After arriving at the company's headquarters smoothly, Lu Zhe noticed that there were many more mercenaries patrolling around the company.

"The defense force outside has increased, is there a situation?"

Seeing Cynthia, Lu Zhe asked puzzledly.

Last time, we were still discussing the issue of mercenaries, why are so many recruited now?

Cynthia smiled bitterly, her face a little haggard.

"Recently, the company has been jointly suppressed by some industries, and some foreign companies want to play dirty tricks; a warehouse was burned and exploded two days ago, causing a lot of losses."

Hearing this news, Lu Zhe frowned.

"Who is the leader?"

Such targeting must have touched the interests of some people, but no matter who it is, he must retaliate!

"It's not clear yet, I just know it's related to the gold we sold recently." Shaking her head, Cynthia replied,

She explained the whole story.

Some time ago, a certain capital was making gold high, hoping to reap a fortune, involving Southeast Asian countries.

But by coincidence, it happened that Lu Zhe brought back a lot of gold. After buying a lot of arms for Lu Zhe, Cynthia was eager to recover funds to meet Lu Zhe's next demand,

so she simply processed the gold, made it into finished products and exported it in large quantities. The export locations happened to be the surrounding countries, and mainly Xia Country.

It directly impacted the market, causing the price of gold to plummet,

making the capitalists who wanted to make gold high lose so much money that they even sold their pants, and could not stabilize the price of gold at all.

Later, it was found that it was Shanhai Company that was behind it, and they began to retaliate crazily.

After the warehouse was blown up, Cynthia increased the security of the company's headquarters, protested to the Thousand Islands Country, and demanded official intervention and protection.

In order not to lose this big taxpayer, the Thousand Islands Country also sent people to investigate.

Even so, there were people who secretly sabotaged, and the mercenaries suffered a lot of damage. The compensation alone reached tens of millions of Ugly yuan.

This situation cannot continue, otherwise the company will be closed down sooner or later.

"I plan to spend a lot of money to set up a high-tech security system to protect the safety of the station." Cynthia said her plan,

Spend 5 billion to purchase the most advanced commercial security system in the world.

This high-tech system not only has automatic monitoring functions, but also can install laser guns in various dark spots to automatically snipe the enemy.

There is AI control inside, and the firewall is strong and difficult to break.

"Just do it according to your own ideas."

Lu Zhe has no opinion on these, he just wants to know who is targeting them,

Once he knows, he will definitely run over and blow him up with a large-yield bomb that day!

Anyway, the space is in hand, it can be easily deployed. If there are no tactical nuclear bombs, I can give you a nuclear explosion fireworks!

Of course, this is a method that is adopted only when one is forced to do so.

Some countries are fine, but if this is done in Xia Country, there will be crazy retaliation.

Since Cynthia already has a way to deal with it, Lu Zhe will put this matter aside for now.

The two came to an empty warehouse, and Lu Zhe waved his hand, and the warehouse was instantly filled with gold, silver and jewelry brought from the sky.

As soon as he turned his head, he found that Cynthia was looking at him speechlessly.

"What's wrong?" Lu Zhe touched his face, and became handsome again?

Cynthia couldn't help rolling her eyes: "You are really rich."

"Forget about gold, the company will not release gold in the near future."

Some time ago, a wave of market was rushed, and the Xia Country stock market was directly overturned, which shocked other companies. Now a large amount of gold is released, isn't it courting death?

Lu Zhe also reacted, thought for a while and said:

"In this case, the jade will not be sold. It will be made into finished products. The statues will not be made into Bodhisattvas and Buddhas, but into statues of powerful cultivators, weapons and the like. Make them more exquisite, I need them."

The company has enough funds now, and can earn a certain income from rare woods.

Jade products also have a certain value in Bianchang Town. Although they are not as valuable as those on Blue Star, they can be made into utensils and carved into jade plaques and sold for a little money.

Using the high efficiency and high technology of Blue Star, the jade can be made into finished products and then sold over there.

It just so happens that as Bianchang Town stabilizes, external business will also be expanded again, and Lu Zhe must find a way to make more money.

"No problem." Cynthia agreed without a care.

It's not her own money anyway.

In the evening, the two enjoyed a big meal, delicacies made from various spiritual materials, and a small pot of third-level spiritual wine that Lu Zhe brought back specially.

This spirit wine was found in the Ouyang family. No one knows where they got it from. Even the Huang family didn't have it before.

There was only one small jar in total. Lu Zhe took half and kept the rest for breakthrough.

After staying in the company for two days, Lu Zhe returned to Lanting City when there was only one day left for the task sent by Chu Qingcheng.

He decided to participate in this mission.

Now his strength can be said to be double second-level. He is not afraid of any second-level extraordinary. As long as he is careful, he can't be killed instantly even if he can't beat him.

If you are forced into a desperate situation, you can call for help.

Not only can you get contribution points by participating in the mission, but you can also learn some inside information.

"Okay, let's meet in Lanting City."

Chu Qingcheng told Lu Zhe the meeting place.

This is a domestic mission. You can rush to the mission location and meet up when you get there.

In this way, Lu Zhe doesn't have to run anymore and can live in the beach villa on the spot.

By the way, call a few young ladies to eat, drink and have fun, it's so comfortable.

Two days later,

The members of this mission team arrived in Lanting City one after another.

There were more than 20 members in this team, and more than one team was involved in this incident.

Even the ordinary special forces were dispatched, and it was said that there were also higher-level extraordinary people outside to intercept.

"I didn't realize that you really know how to enjoy it!" Chu Qingcheng lay on the beach chair, looking at the several beauties around Lu Zhe with amusement.

"Hehe, isn't this a mediation of life! Your work is over, and the money will be transferred to your card later." Lu Zhe waved his hand and dismissed the recruited young ladies.

Lu Zhe didn't expect that he just casually mentioned that there was a house here, and Chu Qingcheng came to find him.

Hu Lingling from the last mission was also there, and pouted: "I thought you were quite a gentleman last time."

"These are all trivial matters, let's talk about business."

Lu Zhe didn't care what others thought of him, and asked about the situation of this mission.

From the content of the mission, he had learned that in addition to resisting foreign enemies, they also needed to protect an important person.

An ordinary person.

"Who is the person we are protecting?" Lu Zhe asked.

He was very curious about the identity of an ordinary person who could be protected by more than 20 extraordinary people.

"An important researcher of psychic weapons."

Seeing the doubts in Lu Zhe's heart, Chu Qingcheng didn't mind explaining it to him.

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