Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 508: German East Africa Company (4D update request subscription, request

  Chapter 508 German East Africa Company (4D update for subscription, monthly ticket support)

  The bombing of the island of Mozambique is an act of war. Although it is a bit unusual to injure civilians, who doesn’t do it now?

The United States seems to be standing on the moral high ground and condemning others. In fact, its own mess is full of things. Now, as the development and construction of the western United States is in full swing, the US cavalry divisions are hunting Indians, killing Mexicans, oppressing and discriminating against the Chinese. Male thieves and female prostitutes come to condemn others, bah...

  Li Fushou took a sip of the cigar, waved his hand a little irritably and asked; "What about the next?"

  "Return to Master;

  Among the remaining 5 documents, one is a letter regarding the proposal of private capital to invest in the development of the Jinshui River Basin. The relevant preferential conditions have passed the review committee procedures and need to be signed by you and issued in the name of Red Fort.

  One is a letter of request to increase immigration from Borneo.

  After more than two years of immigration and construction, Borneo has the ability to independently supply food and non-staple food, and there is still a lot of abundance. The harvesting season in July this year has another bumper harvest, facing the situation of low grain and hurting farmers.

  On the other hand, Borneo's specialty agricultural products, which are mainly spices, rubber, and tobacco, have begun to take shape and require a large amount of labor for further development.

  Therefore, Borneo has the basic ability to increase the introduction of immigrants. This year, it plans to introduce no less than 650,000 immigrants to enrich the population of farms and plantations and further consolidate the foundation for economic development. "

   "Oh, this is all a good thing."

  Li Fushou’s original uncomfortable mood was diluted, his slender fingers tapped the chair handles lightly, and he asked after consideration; “Is there any suspicion of entering the immigrant population in Borneo on such a large scale?”

  "Return to the master, I don’t think so for a humble job." Sure enough, Li Sizhong cheered up, organized the language, and said humorously;

  "After the population migration in the first half of this year, the immigrants in Borneo for two and a half consecutive years have only been in the early millions, almost equivalent to replacing the original indigenous population, and the scale is still slightly smaller.

  After the war losses and the mine’s demand for war criminals, the population that has moved into the indigenous reservations is now less than 100,000, most of whom are young, old, women and children, and the productivity is completely negligible.

The Chinese immigrants have fully filled the original plantations and farms, and the production has initially resumed. Now it is gradually on the right track. The harvest season in July this year proved that the productivity of the industrious Chinese people far exceeds that of the local Indonesian indigenous people, and the agricultural production experience is even greater. Abundant, intensive farming technology is higher, almost one person needs to be more than two and a half, and has the ability to support a larger population.

Borneo is now full of waste. During the Dutch rule, the infrastructure construction was extremely perfunctory. Except for the limited dirt roads in Samuda, Samarinda and other places, the construction of roads, bridges, culverts and other transportation and water conservancy facilities in other places is equal to zero. In a semi-primitive state.


  Urban construction, rural handicrafts and some industrial projects, as well as the fishing industry, all require a lot of manpower to promote the balanced and vigorous development of the region and digest excess food. These are the two real demand points for the introduction of a large number of immigrants in Borneo.

  After all, Borneo is so big, a province with a population of as much as 300,000 to 400,000 people, and a population of as little as 100,000. The population is really too small.

  After more than 10 years of tempering, the Queensland immigration department has a strong ability to regulate. It is believed that it can digest such a large immigrant population and promote the economy of Borneo to a higher level.

  Therefore, I think that Borneo’s request for expanded immigration is reasonable and can be controlled to meet its own development requirements. With a humble opinion, please comment on it. "

   "Well, um, it seems to be careful, not bad, what about the last file?"

   "Return to my lord, this is a letter from the German East Africa Company requesting a bilateral meeting on the border demarcation of the Malawi region."


  Li Fushou suddenly became interested. He sat up and waved his hand to make Li Sizhong retreat. After flipping through it, he found this document and looked at it. After a while, a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

  The famous German adventurer Karl Peters is very interesting!

After Li Fushou expressed his attitude of attaching great importance to Lake Malawi and its surrounding areas, the African Expeditionary Force quickly attacked and dispatched a team of 700 people to the area first. Later, more than 2,000 immigrants arrived to arrest the indigenous labor force. The area established settlements, reclaimed land and burned wasteland, organized people to go fishing in the river, and started to work in full swing.

  This big movement finally attracted the attention of the Germans.

German forces entered the region in the 1880s. So far, there have been more than 5,600 white immigrants in the German East African region. Half of them have just entered the region in the past two years. More than 80% of white Germans have entered the region. Gathered in the capital Dar es Salaam and nearby towns.

  They have weak control over Lake Malawi and its surrounding areas. They occasionally send expedition teams to survey the terrain to find out the population and geographical customs of the Didi tribe. As for the colonial development, they have not yet been on the agenda.

  Think about it, German East Africa is a vast area with an area of ​​over one million square kilometers, and five or six thousand people are scattered in it without a sound.

Nowadays, it is the German East Africa Company that rules German East Africa, not the Government House of the Governor. This is a colonial company close to the Dutch East India Company and the British East India Company. It has its own private arms but no fleet. There is a large fleet of cargo ships.

  In the colonization of Africa, the expensive fleet is a rare thing, basically not used (except for the war between colonists).

  In the consensus reached at the Berlin Conference, the occupied territories of this privately formed colonial company are also recognized and protected internationally, because behind these companies are often powerful European powers.

  Karl-Peters is the largest shareholder of the German East Africa Company, and the fact that he is the speaker. This is a madman who dared to anger the iron-blooded Prime Minister Bismarck, is also a famous adventurer, and is also an ungrateful.

  The official letter that Li Fushou was holding was the official letter produced by the German company, and it was stamped with the company’s unique lacquer badge, which was an invitation for formal consultations.

  In this invitation letter

Karl-Peters blatantly attributed the entire Lake Malawi and surrounding area of ​​approximately 260,000 square kilometers of land to the East Africa Company, and sternly asked Queensland to abide by international consensus, respect the property ownership of the German East Africa Company, and wisely exit the area. .

  Specific issues must be resolved in the negotiations on demarcation of boundaries.

   seems to be no problem, but Li Fushou clearly understands another meaning between the lines;

  This place is mine, you have to get money if you want it, everything is easy to talk about.

  Sure enough, he deserves to be a madman who is angry with the iron-blooded prime minister Bismarck, knowing that this Sir Alex is not a good friend, dare to blackmail me?

   Although the German East Africa Company is a colonial company, it was established only a few years ago, and it has not had the extremely deep strength of the British East India Company, capable of launching a war of tens of thousands of people.

  At best, it only has a standing armed force of less than 500 people.

  If there is a need to start a war, the German East Africa Company can hire a large number of strong German mercenaries from the local area, which is his arrogant capital.

  But a company is a company, and it focuses on chasing profits, which can never be changed.

   "Interesting, find time to meet Karl Peters."

  Li Fushou put down the official letter in his hand. This kind of letter only needs to reply to an intention. The formal meeting needs to be determined in addition to the time. It may be delayed for three to five months to a year.

  If the negotiation does not go well, talk again after the friction, and then friction again, then the delay time will be counted.

  Don’t worry, just let it go.

  Wait until the next ship of immigrants arrives, all of them will be placed in the Malawi area, and the settlements will be built far away. First, we will take up the surrounding circle.

  There are more people than people, and the Chinese immigrants can scare out German shit.

  It’s not bragging at all. Based on the inaccurate population of 40,000 in the Qing Dynasty, how many people are born in a year without family planning?

  15 million is just the bottom line. It takes two or three years to give birth to a whole German population. It is really a piece of cake. Just ask if you accept it?

  (End of this chapter)

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