Of course, there are families who are unwilling to hand over half of their property.

Since they are unwilling, I'm sorry, you can't enter Qingzhou City.

Wu Ji guards Qingyun City and has hundreds of thousands of troops under his command. Even if most of them are deployed to the front line,

There are still 50,000 to 60,000 soldiers in the city.

With many powerful martial arts masters, no one from the fleeing family dares to touch his tiger whiskers!

In addition, as the lord of Qingzhou City, Wu Ji's own strength has reached the level of a great warrior, and he is a famous strong man throughout the country.

This time, the battle of the two kings summoned Wu Ji to the battlefield, but he was not stupid and found a reason to shirk.

As long as he stayed in Qingzhou City, no one dared to touch him, and the two princes could only win him over.

"Is the town in the west stable?" Wu Ji casually called a subordinate and asked.

The town he was talking about was Bianchang Town.

"Sir, it is now ruled by a village from Wanlilin." The soldier in armor responded.

Ruled by a village?

Wu Ji paused slightly, speechless.

This is really a strange thing. A town is actually ruled by its subordinate village. It is really going backwards.

"Sir, are you going to send someone to draw soldiers?"

"Huh? Why do you want to draw soldiers?" Wu Ji glanced at his subordinates.

He was already very dissatisfied with the fact that he drew most of the soldiers from Qingzhou City last time. Those were his own strength.

He was sent to the front line to fight to the death, and in the end he would not get any benefits.

If those two were not so powerful now, he would have raised his flag and established himself!

Bianchang Town belongs to Qingzhou City, and it is also the land he rules. He was crazy to send soldiers to the battlefield.

Qingzhou City is safe and solid. With the continuous arrival of families, the economy is getting more and more prosperous.

The houses in the city are almost not enough, and he can't wait to send some civilians out!

With this plan, Bianchang Town can be left alone to see how the town under the rule of this village is.

Bianchang Town, with the renovation of the road sections in the city, some adjustments need to be made to the house layout.

Lu Zhe used drones to roughly map the area and layout of the city, and found professionals on Blue Star to design the city planning map,

removing some settings needed in modern society, thus transforming it into an alien version of the city planning map.

Now we are making changes according to this planning map.

Fortunately, the previous layout of the city was relatively reasonable, without too many problems. The planning map was designed on this basis, and only a few changes were needed.

"How is the construction of the highway going?" Lu Zhe looked through some of the events that happened in the city during this period. Basically, the children of a certain family broke the law and someone came to plead for mercy after being arrested.

"More than half of it has been built." The village chief sat next to him with a pile of documents in front of him.

Lu Zhe was just looking at it casually, but as the mayor, he needed to know everything and had endless things to deal with every day.

If it weren't for the extra precious resources to replenish his body, he would have passed away long ago.

"Well, speed up. By the way, the integration of the villages in Wanlilin cannot be stopped. All the villages in this area must be integrated together."

If you want to build a medicinal herb planting base in Wanlilin, you need not only land, but also a large number of manpower;

It just so happens that there are many people in other villages. Let these people help him open fields and plant medicinal herbs. He only needs to pay them wages.

Collect gold and jade by the way.

If they can live a stable life, those villages will probably not go to find strange beasts to fight to the death.

As for cultivation resources?

Isn't it good to live a peaceful life? Why do you have to risk your life to earn cultivation resources? What's the point of becoming a warrior?

Lu Zhe has arranged the future for them.

Not only these villages, but also the academy can only train warriors in the radiation range of Bianchang Town in the future, at least the majority.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhe couldn't help but worry about the problem of martial arts again.

If you want to break through to a higher level, the martial arts is indispensable.

The warrior system is okay. During the period of the great warrior, you still practice the body tempering method. You need to practice martial arts when you break through to the martial arts master.

But in the extraordinary system, Lu Zhe's demand for martial arts can't wait.

He practiced the basic martial arts of the extraordinary bureau, which is only the first level. If you want to get the second-level martial arts, you must either register or exchange.

Registration is definitely not possible, but exchange requires a lot of contribution points, which Lu Zhe does not have.

This situation is very troublesome for him.

"For the time being, practice the warrior system, but the martial arts need to be planned early,

If there is really no other way, you can only practice other skills. "

Lu Zhe was helpless. He really didn't want to give up the powerful skills of the Supernormal Bureau, which could be practiced to a higher level later.

If you want to find skills, you still have to find a way on Blue Star!

It just so happened that Bianchang Town is now in the process of reform, and there is nothing for him to do.

Lu Zhe returned to Blue Star with a batch of treasures.

As soon as he came back, his mobile phone rang.

"Who happened to be so coincidental?"

Lu Zhe took out his mobile phone, which was a penguin phone.

"It turned out to be her?"

It turned out to be a call from Chu Qingcheng!

Since the last mission was completed, the two added contact information, but they had never contacted each other. Now suddenly calling, there should be something.

"Hello, this is Lu Zhe."

"Lu Zhe, I have a mission here, the contribution points are very good, are you interested in doing it together?" Chu Qingcheng's voice could be heard on the other end of the phone.

There was a hint of fatigue in the voice.

"What mission, send me the information. ”

The current situation is unclear, Lu Zhe was about to refuse, but thinking that he was worried about the extraordinary skills, he asked Chu Qingcheng to send it to him.

By the way, he can also understand the inside story of the mission and speculate on the current situation.

"Okay, just give me a reply within three days."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Zhe received a mission invitation notification, which popped up in the extraordinary forum.

Click it to view the general content of the mission.

"Intercept extraterritorial invaders?" Seeing the main goal of the mission, Lu Zhe couldn't help frowning.

And the mission difficulty is shown as level two, which means that this mission requires at least one level two extraordinary in the team to complete it.

The team leader is Chu Qingcheng, so she has broken through the second level!

"This mission..." Lu Zhe noticed the location of the mission, Lanting City, Southern Province.

It happened to be the city where Lu Zhe went to the company by sea, and he also has a seaside villa there.

"I can consider it. "After thinking about it, Lu Zhe put it here first and did not make a decision immediately.

Afterwards, Lu Zhe chatted with Lin Feifei as usual and inquired about the intelligence, but did not gain anything.

It was within Lu Zhe's expectations and he was not disappointed.

After all, Lin Feifei's level was still too low. She was just able to get in touch with some mission situations because of her position.

If her strength could be improved and she could get into the inner circle, she could know a lot of news about the Supernormal Bureau.

Suddenly, Lu Zhe had an idea in his mind, which seemed feasible!

It still needs to be carefully arranged.

Putting these things aside, Lu Zhe left Dongzhou City and went out to the Thousand Islands again.

When he left the Xia Kingdom's waters, he found that the customs inspection was obviously much stricter. Among the responsible personnel, there were many people with spiritual power fluctuations, including second-level supernormals.

Fortunately, Lu Zhe practiced the Hidden Breath Technique, so he could avoid the inspection.

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