The old man was so angry that he couldn't help but remind himself secretly.

The secret techniques of the extraordinary are strange and varied.

It seems that his disguise is not particularly safe. For safety reasons, he still needs to continue searching for the secret techniques of hidden breath in the future.

"Come with me!"

The cleaning lady threw away the broom and took Lu Zhe upstairs.

Lu Zhe didn't ask and followed the cleaning lady to the third floor.

What surprised him was that the inside was not the teacher's apartment style he imagined.

This floor can be said to be an entertainment room, with various mahjong tables, game consoles, billiards, exercise equipment and other entertainment facilities.

Many elderly people gathered here, all of them were not much different from the old lady sweeping the floor, most of them exuded strong spiritual fluctuations, at least they were second-level beings!

And these second-level extraordinary people, they were just like ordinary people, playing mahjong with their hands and playing the King of Fighters with joysticks!

There was no arrogance of the extraordinary people he had seen in the extraordinary game.

"Who did the third girl bring here again? Those ignorant boys outside always like to stuff some so-called geniuses in."

The speaker was an old man who was playing mahjong. When he talked about genius, his accent was deliberately emphasized.

Obviously, he was not a genius in the true sense.

There was a slight sarcasm in his tone, and he was disdainful in his heart, as if the genius in the eyes of others was worthless to him.

"You old man, who is your third girl!

This young man was not recommended by others, but he passed by the school and sensed the fluctuation of the formation inside, so he walked in by himself."

"And he has the strength of the second level at such a young age, which is no worse than you were back then!"

The cleaning lady came behind the old man in a bad mood and slapped him hard on the back of his head.

"You girl, so rude!"

The old man muttered angrily, and then looked at Lu Zhe carefully.

"Oh, your strength is well hidden, even I almost misjudged it!

Speaking of which, if it weren't for me, I forgot to restore the formation yesterday, with your strength, you would not be able to detect the fluctuation of the formation!"

After saying that, the old man also deliberately glanced at the cleaning lady, as if he was shirking his responsibility.

But when he looked at Lu Zhe again, there was no contempt in his eyes.

"Since you are here, please bring me two cups of tea!"

The old man waved his hand, looking up to you, leaving Lu Zhe speechless.

"Well, I just came to see what the situation is here, not to be a waiter."

Lu Zhe waved his hand, fearless in his eyes.

He looked around, except for the cleaning lady and the old man, and the people playing mahjong with the old man, no one else seemed to see him and did not look over.

"Hmph, the little guy is rampant!"

The old man said unhappily, and just as he was about to continue, there was an excited shout from the mahjong table:

"Hu! Hu!"

Immediately attracted the old man's attention to the mahjong table.

Seeing this situation, Lu Zhe pulled the corner of his mouth,

Since they didn't want to pay attention to him, it was best this way. He looked around, and no one stopped him.

There were many books on the bookshelf on one side. He glanced at the cleaning lady who was drinking water from a thermos cup.

It seemed that she was asking me if I could read these books?

Seeing that the lady did not respond, Lu Zhe took out a biography book of the Republic of China from the bookshelf.

He flipped it open and took a look. It turned out that it recorded the big and small things that happened in the Xia Kingdom's supernatural world during the Republic of China.

The things recorded in it are almost all secrets that ordinary people cannot understand.

It even includes the reason why it was invaded by other countries at that time!

It records that the Xia Kingdom's supernatural world was severely damaged in the inner world at that time, and its strength was greatly damaged.

The thousand-year inheritance in his hands was spied on by external forces, so there was a large-scale invasion by foreign enemies.

In the end, it was a genius who used the treasures obtained from the inner world to rise again,

and found the fourth-level strongman who guarded this land and helped him solve the problem of life span.

After decades of recuperation, the Xia Kingdom's supernatural world quickly became strong again and occupied the top of the world today.

He read through the books one by one, and there were no techniques or secrets in them.

But there were many unknown secrets. From these secrets, Lu Zhe gradually understood the development of the modern Xia Kingdom's supernatural world.

"Have you finished reading?"

Seeing Lu Zhe put down the last book, the cleaning lady also gently put down the thermos cup and smiled.


"I've finished reading it. Thank you, Auntie!"

You can't call her Auntie. You have to be polite and call her Auntie.

After reading the secrets, Lu Zhe also knew the identities of these people.

Guardians who have retired from the Extraordinary Bureau throughout the ages!

A group of Extraordinary Bureau guardians who are not put on the surface, or Xia Guo guardians!

"I hope you will become one of us in the future!"

The cleaning lady seemed to sigh and look at Lu Zhe with nostalgia.

The look in her eyes drifted to where in the past years.

Lu Zhe also vaguely knew why the cleaning lady let him in. In addition to his own strength and fate,

it might be because he just finished the task of resisting foreign enemies,

which made the cleaning lady naturally have a little good impression.

Lu Zhe didn't know what to think in his heart, and put aside other thoughts.

He raised his questions one by one.

He entered here blindly to understand some things.

The first is the formation. What exactly is it?

How can the formation be arranged? Where do I need to go to learn?

Chu Qingcheng only has a certain understanding of these things. She knows where to learn the formation, but she doesn't know more.

For Lu Zhe, every bit of knowledge is a way to enhance his foundation.


"Formation is to engrave the truth of heaven and earth, to engrave the great way of heaven and earth!

Make the truth between heaven and earth manifest, use your own understanding, and play a unique role!"

"Throughout the ages, how many genius formation masters have innovated, and the magical and magnificent formation is still an important weapon to protect the country!

"And this weapon used to belong only to our Xia country!"

That is to say, except for Xia country. There was no formation in the history of other countries?

Lu Zhe thought secretly in his heart.

"As for learning the formation, after reaching the second level of strength, you can go to the exchange area to see the basic learning materials of the formation. "

Lu Zhe learned this from Chu Qingcheng.

His current strength registered in the Extraordinary Bureau is still the first-level mid-term, and his authority is not enough to see the information of the formation.

Lu Zhe nodded in sudden enlightenment, and was very grateful to the cleaning lady for answering his doubts.

Then he paused and carefully asked what happened in Xia Country during this period.

After he asked this question, a sharp flash of light flashed in the eyes of the cleaning lady,

"This is a secret. Unless you join the Guardian Sequence, I can't tell you.

But I can remind you that this world is not as simple as it seems on the surface!"

Hearing this answer, Lu Zhe was secretly shocked.

After a long time, he bowed to the cleaning lady and said goodbye.

Before leaving, he reported his identity information to the cleaning lady.

And left the aunt's contact information.

"Goodbye, auntie!"

Standing downstairs, Lu Zhe waved and left the school.

"Do you think so highly of him? "

At the mahjong table, the old man said sullenly.

Opposite him, the person who was playing mahjong had left and was replaced by the cleaning lady.

"He not only has the power of a superhuman, but also has a very strong blood and qi power, which is very similar to the physical cultivation in the ancient immortal cultivation method!"

"No wonder, so you want him to practice the ancient method?"

The old man raised his head, and a trace of ripples flashed in his eyes.

"That's right, only by practicing the ancient method can we support a piece of heaven and earth in that world.

Otherwise, relying solely on our superhuman system, we are naturally weaker than others. How can we be self-reliant and rise?"

The cleaning lady's face no longer had the peace she had when she was talking to Lu Zhe just now, but was deeply heavy and responsible.

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