After a long time, the situation was not good.

Lu Zhe returned to his beach villa, thinking about everything he had encountered today.

There is no doubt that the news he learned today is of great significance to him.

First of all, he knew the existence of the Guardian Sequence.

Secondly, he had been worried about the situation in Xia Country, and he had a rough guess.

According to the sweeping aunt, although Xia Country may have some troubles at present, it is far from an emergency.

This is not consistent with what he had learned before.

However, no matter what, it has nothing to do with his development goal of becoming bigger and stronger.

If the situation in Xia Country is worrying, Lu Zhe will speed up his pace.

He took out the sweeping aunt's contact information from his pocket.

There is no WeChat, only a phone number.

Well, the sweeping auntie means she has lived for more than 200 years and is not used to the products of young people...

This sentence made Lu Zhe not know whether to call her auntie or old lady.

After sorting out the various secret events he saw today, Lu Zhe

carefully wrote down some of the more important events in a notebook.

Connecting them continuously, he suddenly found that in these historical events, there seemed to be another force pushing them.

And this force cannot be found on Blue Star.

There is no doubt that it must come from the mysterious inner world!

These forces in the inner world have repeatedly influenced the changes of various forces on Blue Star and the iteration of the situation.

The ones who can really make the decision are not these powerful countries on the surface, but the pairs of behind-the-scenes black hands hidden in the dark!

Clear pictures appeared in Lu Zhe's mind, and at the same time, his vigilance was raised to the peak!

It cannot be exposed, absolutely not exposed!

He kept reminding himself in his heart that he must not be exposed to those people's sight!

If necessary, he could even put all his energy into the Sky World, and then return with powerful power to clear all obstacles!

He tore off the paper he wrote, and flames came out of his hands, burning the paper.

Lu Zhe sat silently on the sofa, not knowing what he was thinking in his mind, and at this moment, his mobile phone rang.

Hearing this unique ringtone, Lu Zhe frowned slightly, and immediately answered the call after reacting.

This was a private call between him and Cynthia.

Cynthia's voice came from the other end of the phone, and the voice was slightly urgent.

"Lu Zhe, where are you now? I have something to discuss with you!"

In addition to nervousness, there was also a hint of uneasiness in the voice.

There was no usual confidence and carelessness at all.

Lu Zhe sensed the unusualness in the voice and immediately said:

"I'm in Lanting City now and can rush to the company right away."

"Okay, I'll wait for you here!"

After hanging up the phone, Lu Zhe didn't have time to think about it. After checking, he immediately contacted people to get on the boat and drove out of Xiaguo to the company's location.

"What happened?"

Seeing Cynthia, Lu Zhe saw the panic on his face and hurriedly comforted her,

"Don't worry, talk slowly."

Cynthia looked around, pulled him into the office, closed the door, and then told her everything one by one.

"I want you to help my mother."

From her, Lu Zhe learned the whole story.

During this period of time, not only the Xiaguo supernatural world has suffered heavy losses,

some countries around the world have also suffered losses in supernatural forces,

Among them, the losses in the Bear Country are not small, some upper-level figures have been damaged, and domestic forces are facing a major reshuffle!

Cynthia's mother, Vilia, has many enemies.

But she had a third-level supernatural friend as a backer before.

But this is the turmoil in the supernatural world of Bear Country, and her best friend unfortunately died in it.

Unfortunately, most of the enemies did not suffer any losses.

Now they have joined forces to kill Vilia and occupy her business share in Bear Country.

Among them, there are many people with deep hatred who want to tear her into pieces.

The hatred over there also involves the company.

Because when the company was first established, it was under pressure from the outside world, and it was Vilia who came forward and suppressed the tentacles of other forces.

And she made a promise to protect the company, which allowed the company to have a period of stable development.

After this operation, the company has been regarded as a force belonging to Vilia in the eyes of her enemies.

At least a subordinate force.

To deal with Vilia is natural

The company is included in it.

In other words, the company is now facing threats from these people.

Lu Zhe understood and his face was gloomy.

This matter cannot be blamed on Wei Liya. After all, the reason why he was implicated was because he was protected by her at the beginning.

"So what is the problem now?"

After saying so much, Cynthia still didn't ask me to come to help, what I need to do for her.

The biggest feature of what I can do is that I have a lot of materials, especially in cultivation materials.

"My mother is now a super-ordinary second-level. Not long ago, she failed to compete for a super-ordinary third-level reagent and lost the opportunity to break through the super-ordinary third-level."

"And if you want to resist that group of guys, you must have the strength of the super-ordinary third-level!"

"I want to ask you, can you..."

At this point, Cynthia closed her mouth and didn't say anything.

Lu Zhe also knew what she meant. It turned out that she wanted me to take out a super-ordinary third-level reagent!

"You think too highly of me, don't you?"

Lu Zhe couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Where did he get the third-level reagent? If he had it, he would have sold it long ago and exchanged it for a technique.

Forget the third-level reagent. He doesn't even have the first-level one!

"No, I mean to collect the materials of the third-level extraordinary and make the third-level reagent."

Seeing Lu Zhe's misunderstanding, Cynthia explained immediately.

Since the extraordinary reagent was created by the Western Extraordinary World, it has developed very rapidly.

The current formula of the extraordinary reagent has reached the fourth level, which is also the current peak.

In other words, as long as there are enough materials, it can directly break through from the first level to the fourth level in a short time, and have a powerful force comparable to the fourth-level extraordinary!

The confidentiality of the production method of the extraordinary reagent is not too high, because the main lack on Blue Star is the materials.

If you want to make the third-level extraordinary potion, you must use the demon pill of the third-level monster.

And the monsters on Blue Star are so rare, let alone the demon pill!

Not every demon beast can produce a demon pill.

If you want to get a demon pill, you may need to hunt dozens of level 3 demon beasts if you are unlucky.

The effort and reward are not proportional at all!

This is also the reason why the extraordinary reagent developed rapidly in the early stage, but stopped suddenly after reaching the fourth level.

Because there are no demon beasts above level 4 on Blue Star,

It is said that even the fourth-level potion has not been made, but the formula has been speculated, and the specific feasibility has not been verified.

The reason lies in this material.

"The demon pill of the third-level demon beast?"

Lu Zhe understood. He did not ask Cynthia why she thought she could get the demon pill of the third-level demon beast.

This question is meaningless.

"How can you guarantee that your mother will not come to trouble us after getting the demon pill and making the potion and breaking through the third level?"

Or come to trouble him.

Lu Zhe frowned and asked word by word,

"I can guarantee this. I will not reveal your information and will send the demon pill to my mother in other ways!"

Cynthia promised, staring at Lu Zhe with her eyes full of pleading.

"My good brother..."

"I am not sure whether I can get the demon pill of the third-level demon beast, but I can try."

Lu Zhe did not agree directly, but gave Cynthia an uncertain answer.

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