Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 507: Changed again

   Chapter 507

Back in Hekou Town, Li Fushou and his entourage were warmly welcomed by the crowd. Many blacks, whites, Arabs and Chinese crowded together, waving their arms and shouting and screaming, because the language was too many and too complicated, so they couldn't hear anything. The scene is very lively.

  Li Fushou smiled and waved his hands frequently. This scene of ethnic integration and unity is what he would like to see most. Although it may be a superficial article, it also shows that everyone is aware of this hidden danger and subconsciously trying to solve it.

  As long as the first step is taken, will the end be far?

  The official residence in Hekou Town is relatively rudimentary. This is a separate courtyard with beautiful marble on the floor. There are neither exquisite mural decorations nor complex stone carvings. There are only some Portuguese-style furniture and furnishings, which look incompatible with the architecture.

Li Fushou didn't care about these vulgar objects. He strode into the house and took the large tea mug of herbal tea that Fu Peng handed over. He raised his head and dried it for most of the time. Then he wiped the water stains on his lips and put down the tea. Cylinder.

   "Comfortable, herbal tea really quenches thirst!"

"Of course, sir, this is the secret herbal tea recipe handed down by my old Fu's ancestors. It is made with more than a dozen Chinese medicines. It is the best way to quench thirst and cool off the heat. Don't look at this place because the temperature is not high, but the sun is quite violent at noon. Yo!" Fu Peng looked quite proud.

  "Fu, if you take out this unique herbal tea skill, you will definitely be robbed in Xi'an. The market in Mozambique will not be bad, and it will be a fortune."

   "I am not interested in this. My herbal tea is only boiled for the old lady, and others don't even think about it."

   " are just a dead brain."

  Li Fushou picked up the big tea mug again, raised his head and dried it in one breath, patted his stomach contentedly, and handed the tea back to Fu Peng.

  Fu Peng held the big tea mug in his hand, with an expression of hesitation and silence. He was the kind of straight temper who couldn't hold back the words in his heart.

Li Fushou took a look at him and understood that he had been together day and night for more than ten years, and he was very familiar with this old fu's every move, so he said with a smile on the corner of his lips; "What's the matter? This is not your Fu Peng temperament!"

   "Hey, I know I can't hide it from the lord." Old Fu Peng blushed, hesitated and said;. "I know that people's things are not very good behind the scenes, but it's uncomfortable to hide it from the master, and I always feel uncomfortable..."

   "Then you just say it!"

   "It's like this. I see that when I come back today, there are welcoming people everywhere in the town. The **** and white skins are crowded together. It feels not so real. So I asked the people to investigate, sir, guess what..."

  "What's the matter?" Li Fushou replied very cooperatively.

"It's all the ghosts of the old boy Mo Rufeng. Give me some sweetness and let these Portuguese and indigenous people come out to welcome them. I manipulated this lively scene artificially. This boy was not optimistic before in the Red Fort. I always guessed it. Catering to his favor, he has the potential to be a treacherous minister, but I don't like it very much anyway."

   "Hehe...I know about this, then I really want to criticize him."

  Li Fushou chuckled lightly, and dismissed Fu Peng who was spitting out quickly, and then left the matter behind, without any intention to hold him accountable.

Whether or not it is a traitor is not the final decision by Fu Peng. Now in Queensland, it is too much needed for capable people to take up the burden, whether it is military, political, economic, or diplomatic. It is really not afraid of you. As long as he has the ability, Li Fushou doesn't mind assigning important tasks.

  All people in the world have a little selfishness, some love honor, some like money women, some long for power, some are good at forming parties for private interests, but these are very rare and talented people. Do you use them or not?

  As a superior person, you must consider this issue. Even if you have a moral and cleanliness, you can’t overturn the whole ship with one shot. Then who will do the work?

  The wisdom of the ancients has clouds; when the water is clear, there are no fish.

  Li Fushou now deeply understands this sentence, and talents in the world today are extremely rare.

Mo Rufeng has meticulously cultivated a handsome talent for more than ten years. He is both civil and military. In the future, he will have to raise a banner in the military to fight against the strong forces of high-level German officers. As long as he does not plot a rebellion, he will not be able to do so by any means. Abolish martial arts.

  The record that the Queensland Army can achieve is the "Shangri-La Defensive War". It was a head-to-head contest. The first battle defeated the momentum of the Dutch and laid the momentum of the Queensland Army's vigorous consecutive victories in the future, which can be described as a milestone battle.

  As for the Borneo battle after that, it can be said that taking advantage of the victory to beat the water dog, the significance is much less.

  But this important battle was fully commanded by Fritz, then the third regiment commander of Shangri-La. The deputy regimental commander Mo Rufeng had just thrown a pen and joined the army at that time. Although he performed well throughout the campaign, he was just a role to supplement the vacancies.

After the war, Li Fushou had to give Fritz the throne of teacher-in-chief after the war. This was still a long delay before he gave Fritz the title of teacher-in-chief after he divorced his original wife. .

  Li Fushou willing?

  Of course not. At that time, the Shangri-La Division was a heavy-duty group with a staff of up to 13,800. After the baptism of **** battles, it had a strong combat power and topped the entire army.

  Such a powerful military force is in the hands of German-born officers, even if Commander Fritz has repeatedly shown his loyalty with actions, Li Fushou still can't sleep well.

So the following series of small actions began. After the war, large-scale retired soldiers, looking for an opportunity to allocate more than 2,000 soldiers to the Kalimantan Second Division, arranged for officers to enter the Whampoa Military Academy for rotation training, the African Task Force mobilized soldiers, and the African Expeditionary Army mobilized soldiers. , After the bombardment of Nagasaki, troops were deployed to form the Okinawa Marine Police District.

  Looking back now, there are only more than 2,800 people left in the Shangri-La Division. Even after this year’s recruits, the total number of the division is still less than 4,700. Only one integrated group is retained, and the other two are just framework groups.

  From the root

  Li Fushou is a narrow-minded nationalist. He only believes in Chinese compatriots with black hair, dark eyes and yellow skin, and believes that the Chinese elites he has cultivated are the products of the high-ranking German military officers in a specific environment and will be replaced.

  The curvaceous minds of these superiors do not need to explain to Fu Peng. His simple head can't hold so many things.

"Master, this is the document just sent. Please review it. The lady sent a letter asking when the master will go to Seoul City to meet his wife." Secretary Li Sizhong walked in, put the document on the table with both hands, and saw Li Fushou reached out to touch the cigar box, opened the cigar box quickly, took out one, cut off the cap and presented it to him.

   "Oh, I will go to Enzo town tomorrow. Some professors and hydrogeographers from Queensland Red River Valley University live there. They need to discuss the flooding of the Zambezi River during the rainy season. It may take a few days."

Li Fushou reached out to take the cigar and put it on his mouth. Secretary Li Sizhong struck a match. He took a pleasant sip. A large cloud of strong and mellow cigar smoke came out and enveloped the figure; "Just next week, go. The letter tells her that she will leave for Seoul City next week to meet her."

   "Master, I understand the humble job."

   "What are these files?" Li Fushou asked casually, lying on the chair comfortably.

  This is a habit of cultivating his secretary's ability. The file secretary who submits the report must read it carefully, make sure that he knows it well, and type the draft. The Lord Earl must say something when he asks, otherwise he will be reprimanded.

  The content of these documents covers all aspects of Queensland and even the world, which is very conducive to cultivating a holistic perspective. After seeing more and experiencing more, the ability is also increasing.

  Li Sizhong bowed to answer;

  "Return to Master, there are a total of 7 documents here, two of which are documents on international affairs, which were forwarded by the express ship transporting supplies in Xi'an Town.

One is about the formation of the cabinet of the Conservative Party in London. After the victory of the election, the leader of the Conservative Party, Lord Robert Cecil, formed a cabinet, the Minister of Finance, the Secretary of the Navy, the Secretary of the Colony, the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, and the Secretary of the Interior. The relevant colonial policies we are concerned about have not yet been officially announced, and we need to wait for follow-up information to be perfected.

What can be known at present is that the current cabinet will center on the grand celebration of the 50th anniversary of Her Majesty Queen Victoria’s enthronment next year, inviting the world’s royal dignitaries to join the feast, uniting the people of the Commonwealth through this unprecedented ceremony, and continuing the British Empire’s A hundred years of glory. "

   "Wow grass, this is..." Li Fushou held his forehead with a headache.

  In this year and a half, London has changed three governments like a reckless one. The last Liberal Party’s guardian cabinet only existed for 5 months and 24 days. The colonial policy has made twists and turns, making Queensland struggling to cope with it.

  A few months ago, the advance team of the African Expeditionary Force had just set off from Xi’an and rushed to Mozambique. The last London government fell...

  Now that I finally sorted out the clues, the last London government fell again...

Li Fushou managed to restrain his urge to curse, and shook his head and said with a wry smile; "Diplomatic representatives are not easy to do. There is no European country that can do it easily. Tang Shaoyi is going to suffer again. Forget it, send me a letter of encouragement. Please comfort me by telegram."

   "Understood, sir." Li Shizhong quickly took a pen to record on the leather notebook he was carrying with him.

   "There is nothing to ask about this. Let's wait until the current cabinet government policy is released. What's next?"

"Master, this is an international initiative initiated by the United States and signed by Germany, France, Russia, Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway and other countries. It strongly condemns the artillery bombing that affected Portuguese civilians during the colonial war. It was mainly aimed at the island of Mozambique some time ago. The world’s mainstream social newspapers have reported on the bombing of China, with mixed reviews."

  "What about the British attitude?"

"Return to the Lord, I have fully understood this matter. Since the government is changing, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs has returned to Glasgow Territory for vacation, and the new Minister of Foreign Affairs has not yet been in place. The originally well-functioning diplomatic system seems to be stalled. It is not ruled out that some people who are dissatisfied with Queensland will be involved. The former Governor of New South Wales, Earl John Lawrence Bald, will return to London after leaving office. The effect is beyond doubt."

   "It makes sense, this old **** has been against me all the time, and he probably won't hold back any good farts."

  Li Fushou cursed helplessly, he was really helpless.

  According to Count John Lawrence Bald’s profound political qualifications, entering the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is also a decisive figure. From now on, Queensland will be in a much more difficult diplomatic situation. It can be seen from this incident that there is no longer London standing in the foreground.

  If London is willing to act, this so-called American proposal will simply not be published.

  (End of this chapter)

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