Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 519: Reappearance of cage change

  Chapter 519 Reappearance of Cage and Bird Exchange

   more than ten days later

Weiyuan Fort, the northernmost part of Lake Malawi, is a new immigration site stationed by more than 400 immigrants and a company of soldiers. There are also more than 1,600 black indigenous laborers who are responsible for building roads and logging trees here to build Weiyuan Fort A week of wooden fences, houses and cottages.

These black indigenous laborers are all indigenous tribes scattered around Lake Malawi. They were taken away by soldiers along the way. There are similar black laborers in other Xinxing Tunpu, forcing them to undertake the most arduous infrastructure labor. Speed ​​up the construction of resettlement points.

When the delegation arrived, Weiyuan Fort had built a circular wooden fence wall with a length of more than 230 meters and a width of more than 60 meters, which could accommodate more than 1,500 people. The trees are built with more than one meter high, the branches are removed, the top is sharpened, and the bottom one meter is buried in the soil, densely arranged in turns.

  There are triangular support columns at the end of the wooden wall, and patrol trails are built along the end of the wooden wall. Soldiers can stand on the patrol or fight on the wooden wall.

On weekdays, there is a circular wooden fence wall guarding, so there is no need to worry about ferocious beasts. There are too many beasts in Africa that can hurt people. Not to mention lion hyenas, rhinos, giraffes, elephants and other wild animals are also grumpy. One is amicable.

  "This location is a good choice. It is in a narrow valley at the end of the mountains, with the open Tanzania Plain in front of it. It is really good to use the terrain to guard the valley passage."

  Li Fushou stood on the patrol trail and looked into the distance. Outside the mountain pass blocked by the towering mountains is a vast plain, which belongs to the German East Africa in the territory of Tanzania.

  According to the established goal of demarcation negotiations, all areas within 10 kilometers north of Weiyuan Fort should belong to Queensland's overseas territories.

  Of course, a little more is fine.

  There was no clear boundary for this thing before. Everything must be negotiated. As long as the German East Africa Company and Queensland are willing, then the border between the two sides can be determined.

Li Shuanzhu is the commander responsible for the safety of the inspection team. He accompanies Li Fushou step by step and replied; It is more appropriate to set up a stronghold, to build a continuous line of defense relying on the mountain, and form a situation that is beneficial to me."

   "Well, this is a very discerning choice."

"Thank you, Lord Earl, for the compliment. The humble position led the people to inspect the nearby terrain. There are still several valley passages that can go straight to the rear of Weiyuan Fort. Our immigrants are still too few. If these valley passages are occupied, then it will be fine. Form a strong line of defense."

   "Ha ha ha... Don't worry, take your time."

  Li Fushou squinted his eyes and looked into the distance. Next to the river flowing out of the valley, about 3 kilometers away, there were a few gray tents with more than 20 horses tied to the tents. There were people from the German East Africa Company who had come after hearing the news.

  There are more than a dozen cavalry soldiers, the rest are employees of the German East Africa Company, and Mr. Fischer, who is in charge of negotiations, is a rather arrogant German.

  After the Germans noticed the Queensland movement, they immediately dispatched this team to negotiate. They have been stationed not far from the other side for more than a month, as if to show their existence.

  This is not useless. The Germans are wisely using the rules for their own benefit, and at the same time testing the bottom line of the Queenslanders.

   "Send two small teams of class size, 20-30 kilometers northward, camp on the edge of rivers and lakes, to test the German reaction."

   "Yes, Lord Earl."

"In addition, this wooden walled city was built smaller. Arranged to build a horizontal wooden fence one kilometer south of the wooden walled city to connect the valleys on both sides. This was used as a civilian town activity area. The original walled city was completely military, and the two were clearly separated. ."

   "Yes, Lord Earl, I will arrange for someone to do it right away."

   "Well, go ahead."

  Li Fushou casually ordered, watching Li Shuanzhu salute and quickly turn around and leave. He seemed to act vigorously and resolutely. There was no sloppiness, and he nodded with satisfaction.

  If I remember correctly, this young lieutenant colonel is 25 years old, loyal, reliable, and determined. He is the best young officer.

  Young officers who were born in the Young Eagle School are now generally at the level of lieutenant and captain. Very few can enter the school-level officer threshold. Li Shuanzhu is the highest rank among them, which shows that they must excel.

   Colonel Koch was suspended for review, inevitably affecting the operation of the African Expeditionary Force and the next division plan, and it is imperative to promote several senior officers.

  Li Shuanzhu is at the forefront of the promotion list, and will put pressure on him again.

Taking some time to inspect the territory, Li Fushou felt that it was necessary. Compared with sitting in the office, listening to reports, reading maps, and personally experiencing the vastness of overseas territories, he was particularly impressed. The rich and beautiful plains and mountains and the pleasant climate made him feel very impressed. The feeling in Africa has changed drastically.

  Different from the yellow sands of Somalia, Zambique’s forest coverage rate exceeds 60%. The towering peaks are densely covered with forests and dense vegetation. Secretary Li Siren said very well. This is one of Africa’s two major green lungs.

  The overall environment and climate are more similar to those of Australia, but there are more rivers and mountains, and the water energy reserves are extremely rich. The area suitable for rice cultivation is very vast. The lower Zambezi River was originally one of the traditional rice producing areas.

  A deep understanding of this fertile land, Li Fushou became more determined;

  This place should be completely owned by the hardworking and simple Chinese children. The situation in South Africa cannot reappear in history. After the completion of large-scale infrastructure projects in Mozambique, all indigenous blacks must give way to Chinese immigrants.

  After the basic livelihood is guaranteed, the indigenous blacks will explode with amazing fertility and gradually change the demographic structure of the region. Li Fushou will never allow this to happen, and proper methods must be adopted to solve it.

  He doesn’t want to repeat the cruel American policies towards Indian tribes, so there are two ready-made ways;

  The first is to continue the Portuguese traditional contracted black labor policy, and to export labor to neighboring areas on a large scale. Of course, this refers to the black indigenous population.

Second, a large-scale import of young unmarried women from the neighboring island of Madagascar, after marrying with Chinese immigrants, implements extensive Chinese education for newborn children, inculcates Confucian culture of courtesy, justice, and shame, strongly suppresses indigenous languages ​​in society, cuts off historical and cultural heritage, and establishes indigenous identity. It is a long-term process to strive to complete the transformation of social cognition within the time of one generation to the second generation.

  The first step of the process will be completed within 10 years, and the second step of the transformation will be completed within 30-40 years.

at the same time

  Initiated large-scale immigration operations and implemented the "Cage for Birds" plan. The plan was once implemented in Shangri-La and also in Borneo, and achieved relatively perfect results.

  Nowadays, the “cage for birds” is applied to the African colonization plan, and there is already a wealth of experience to learn from, and a more moderate method is used to solve the population structure problem.

The surrounding European colonists would be very willing to accept a large number of black indentured labor to solve the problem of shortage of manpower. Reunion Island for the French, Mauritius for the British, Tanzania and the Emirate of Zanzibar for the Germans all have strong population needs. .

  In this era, after more than 200 years of exploitation in the slave trade in Europe, most of Africa's land is sparsely populated, which makes indentured labor trade a strong market demand.

  The only thing that needs attention is Queensland. After all, cheap black labor is more attractive. Without strong policy implementation, it will be difficult to implement it.

  Ship transportation of immigration to Africa will be undertaken by a special transportation company, which will not be profitable, and try to reduce costs to achieve large-scale immigration transportation.

Before this trip, Li Fushou had personally instructed to place an order for a batch of 6000-ton immigration ships, the total number reached 12, which will cost nearly one million pounds (the price of immigration ships is higher than that of cargo ships), this part of the ship purchase cost and the cost of recruiting and training crew All will be borne by the Red Fort.

  According to the calculation that each ship transports 4,500 people, 12 migrant ships can transport up to 54,000 people at one time, 6 to 7 cross-detailed voyages each year, and about 350,000 migrants.

  With the addition of cargo ships and other immigration ships, it can basically reach the annual immigration goal of 500,000. After decades of hard work, it can be built into a beautiful and happy Chinese home.

  Calculate your age, should you be able to see that day?

   thought of here

  Li Fushou smiled proudly, let future generations comment on everything he has done today, without fear of controversy and slander, just ask for peace of mind.

  The cool breeze from the valley blew on his black hair, fluttering in the wind.

  At this moment, he has a deep sense of historical mission in his heart, his heart is ups and downs, and he can live his life again. Li Fushou is to do a great cause.

For my nation, my compatriots, and expand the space for the inheritance of Chinese culture, from Australia to the South Pacific, from the Horn of Africa to Mozambique in East Africa, the imprints of overseas Chinese are left everywhere, and Chinese cultural symbols are deeply engraved in the vast expanse. Between heaven and earth.

  When we grow old, we can have no regrets.

Li Fushou's tall figure stood on the patrol trail, standing with his hand in hand, looking into the distance. Standing below Li Shuanzhu looked up at the leader with reverence, imprinted this scene deeply in his mind, and then turned around and gave a big hand. Waved and said; "I didn't receive the retreat order, you gave me a solid root like a nail in the stronghold, every other week, I will deliver the necessary supplies to you, and now set out..."

"Yes, sir."

  The Muzhai gate in front of them opened. A total of more than 20 cavalry from the two teams, carrying more than a dozen large green mules with supplies on their backs, rushed out of the gate one by one and headed towards the plain ahead.

  The two places are about three kilometers apart. The action here obviously shocked the Germans. Many people rushed out of the tent and watched in surprise, and several Germans, who were obviously the leaders, mounted their horses to meet them, seeming to want to find out.

  But they were obviously disappointed. None of the soldiers who performed the mission at the central station knew German. They simply dealt with it and left. The soldiers were quite tough and felt that there was no need to explain their mission to the Germans.

  Not long after

Mr. Fischer, an employee of the German East Africa Company who was in charge of the negotiations, and a lieutenant officer came on horseback. By this time Li Fushou had already returned to the wooden house to rest. Li Shuanzhu did not have any leisure time to deal with them, and sent a lieutenant company commander to deal with them. This is also in line with the etiquette of reciprocal diplomacy.

  (End of this chapter)

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