The more you go, the more you will be able to do it.

Helping Cynthia's mother is also helping yourself in disguise.

If Wei Liya breaks through the third level, it is equivalent to having a third-level strongman standing behind the company as a backer!

Not only can it eliminate unnecessary troubles, but it can also get rid of those who have been bothering them for some time.

It is more convenient for you to carry out your plans later.

As for where to get the third-level demon pill, there is only one place, the Sky World!

Lu Zhe stayed in the company for one night and took a boat back to Lanting City the next morning.

After entering the villa, the light gate flashed and he had arrived in the Sky World.

In Bianchang Town, Lu Zhe called the village chief who was in charge of government affairs during this period.

Inquire about the development during this period.

With the concerted efforts of tens of thousands of workers, the road from Bianchang Town to Hutou Village is nearly completed and will be accessible in one or two days.

By the way, the road section in Bianchang Town has been repaired, and the houses have been planned and organized.

The houses in disorderly locations have been arranged in an orderly manner. According to the design drawings, they have been corrected bit by bit, and the area of ​​the city has been expanded a lot.

The overall space seems to have been expanded, and people walking in it only feel clean and comfortable, and it looks neat and tidy at a glance!

In addition, more fields have been reclaimed in the farming area outside the city.

After reading the management book given to him by Lu Zhe, the village chief imitated and referred to the urban planning and agricultural design in it, and managed the farming area and industrial area in an orderly manner.

With the large amount of food provided by Lu Zhe, without paying a penny, he recruited workers with these grains and made Bianchang Town look brand new!

"You did a great job!"

Even Lu Zhe couldn't help but praise sincerely.

It was a correct choice for me to hand this job to the village chief!

"How are those families now?"

Since all kinds of infrastructure have been built, it is time to develop the talent market in Bianchang Town.

In this matter, he will inevitably be placed on the opposite side of other families.

"They are still honest. Wang Hu will bring the city guards to hang around them from time to time.

And under the deliberate suppression, the power of these families has shrunk by more than half, and they dare not speak out."

Speaking of this, the village chief couldn't help laughing and told Lu Zhe about all the things Wang Hu had done during this period.

Lu Zhe didn't expect that he had just mentioned it before and asked him to target these families a little bit.

I didn't expect Wang Hu to do it so cruelly, directly suppressing them in public, and shrinking their strength by more than half!

Isn't this going to kill them?

In this way, those family members may want to kill themselves in their dreams in the middle of the night!

Lu Zhe pulled the corner of his mouth, and after listening to it once, he didn't take it seriously.

Hate it, anyway, there is nothing you can do to yourself.

Lu Zhe waved his hand, and a huge design appeared on the table.

"This design is the plan of the Warrior Academy.

You arrange for people to find a suitable location and build the Warrior Academy according to the plan on the design!"

"It must be magnificent, the area can be large but not small, and the materials must be good!"

"I understand!"

The village chief took the design and took a look at it. He knew that this was the Warrior Academy plan mentioned by the young master before, and immediately took it seriously.

"Is there any demon pill of third-level monsters for sale in Bianchang Town?"

The purpose of Lu Zhe's visit this time was to buy third-level demon pills.

If there were any for sale in Bianchang Town, it would undoubtedly be the best, but it is unlikely that there would be such a thing.

Sure enough, after hearing that Lu Zhe was asking about third-level demon pills, the village chief's face became bitter.

"Anything related to the third level will not appear in Bianchang Town. If you want to buy it, you must go to Qingzhou City thousands of miles away."

Lu Zhe was not surprised to hear this answer.

It seems that he has to go to Qingzhou City in person.

"You ask Wang Hu to prepare and go to Qingzhou City with me."

"Sir, do you want to participate in the auction in Qingzhou City? I heard that there are many third-level treasures in this auction, including the demon pills of third-level demon beasts." The village chief thought for a moment and said.

"When is the auction?"

Lu Zhe really didn't know about this.

"The auction will be held in ten days, and many towns around Qingzhou City will send people to participate."

The village chief told Lu Zhe the information he learned from the caravan, especially the news about Qingzhou City.

During this period, in addition to arranging the major infrastructure of Bianchang Town, he was also learning about the outside world through various means.

, the most important focus is Qingzhou City.

Ten days and thousands of miles away, completely caught up,

Lu Zhe did not delay, waiting for Wang Hu to arrive and ready to set off.

Can not drive modern off-road, arranged a carriage.

Let the first-level unicorn that was just tamed a few days ago pull the carriage, the speed is not slow at all.

Without having time to meet other people,

he drove the carriage directly out of Bianchang Town and drove towards Qingzhou City.

"Sir, what's the hurry?"

In the carriage, Wang Hu drove the unicorn

and looked at Lu Zhe in the carriage behind him, and asked curiously.

This is also his first time to Qingzhou City.

"Buy the third-level demon pill." Lu Zhe said casually.

"If so, you can ask someone to run it for you."

In this period of time, in addition to various infrastructure, the strength of the Hutou villagers has also made great progress.

Great warriors have emerged like bamboo shoots after a spring rain, and have exceeded thirty!

The total number even exceeds that of Bianchang Town before!

Moreover, in the current situation where they are the only ones with great warriors.

This is also the reason why he has been able to bully these people during this period of time.

"In addition to buying demon pills, I also want to see the style of Qingzhou City."

Lu Zhe waved his hand and made up a reason at random.

However, this reason is not a fabrication. He really wants to see what the current situation of Qingzhou City is like.

Although someone will pass on the news every once in a while, it is always impossible to rest assured without seeing it with your own eyes.

The situation of the Dakun Dynasty is close to collapse.

The war between the two kings is deadlocked.

Other forces have lined up and been involved in this war.

The families affected by the war are constantly seeking refuge in all directions, and even some weak families have settled in Bianchang Town.

This is also what he learned from the village chief.

The strongest of these families are only great warriors,

There is no martial arts master.

After all, martial artists are considered the backbone of the country. Even if they are avoiding war, they will not flee to the poor and remote place of Bianchang Town. Qingzhou City is their best choice.

This time when he went to Qingzhou City, Lu Zhe brought all his belongings.

More than 100,000 Sky Dome Coins looted before, and the money looted from various families during this period of time.

A total of nearly 300,000 Sky Dome Coins

The price of a third-level demon pill is normally around 30,000 Sky Dome Coins.

When he was inquiring about the demon pill, he learned a shocking secret!

Not every demon beast on Blue Star has a demon pill in its body, and it is often only possible to get a demon pill if you are lucky.

And he found out through the news that every demon beast in the Sky Dome World has a demon pill in its body!

Not only that, even second-level demon beasts have a chance to have a demon pill!

It is also because of this situation that although the demon pill has many uses, the price is not beyond Lu Zhe's ability to bear.

It undoubtedly gave him a huge surprise!

If other materials are sufficient, then wouldn't he be able to produce a large number of third-order extraordinary reagents?

Adding the first and second-order extraordinary reagents, it means that Lu Zhe can use extraordinary reagents to cultivate extraordinary people in large quantities!

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