The scene was full of people watching the excitement.

"Hey, aren't these the hooligans in the city? Why are they all arrested?"

"Didn't you read the notice? Now we are rectifying public security. These are the factors that disturb public security. It is said that they will be arrested and beheaded!"

"It's actually true!"

After learning the reason, everyone cheered loudly.

One of the city guards came out and stood in front of them: "Everyone, watch! We in Hutou Village keep our promises. These people will be taken out and beheaded immediately. If you find anyone who violates the law in the city, you can report it to the Public Security Bureau. There is a reward of ten yuan for the reporter!"

The Public Security Bureau is a department that was just established yesterday, dedicated to public security management in the city.

Hearing that there was a reward, the others were excited. They wanted to get rid of these people as soon as possible, and now there was a reward!

Some people couldn't wait to leave to see if they knew that the villains had been caught. If not, wouldn't they be able to make a small fortune?

"Those who have reported a total of 100 times can directly join the Public Security Bureau!"

Then, he announced loudly,

More people were tempted!

The Public Security Bureau is a good place. Although they don't know how much the salary is, it is a stable job with such prestige and affiliated to the City Lord's Mansion. Who doesn't love it!

As more and more people heard the news and rushed over, the city gate was already crowded with people, blocking the passage.

The Public Security Bureau took people to a place one kilometer outside the city, where a big pit had been prepared early.

The people who were about to be beheaded knelt on the ground in a row.

There were many people standing on both sides, and rotten leaves, rotten eggs, stones and other things were thrown up. Many people kneeling on the ground were beaten and bleeding, but no one cared about them.

"Begin the execution!"

The leader said when he saw that the time had come.

They were all villagers from Hutou Village. They had never learned how to behead people, but they were used to beheading dogs and pigs.

When the Public Security Department started to act, the Infrastructure Department, which was established at the same time, also started to move.

Dozens of people rode horses and scattered around the city to spread the word.

"Recruit road workers! Three meals a day! Ten yuan a day!"

The man on the horse shouted loudly, holding a stack of propaganda papers in his hand and distributing them to people on the street.

Seeing that they were recruiting workers, many people gathered around to ask questions. The man could not move and could not get off the horse and walk.

He explained to these people by the way.

"Sir, where is the road being built?" Someone was more cautious and asked his concerns.

It is not safe to build roads these days. If you build roads in remote places in the wild, you will be attacked by a few strange beasts if you are not careful, and your life will be in danger.

"Build a road from Hutou Village to Bianchang Town, but don't worry, there will be someone there to protect you!" The man knew their concerns and briefly explained the situation.

The purpose of building this road is to establish a medicinal material planting base in Wanlilin in the future, so Lu Zhe put it in the first place.

As soon as it was confirmed a few days ago, he immediately sent people to prepare.

"Sir! Do you think I can do it?"

"I am very strong!"

After the fall of the Huang family and the chaotic period of the struggle for interests among various families, the residents of Bianchang Town are not living well now, and the money pots at home are almost empty.

The chaos has caused a large number of shops to close, and there are few places to hire workers.

Now there is finally a job to make money, so naturally they rush to come.

"It's okay, as long as you are young and strong and have no problems!" The man was annoyed and impatient when asked,

Pushing the crowd away and leaving, he went to the next street to promote.

In the afternoon, the whole town knew the news of the recruitment, and the number of people who wanted to participate reached tens of thousands!

Lu Zhe only had less than 100,000 Sky Dome Coins, which was not enough to pay a day's salary.

Faced with this situation, he was not panicked. He asked someone to temporarily change the notice and exchange the ten yuan for equivalent food.

However, this food was not grown here, but the Sichang rice he transported from Blue Star.

After the treatment was changed, some people no longer wanted to sign up, but the remaining number was still more than 10,000.

So, in order to speed up, Lu Zhe decided to construct multiple sections at the same time.

Three days later,

All the workers began to gather outside the city and prepared to set off to the designated location to build the road.

During these three days, Lu Zhe ran his legs off, carrying all kinds of materials, tools, and vehicles for transportation required for road construction.

In addition to transporting materials, there are also people transporting,


The distance to Hutou Village is hundreds of kilometers. We can't let these people walk there, right?

It will take a lot of time.

Not far from Bianchang Town, a temporary parking lot was built, and there were armed personnel on martial law around it.

Large trucks kept coming out of it, loaded with a full truck of cement, bare stones...

and transported to various locations on the designated road sections.

"Here we are, get in the car!"

When the truck delivering materials comes, it will be the truck that transports people.

As the general manager of this road construction, Wang Daqiang immediately asked everyone to get on the car.

It was the first time, no, it should be said that it was the second time to see this kind of car that can run without horses. These people had a strong curiosity in their eyes.

After getting on the car, looking at the iron walls around, they couldn't help but touch it twice. It was very hard and safe.

"My goodness, what is this?" A thin boy mixed in a car of an auntie.

The aunties who were responsible for cooking were all in the car, and he was the only boy.

"Little melon seed, this might be something for cultivating immortals. If you break it, you can't afford to pay for it even if you cut your body off!" An aunt with thick legs and a round waist teased.

Little melon seed subconsciously retracted his hand, but thinking that it was too embarrassing, he said stubbornly:

"If it was that kind of thing, how could it be so easy to break? Aunt Li, you are just joking!"

So, he didn't dare to reach out to touch it again.

Originally, women were needed for cooking, but his mother was sick at home. If she didn't have money to buy medicine, she would ascend to the underworld. He begged hard for this opportunity to cook.

A group of aunts smiled and didn't refute.

The car drove for more than two hours before it stopped.

There were also several cars of men repairing the road that stopped with them.

"Come here, gather here!" Wang Daqiang called out.

This is the center of the road section, and a largest transfer station needs to be built. Wang Daqiang is in charge of it personally.

He roughly counted the number of people, there were about a thousand people, a huge crowd.

"It's almost noon now, let's have lunch first, and then start working in the afternoon!"

There's food before we start working?

The workers' eyes lit up, there's such a good thing!

"Don't be too happy too soon, you will live here for the next few days, if you can't build the wooden house in the afternoon, you will have to sleep on the ground!"

Seeing everyone like this, Wang Daqiang opened his mouth to criticize.

To build wooden houses, you need to live here before the construction of the road section you are responsible for is completed.

It stands to reason that 10,000 people build a 100-kilometer road, and an average of 100 people per kilometer of road section is not too much.

But this is calculated based on the straight-line distance, and because the previous dirt road was winding and affected the speed, they replanned the route,

A nearly straight road, cutting through mountains and building bridges across rivers!

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