you!"

Lu Zhe waved his hand and took out a pile of books.

There were about 10 books in total, and the height of the pile exceeded everyone's head.

Each book was thick enough to make college students despair.

These were all books on management, both in economics and military affairs.

Lu Zhe prepared them in advance and gave them to the village chief.

The village chief was shocked by Lu Zhe's handwriting and couldn't help pulling two whiskers from his beard.

The big boss with a big mouth, can't he escape the pain of learning until his death?

Even the other three people couldn't help shrinking their necks when they saw this scene. It was too scary. Fortunately, they were not allowed to be the mayor.

Helplessly, the village chief took the pile of books over.

After confirming the mayor's affairs, Lu Zhe talked about the problems of Bianchang Town during this period.

Now that they have conquered Bianchang Town, they naturally have to develop the economy to bring them benefits. The biggest problem at present is the public security problem.

After the destruction of the Huang family and the disputes among the families, the pattern of Bianchang Town has become a mess.

Various rogues formed gangs to bully ordinary people, and theft and murder occurred frequently.

Some families madly squeezed ordinary merchants to achieve the purpose of annexing shops.

Starting tomorrow, they need to deal with these problems comprehensively. A temporary city guard composed of 1,000 people will patrol the city with guns to deal with those who disturb public security.

Moreover, Lu Zhe also needs to give those families a warning so that they dare not interfere with his reform of Bianchang Town,

because what he is going to do next will harm the interests of all families, but he has to do it.

You must know that the family's blockade of martial arts is simply to a terrifying degree.

Bianchang Town has a population of hundreds of thousands, among which there are many folk geniuses.

If these folk talents can be utilized and absorbed into the system of the City Lord's Mansion, it will bring a very strong help to Lu Zhe!

Thinking so, the dinner was going on, and everyone was slightly drunk and returned to their rooms.

The next morning, before dawn, Bianchang Town was already noisy.

The streets and alleys were posted with the newly released notice of the City Lord's Mansion, which said,

All taxes will be halved within half a year, and everyone is encouraged to open a shop and do business.

And deal with the rogue villains and thieves in a comprehensive manner.

Many people cheered loudly after seeing it. During this period of time, because of the chaos, they were miserable. Now someone finally came to deal with these problems.

An old man with a big belly, wearing luxurious clothes, stood in front of the notice and couldn't help clapping his hands and said:

"It seems that there are capable people in Hutou Village who can see the problem at a glance."

His name is Lan Ze, and he has a jewelry store in the city.

In the past few months, he was forced to close the store due to chaos, and the losses suffered from robbery and theft were more than just a broken bone!

Now that he can open the store again, he can't wait, and immediately pulled his friends around him:

"Let's go, open the store!"

His friends had just finished reading the notice and were pulled away step by step by him.

I couldn't help asking: "What if they just talk but don't do it, should we wait and see?"

What he said was not unreasonable. After all, in order to convince other families and take the lead in controlling Bianchang Town, the Ouyang family and the Lan family had also proposed such a proposal.

But just talking and not doing, those family members still arbitrarily took advantage of major shops and allowed their servants to oppress the people.

But after the people of Hutou Village entered the town, they were not arrogant.

"No need to look any more. Although the people of Hutou Village are mountain folks, everyone has seen what they have done in the past few days. There must be a master behind the scenes.

Opening a shop now is just the right opportunity to seize the opportunity and make a lot of money. Don't hesitate, let's go!"

The two of them left quickly. There were also other merchants who had closed their shops around them, looking forward to reopening their shops again.

Seeing this scene, they all left secretly.

In less than half a day,

Ten teams of city guards kept wandering around the city.

One by one, ruffians, thieves and thieves were caught and taken to the city gate.

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