The city is still full of vitality.

As one of the megacities of the Great Kun Dynasty, Qingzhou City is located in the southwest, but its prosperity is no less than other cities.

It has a wide range of influence and a prosperous economy. Everyone in the southwest of the Great Kun Dynasty knows its name.

On the way to Qingzhou City, Lu Zhe saw many caravans that were also heading to Qingzhou City.

Most of them were caravans, carrying all kinds of large and small goods.

In addition, there were families who came from the Central Plains to seek refuge, most of them carrying the elderly and children.

The strength of the people he met should not be underestimated. In just a few days, he encountered more than ten martial arts masters!

The blood of the martial arts masters is magnificent. Whenever there is a caravan led by a warrior or a family passing by, Lu Zhe will ask Wang Hu to drive the carriage to the side of the road and wait for them to leave before starting the journey. After 8 days of traveling, they finally arrived outside Nanzhou City. Seeing Qingzhou City for the first time was like Lu Zhe's first time seeing Bianchang Town. The endless city walls towered into the clouds. It was unclear whether the shape of the city was square or other shapes, but there were more than a dozen city gates on one side. Caravans of all sizes entered and exited from them. Outside the city, there were also a lot of houses built by themselves, most of which were wooden structures and looked like slums. No matter where you are, there is no shortage of people living at the bottom. Lu Zhe and Wang Hu lined up to enter the city. During the line, Lu Zhe stretched out his head to look around, and his eyes operated an extraordinary secret technique. He observed the strength of the people around him with the power of the secret technique. When the blue light flashed in his eyes, almost everything he saw was boiling red! Warriors can be seen everywhere. Great warriors are not everywhere, but you can see a few from time to time.

After taking a look, Lu Zhe retracted his gaze and dared not look again.

Although warriors have poor perception, if they accidentally see a martial arts master,

they might be noticed by others and cause unnecessary trouble.

"The entrance fee is ten Tianqiong coins!"

The soldier guarding the door glanced at Wang Hu, then turned his eyes to the unicorn pulling the cart, and felt the blood and qi power of the unicorn in the first stage, and then carefully retracted his gaze.

Originally, seeing that Wang Hu was a stranger and his clothes were not gorgeous,

he was thinking of extorting him, but now he had put his little thoughts aside.

However, the entrance fee still had to be collected.

Everyone who entered Qingzhou City had to pay the entrance fee.

In the past, one Tianqiong coin was enough to enter, but now in the war period, the entrance fee has risen to ten Tianqiong coins.

The two paid the entrance fee and entered the city.

The prosperous scene in front of them shocked the two people. They thought that Bianchang Town was already prosperous, but compared with Qingzhou City, it was nothing compared to Qingzhou City. Even the big cities that Lu Zhe saw on Blue Star were slightly inferior to this. Although there were no towering buildings here, its architecture was also unique, with gorgeous decorations and ancient style. The pedestrians were extraordinary and dressed beautifully. On the wide streets, various riding monsters were neatly planned and orderly. There were people standing at the intersection to direct, just like the traffic lights in the previous world to avoid congestion. From this point of view alone, the development level here is not primitive. I also thought that on such a dazzling planet, such a dazzling cultivation civilization, even if humans put their minds on cultivation and pursue the path, there will be people who will think about these problems. "Young Master, where are we going now?"

Wang Hu was dazzled by the prosperous scenery around him, but he quickly came to his senses and followed the crowd to move forward slowly.

"Let's find a store to stay first."

Before coming, Lu Zhe had roughly figured out the situation in Qingzhou City through the caravan intelligence.

Now that there is war, countless families have come to Qingzhou City.

While bringing prosperity to Qingzhou City, it also brought chaos.

They are here to participate in the auction. They just need to buy the third-level demon pill safely and there is no need to cause other troubles.

They came to a store called Jiuyun Inn to stay, and handed the unicorn to the store owner Xiao Shi to take to the backyard to feed.

"Waiter, serve another table of good dishes!"

I didn't expect that Jiuyun Inn also had a menu. Lu Zhe took the menu and glanced at it and found that there were many special dishes.

The price is expensive, and often a dish requires hundreds or thousands of Tianqiong coins!

But although these dishes are expensive,

All of them are made from monster meat. One of them is called Flame Star, which is made from the heart of a third-level monster. It is good for martial artists' training.

But the price is over 100,000, which is not within Lu Zhe's consideration.

He casually ordered ten dishes with a price of several hundred or several thousand.

Mainly to try something new and experience the food of Qingzhou City.

"Okay, wait a moment, sir!"

There are so many guests in the inn that even the servants have been temporarily added.

Lu Zhe and his partner were lucky. There was a table of people who had just finished eating by the window.

Not only can they see the scenery outside, but they can also hear the conversations of people around them.

They sat there and listened to people around them talking about the big and small things that happened in Qingzhou City recently.

"Hey, have you heard? Now the family entry fee has increased to 60% of their worth!"

"So fast! Then won't the remaining families who haven't entered the city lose a lot?"

"That's right. Now many people are clamoring to build their own refuge outside the city."

"Anyway, the rebel army can't get here. What's the difference between entering the city and not entering the city? At most, the living environment is a little better."

The entry fee of 60% of the family's worth means that the family wants to move to Qingzhou City to live and reproduce here.

As long as 60% of the family's worth is handed over, they can get a family residence and develop in it.

Otherwise, if a family has a lot of people, if they rent or buy a house, the money they need to spend will be more than 60% of the family's worth!

The land price in the city is not cheap.

Moreover, the family residence is protected by the city guards. Once something happens, they can quickly rush to support.

In contrast, buying or renting a house cannot find a house gathered together, and the personnel must be dispersed, and there is no such special treatment.

The current situation is that one is willing to fight and the other is willing to be beaten.

"It is said that the city lord is ready to expand Qingzhou City!"

"Yes, I have heard that. It is said that the surrounding land will be expropriated and turned into an outer city area in the future."

At that time, houses cannot be built within ten miles of the city at will.

They must be built by the city lord's mansion. If you want to live there, you need to pay rent!

The man who spoke could not help but take a big sip of wine to vent his resentment.

His family now lives outside the city. Once the city lord's mansion expropriates the area outside the city, expands the city and rents out the area outside the city.

His family will have no place to live. If they want to rely on Qingzhou City,

they will need to pay a large amount of rent.

Now everyone in the family is discussing whether to go to other subordinate towns.

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