Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 518: Raise the flag to surrender

   Chapter 518

Li Fushou drew most of the horses in the cavalry battalion during this trip, as well as hundreds of large green mules in the transport team. This was enough to gather the needs. Except for North Africa, it is difficult to see such large-scale cavalry in other parts of Africa. team.

  To be honest, extremely mobile cavalry units are rarely used in Africa.

Another cost-effective alternative is to buy horses from the South African Boers. Although these horses do not have Arabian war horses, they are sufficient for riding and fighting. Moreover, the southern part of Mozambique borders the northern part of South Africa, which can be solved by long-distance trafficking. Transportation issues.

  The only obstacle is the poor relationship between Queensland and the Dutch. In the two Boer republics of Transvaal and Orange in South Africa, hostility to Queenslanders has become common practice. This is why Queensland is struggling to develop in the region.

  After reviewing the documents, Li Fushou left these trivial matters behind.

  Whether it is building a horse farm or breeding good horses, there will naturally be someone responsible. If this little thing can't be done well, Mo Rufeng, the commander of the African Expeditionary Force, would be too good.

Since 12 95mm Miss Australia artillery pieces were delivered to the front line of Mozambique Island, they launched shelling on the island every three and a half times, and then withdrew after the attack. Although the shore artillery would quickly return, the group still caused great psychology to the Portuguese. pressure.

The   95mm Miss Australia artillery has an effective range of 12 kilometers, which greatly enhances the roundabout depth of the artillery fire. After each short firing of the artillery shells, they quickly evacuated, making the Portuguese shore artillery counterattack all missed, and it was a great blow to its morale.

   Coupled with artillery fire to seal the beaches and docks, the supply of supplies was almost cut off. The Portuguese defenders on the island could no longer hold it up, and they sent a request for negotiation of conditional surrender.

  The Portuguese hope to surrender decently under the supervision of France and Germany, to preserve the private property of the nobles, to respect their personal safety, to allow some Portuguese nobles to return to the European mainland, and to provide the necessary conditions for this.

  The answer from the expeditionary force is to surrender or die, choose 1 of two.

  On this issue, the expeditionary army’s attitude is extremely tough. The root cause is that the newly established African chief executive is afraid of leaving hidden dangers. After the peace period, these Portuguese whites are not easy to manage, and it is better to attack them from the beginning.

  The attitude of the African Chief Executive has affected the expeditionary force, and it will issue an ultimatum of unconditional surrender within a limited time. Otherwise, after the train artillery arrives, it will launch a devastating attack on the island, and the jade will be burned.

  At this point, the situation on the island of Mozambique is generally settled, and the last Portuguese surrender on the island is only between ten days and a day.

  This former colonial empire has completely declined. The Portuguese on the island can't wait for reinforcements from Lisbon. The material consumption has been exhausted. Not only is the epidemic epidemic and people are starving to death, they have to lay down their weapons and surrender.

  At this time, the biggest flaw of the island can be seen. The island of Mozambique covers an area of ​​1.5 square kilometers, with more than 30,000 people influx, and there is almost no room for maneuver.

  Once blocked by the mainland, no amount of strong fortress can hold it.

Back then, why did the Portuguese choose this small island? It took more than 70 years to build the large-scale San Sebastian Castle at all costs?

  Be aware that in the Mozambique Sea Strait, the geographical location is better, and larger islands abound.

  Hakamba Island is located at the mouth of the Zambezi River. It covers an area of ​​about 340 square kilometers. It not only has a vast agricultural and pastoral land, but also has two small fishing villages, which can provide abundant food for the Portuguese to stick to for a long time.

  The main islands of the First and Second Islands not far from here are not small, with an area of ​​about forty to fifty square kilometers, which can also provide a lot of space for maneuvering.

  There is also Inhaca Island, opposite the Maputo Bay, covering an area of ​​approximately 52 square kilometers. The two headlands are separated by a tidal channel with a width of 500 meters (1600 feet).

  The island is about 12 kilometers long from north to south, 7 kilometers wide, and has a population of about 1,000. The highest point is Mount Inyaka in the northeast of the island, with an elevation of 104 meters.

  The central part of the island has a large area of ​​arable land, the north is covered with forest, the east is moss belt, the west coast is dunes, and most of the northern and southern parts of Saco Bay are covered by mangroves. The scenery is beautiful and the climate is pleasant.

In 1864, the Portuguese built a lighthouse on Inhaca Island. In addition to having a large area of ​​agricultural land, there are moray eels, barracudas, trevally, groupers, scorpion fish, butterfly fish, and puffer fish in the surrounding waters. There are abundant seafood such as parrot fish and sea horses. In summer, you can see whale sharks, manta rays, humpback whales and bottlenose dolphins, and tens of thousands of sea turtles come to the island to lay eggs. These are rich sources of protein and can provide Stick to the food you need for a long time.

  But why did the Portuguese choose not to choose, and only choose the active island of Mozambique to build the largest castle on the coast of East Africa... Sebastian’s castle?

the reason is simple

This is the place where the Portuguese pioneer of navigation Vasco da Gama first landed. There is a bronze statue of Dagama at the gate of the Governor’s Palace, which is enough to show that this great navigator’s lofty prestige in Portugal has become the outward colonial expansion. The spiritual totem of the great nautical era.

  Vasco da Gama is called a saint. This is of great significance in Portugal, where the Catholic atmosphere is strong. The island of Mozambique has been given an extraordinary sacred meaning. It is their pride and an iconic figure in the glorious history.

Regardless of these past glory, the actual situation is that more than 30,000 Portuguese crowded on this small island, and most of them were huddled in the city of stones, turning the largest castle of San Sebastian on the coast of East Africa into a huge The filth excrement field in the country is full of excrement and urine, which is inaudible, and the shortage of materials is horribly scarce.

   could not be better as a metaphor for cocooning and self-binding. This is the tragic reality.

  The African Expeditionary Force ambitiously transferred a 280mm long barrel cannon, transferred two locomotives, and recruited black laborers to build a railway line, preparing to give the Portuguese entrenched on the island of Mozambique a vicious move.

   But while the preparations were in full swing, the Portuguese had already raised their flag to surrender.

  Commander Mo Rufeng hit the empty place with this punch, saying that it is not uncomfortable is a fake;

  Don’t make me look down on, anyway, do you stay for a while?

  My railway line has been repaired, and the artillery has been transferred. There are only two locomotives short of it. You said that you have surrendered... We don’t take that kind of fun.

  The Portuguese are also bitter, brother...I really can’t hold it!

  Regardless of whether the Portuguese surrender or not, the single-track railway built along the south bank of the Zambezi River still needs to be built. The railway line can not only communicate the transportation of goods along the important towns along the river, but also the armored train guns can pose a serious threat to enemy ships that invade the area.

  If it is organically combined with the defensive fortresses on the island, it will form a dual fire coverage system that supports each other, one static and one moving, and the defense of the Zambezi River basin is indestructible and indestructible.

  Based on the above considerations, the railway line is still under construction and can be put into use only after the two locomotives arrive.

  As the war on the island of Mozambique came to a close, the expeditionary force was able to re-adjust its military strength. The artillery regiment was refitted and stationed on the island of Mozambique. The mobile force of the second and fourth regiments was used to encircle and suppress the indigenous African armed forces and completely calm the turbulent situation in remote areas.

  The victory and defeat of the battle needless to say. The biggest test for the troops is to drive on two legs and repeatedly clear the land on the plateau. It is inevitable that it will take a long time.

  Finished business

  The strong smell of barbecue was already coming from outside the camp, which seduce Li Fushou's belly agitated. He closed the documents in his hands and threw them on the folding table, stood up, and walked out.

  "Hey, Brother Qishan, you just came over from the campfire. Are they roasted antelope or lion meat? Why is it so fragrant? My saliva can't help it."

   "Well, there are all of them, don't be anxious, you eat some of them."

   "I heard that grilled lion meat is a great supplement, is there any such saying?"

"Of course it's a big supplement. Think about it. The lion is the king of the grassland. This thing is similar to the tiger. Maybe it is a relative. After eating it, it will definitely make up for it. After the age of 60 or 70, it will not be deaf or deaf. Light as a swallow."

   "Goodbye... so amazing, then I will have to eat a few more pieces of meat in a while."

   "My brother, I advise you not to eat too much, this thing is too hot to eat, beware of nosebleeds!"

   "It's okay, the opportunity is rare."

   Hearing the conversation with the sentry on duty at the entrance of the camp, Li Fushou smiled and walked out. The soldier immediately stood up straight and raised his hands in salute.

  "Remove the sentry post and go to the front for dinner." He ordered casually.


  At this time, there were more than ten bonfires in the camp. Large chunks of meat were roasted, and a large pot of delicious fish soup was cooked. The flaming bonfire illuminates the happy smiling face, which is a happy and content smile.

  The soldiers carefully burned the game, the surface of the steak was grilled with oily, golden and translucent, exuding a strong meat fragrance. After sprinkling with salt and spice, the fragrance wafted, seduce people's index fingers.

A piece of white bear skin was spread on the rock by the lake. Li Fushou sat down here. His wife Gu Liuyan brought him a bowl of fish soup by herself. He smiled and said, "Thank you, madam, come... and try this together." How delicious are the fish in the lake."

   "I have some too."

Gu Liuyan replied and sat down obediently beside him. His men brought a big bowl of fish soup and barbecue, as well as caviar and pancakes. After the pancakes were baked on the bonfire, they were golden on the outside and soft on the inside. It can be eaten with fish soup or with caviar. It is easy to carry with you and is the staple food of the expedition team.

Drinking the delicious fish soup, Li Fushou couldn’t help but exclaimed; “This soup is really delicious. You don’t need extra seasonings, just add some salt and pepper. The aftertaste is long! The fish is smooth and tender, it’s really good. of."

   "Master likes it, then eat more."

  Gu Liuyan smiled, the bonfire reflected on her beautiful face was very moving.

She knew that the fish soup in the hands of the master or the barbecue is not that simple. The fish meat is the most tender and delicious fish brain, the tender gill meat, supplemented by a small amount of thornless fish belly meat, carefully cooked by the chef. Of course, the meat skewers are selected from the most delicious part. A bite is tender on the outside and tender on the inside, with a strong fragrance.

  As for the soldiers and expedition team members, they can only cook by themselves. Cooking fish soup is also a big pot stew, which is far from being so particular.

  Fortunately, the ingredients are very fresh and the quantity is sufficient. The big guys all eat happily and enjoy themselves.

  Someone sang the "Toast Song" by the bonfire, and the majestic and desolate singing echoed in the wilderness by Lake Malawi, bringing a touch of the artistic conception of the far east to the place with a lasting aftertaste.

  (End of this chapter)

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