Austria 1840

Vol 2 Chapter 91: The pen of the gods, the **** of war becomes the moon

PS: Thank you to the book friends who voted for the recommendation: Feng Dao Frost Sword, Watch at the Crossroads, Magic Button, heavensailer, Sisi, hg0202. thank you all.


In the last book, it was mentioned that old Karl, the **** of war, was a little depressed and felt that his experience had become a drag, making his judgment uncertain.

"Uncle, don't be discouraged. These are not your specialties. You didn't think deeply. You can't be the best at everything, so why don't you let others live?"

Carl laughed twice, then said:

"Militarily, your style is still very good. 80 years or 100 years will not wash away your brilliance. Your military thinking and system will definitely not be out of date."

Nonsense, can it be out of date?

The old military god's set is actually Napoleon's set, but Napoleon has a magic touch, but the old Carl does not.

Old Karl has iron-like reality, and strict logic to reason and explain, every war that Austria has experienced.

He explained each "God Comes", why "God Comes" is such a stroke, and why did it succeed?

Also explain the other "Ghosts", why the "Ghosts" and why it failed?

In the final analysis, whether it is a "stroke from a god" or a "stroke from a ghost", in fact, when the generals cannot make decisions by reason, they can only make decisions by feeling.

However, Napoleon's solid military knowledge, seasoned experience, good talent, and a little luck, many of his "nonsense brushes" have become "magical brushes".

And those generals who fought against him, whether it was knowledge, experience, talent or luck, were all a little bit worse, so their "nonsense strokes" mostly turned into "ghost strokes".

And Archduke Karl never had any "magic strokes" in the war, because he never made any "nonsense strokes", and naturally there would be no "ghost strokes" bad.

Therefore, in the eyes of Archduke Karl, Napoleon had no secrets, and he had dissected, analyzed, and summarized every battle by him.

Not only Napoleon, but even his contemporaries, Kutuzov, Blücher, Wellington, and his deputy, Prince Schwarzenberg, in Karl, are as clear and clear as palms.

In the life of Archduke Karl, in all wars, even those who were forced to enter the battlefield, he planned to achieve the greatest gain, or failed, but also planned to minimize the loss.

Therefore, in several confrontations with Napoleon, Napoleon won without touching him.

On the battlefield, Archduke Karl is the kind of person who "doesn't move, kills".

The reason why Napoleon only recognized Archduke Karl among the generals of his generation is also the reason. Others also have a half way to beat him, all relying on recklessness and luck.

Once again, under the same conditions, Napoleon may not be able to do it, that is, it cannot stand repeated tests.

For example, Zhan Yuanshi, the executive vice president of Imperial Capital University, his thesis is fraudulent, that is, it cannot stand repeated tests. According to his method, the data is different from the data in his paper.

Of course, he came out on his own platform and said, "There are indeed mislabeled phenomena in a few papers, which do not involve academic misconduct and do not affect scientific conclusions."

Rely on, y=f(x), the same x, under the same f, it is not the same y, you say that although you and I are not the same y, it does not affect the correctness of this y.

I'm dying, where did your logic come from?

Is it characteristic logic? Does it belong to the academician logic of your academy? Or is it Zhan's logic that belongs to your family?

Well, if he can't stand repeated tests, he can't stand it. We are neither from Imperial College, nor from the Engineering Garden. Why bother, we should go back to Archduke Carl.

As for Archduke Karl, he beat Napoleon looking for his teeth with real swords and guns, and in this situation again, Karl beat him all over the place.

In other words, once again, Napoleon still can't break the Archduke Karl's situation.

Smart people appreciate those who beat themselves, Napoleon and Karl are both, they appreciate and recognize each other.

Stupid people admire those who fool themselves, and so do leeks. They admire cutting knives.

Appreciation is rational, obtained through logical analysis, admiration is emotional, through feeling.

I feel that the "strokes of nonsense", except for a few good ones, are mostly "strokes of ghosts".

Those who invest in stocks by feeling are lucky, they encounter a bull market, and they are addicted to the stock market and cannot come out. Once the bull market passes, they will lose their underpants.

Going back to Carl's precise calculation, he was actually a staff officer, but he was too good, he did the work of the entire staff.

With the advancement of technology, Napoleon will have less and less market, and the old Karl's set will become more and more mainstream.

Prussia has thoroughly mastered the pre-war calculation work of the staff, and has been able to rely on it until the end of World War II.

Even in World War I and World War II, Prussia's two failures were not war failures, but economic failures and political failures. Of course, from a larger perspective, it was also the failure of the staff, but it was not the responsibility of the staff of the army.

It can be said that the old Carl's set is at least 100 years old. If you keep pace with the times, update it in time, and optimize it regularly, it will be no problem in the 21st century.

"Schmidt, in this way, invite the army and the family to have a meal with your family. The location is in Novi Sad. You can decide."

The old war god's topic changed, and when it came out suddenly, Carl was very strange, staring at the old man, it didn't look like he had a neurotic attack. Schmidt also felt strange, but immediately replied:

"Okay, uncle. When?"

"It's up to you to decide the time, the sooner the better. Call Richter, Divacwich, the majors who reported yesterday, and the captains and majors who you think have good character and ability."

"What's the matter, old war god, it's not even the night of the full moon, you're about to transform?"

"Karl, what are you talking about, I'm not a vampire, what kind of body do I have, hahaha."

"Uncle, with that old mind, you can hide it from me. You won't become a vampire, but you will become a moon man. Are you going to arrange blind dates for a few aunts?"

"Haha, it really is."

"But my uncle, many of them are married. Do you want to pull it hard? La Lang Pei does not conform to the tradition of our Lao Ha family?"

"Of course not. This informal communication can also show character."

Of course, little Carl knows, there are other meanings, the legendary war god, the emperor's uncle, and the beautiful princess, the cute little prince, they shake hands with you and communicate cordially.

The arrhythmia that you are not moved by? You roll your eyes in disbelief? You don't touch the **** with urine flow and incontinence?

Why do fans hold the idol's hand, the tears, the choking, the heartbeat, the feeling of ovulation.

Old Carl's trick is really beneficial without cost. In the news of later generations, every day, domestic provinces, cities and counties, foreign countries, five continents, all regions, and leaders at all levels play this trick.

Why is that Princess Sissi so welcomed by all the kingdoms of the empire? There are factors such as her beautiful body and soft voice, but also because she puts down her figure, communicates cordially with the people, shakes hands, and pulls homely efforts.

Although, the beautiful Princess Sissi has no interest at all in those rough men, those village girls and village women.

Also, the heroine of "Argentina, please don't cry for me", Mrs. Veron, also used this trick to help her husband, Veron, stabilize the political situation. In fact, Veron's governance level is worse than water. , but with his wife's people-friendly performance, he can continue to govern.

Therefore, most people don't need to give benefits, just touch them a little, and they will find reasons for themselves and follow them closely.

Speaking of this, many people were dissatisfied, and even scolded those idiots, saying that they would not be so confused.

Well, the demon monk will come to reveal your scars and make you shed blood, sweat and tears.

Then, let's talk about the woman you love. She hurts you so many times, and you get angry every time, but as long as she pushes the dark clouds away a little and lets out a little sunshine for you.

You immediately added enough scenes in your mind, including, she finally appreciates your one, recognizes your one, and the previous injuries are all misunderstandings, don't blame her, blame yourself for not insisting on explaining, blame yourself for not working hard a bit.

Possibly, you can name your first baby very quickly, and you can even go through the golden wedding ceremony in your mind to make sure that she is beautiful and sparkling.

It's just that Princess Sissi, Madame Bellon, and most of the idols, politicians, they have an effect on most people.

And that woman only has an effect on you.

Alright, prepare your own paper to stop the bleeding. We still come back to this royal reception.

In addition to the three majors introduced by Schmidt, the freshly-baked major, Richter, the youngest son of the old leader Brigadier General Miller, and the nimble Divacwich, there are 2 majors and 20 captains.

This is the decision made by Schmidt after communicating with the old military I called all the majors and captains, and the lieutenant only called Divacwich.

But what Schmidt and old Carl discussed and pre-selected, that is, the key target, was told to Amary, Elizabeth, and Martha early.

As for the members of the Old Ha family, Princess Mary, Amary, Martha, the five members of Archduke John's family, the three brothers and sisters of the Carl family, and the youngest daughter of Archduke Joseph, Mary Henrietta.

With so many people, the meeting place was the banquet hall of the Princess Mansion.

Carl also planned to call in the heads of the school and the hospital, but was rejected by the military god. The old guy still felt that only the soldiers were the most reliable and most important.

There is nothing to talk about at the banquet, it is just a group of peace, and soon, the end of the song is scattered, and the soldiers are too embarrassed to go to the city, they can only cross the Danube and go home together - Petrovaradin Fortress, and then find each other. Moms - go to the team you bring.

Whether it's drinking and punching, or bragging and farting, that's not for the demon monk to know. Anyway, as long as the Austrian language class, don't be late or leave early.

Next is the point.

In the princess' mansion, everyone gathered together happily. Old Carl, old John, Anna Profel, and this Anna Maria, who were married and pregnant, were also adults in the eyes of these three elders, so they just sat there. in the position of elders.

When they consulted the three big girls, Amasha and Elizabeth didn't like one of them.

It's not surprising that in the eyes of these two mature royal sister-type princesses, the young ones are too jerky; the older ones are too greasy.

Fortunately, the clever lieutenant, who was about to be promoted to the rank of captain because of his cleverness and repeated military exploits, was attracted by four women at once.

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