Austria 1840

Vol 2 Chapter 92: Lolita is stupid and cute, it's not easy to fool

PS: Thanks to the book friends who voted for the recommendation, thank you.

Thank you Shuma Si, Feng Dao Frost Sword, Suzhou residents, watchmen at the crossroads. thank you all.


In the last book, it was mentioned that several old and young members of the Habsburg family hosted the entire royal dinner at Princess Maria Anna's Mansion in Novi Sad.

The soldiers, having a meal with the big men they didn't even dare to dream of, were excited and at a loss, their foreheads were sweating, and their heart rate was even disordered.

For some people, this meal may be the happiest moment of their lives.

With good food and drink, with high-light moments, excitement, and unwavering loyalty to the Habsburg family, they crossed the Danube and returned to the barracks.

On the old Ha family side, we also have to ask about the results. Well, anyway, there is a result. Martha fell in love with Lieutenant Divacwich. This lucky guy is very smart and has made many military exploits. He is a guy who will be promoted to captain soon. .

But this lieutenant, because of his outstanding achievements, Carl paid special attention to him. He really didn't do anything eye-catching. He felt the same as everyone else. Carl was a big head. What's going on?

What is the charm of this lucky guy? Why was the "gentle and honest" Masha watched?

Besides, besides Martha, there were three little things that also took a fancy to him.

One is little Elizabeth, the daughter of Archduke John; the other is Mary Henrietta, the youngest daughter of Archduke Joseph; and the little sister of the protagonist Carl, little Princess Maria Anna.

The three cute little lolitas all fell in love with him.

The old military **** smiled and drove the three little troublemakers away, leaving little Martha. He wants to have a good chat with this niece. Alas, it's all family trouble, even though it's another family, the Duke of Cheshen. 's family.

I don't think about it anymore, let's solve one problem, old Carl, rubbed his head with only a few hairs left, and started to communicate with Martha with this mentality.

Carl pulled over these three little troublemakers who were driven away by the old war god, and he wanted to ask them one by one.

"Come on, little Aunt Elizabeth, you are the oldest, first, why do you like Divacwich?"

Carl looked like a grown-up, with a tone of interrogation. Elizabeth had no psychological weakness towards Carl, but this time, she was stunned by his appearance.

Here, Elizabeth and Amary, the Duke and Duchess John and his wife, and the landowner and pot-bellied woman, Princess Maria Anna, gathered together.

They were also very curious, their eyes flicked over from time to time, their mouths chatted casually, and their ears perked up to eavesdrop on Carl's conversation.

"I think his eyes are better. When he looks at you, you feel like a deer in your heart."

Little Elizabeth is 9 years old, a little shy, her face is red, and she speaks timidly, and when she said that she saw Divacwich, all the adults looked at her strangely, she was a little emboldened about this question insufficient.

So, unable to withstand the bombardment of Carl's paternalistic tone, he still said it.

"What else?" Carl stared at her, and asked again old-fashioned, raising the word "what" in his voice by an octave. Then he whispered in a low voice:

"At most, it's brighter. How can there be that kind of feeling that makes people intoxicated and makes deer bump into each other? Little crazy girl."

Little Elizabeth has now reminisced about it. She also has a sturdy temperament. She immediately changed her attitude and said to little Carl:

"You little brat, do you still care about our adults? Maybe you will call him uncle in the future?"

Carl knew that he couldn't weaken his aura, just like the courtroom, she was the suspect and she was the interrogator, so his tone was very strong, and he didn't lose his breath just because Elizabeth woke up.

"Oh, are you still an adult? You are very capable. But you are right. I may call him uncle. Unfortunately, it is Martha's uncle, not your Elizabeth's uncle."

Little Elizabeth also knew that she had little hope. Martha was gentle and honest, and she was beautiful.

She didn't want to lose her aura, she stomped her feet, so she walked away angrily.

Anna Profel, as a biological mother, since she had heard some things, she hurried over and followed Elizabeth, ready to continue to understand and dig deeper, whether the child was precocious or something.

Here, Carl continued, and he turned his eyes to Mary, also in the tone of a judge.

"Come on, Aunt Mary Henrietta, it's your turn, tell me, what do you like about Divacwich?"

"I'm your aunt too, you can't control me?"

Mary watched the entire struggle between Elizabeth and Carl, and quickly learned what was in her favor.

"Yo hoo, you gave me a lot of energy, hurry up, or I'll tell Uncle Joseph that you robbed Aunt Martha's man."

Elizabeth can rely on Lolita more or less. You are a fool. You are still compared with Elizabeth. Really, you are still good at it?

Carl knew clearly in his heart that among the three little kids, at most Elizabeth knew a little about the relationship between men and women, and the other two little ones didn't understand anything.

At first, what he meant was that he was afraid that the kid won't leave and would affect the conversation between Karl and Martha, so he asked them to come over and make fun.

"That Divacwich, he served me vegetables." Mary said confidently, gesturing the action of eating vegetables.

Oh, my little ancestor of foodies, if you pick up a dish, you will get married. Fortunately, you are from the royal family, and you are going to die as an ugly girl.

Carl thought about the 21st century he was in, and there was a slogan on the back of the car: "Old leftover women, lazy, ugly and incompetent, marry if they meet, never ambiguous."

This banquet was held in the form of a buffet because there were a lot of people. It was estimated that Mary had no dishes on her plate, and she had encountered it when she was choosing dishes with Divacwich.

Divacwich, who was originally a very friendly person, would of course order food for little cute kids.

It was also because everyone was busy, and no one took care of Mary, so she was asked to add the dishes by herself.

Archduke John and the others, when they heard the story of "getting married with a meal", laughed and leaned forward and back. The attentive Amari rushed to Mary's side to help her, for fear of falling on her belly. .

Karl deliberately stern face and asked her, "What else?"

"There's an old grandpa who also served me vegetables, but he's too old, so I won't marry him."

Carl couldn't help laughing. The answer was irrelevant, but it was also interesting.

This so-called "grandfather" is estimated to be one of the two majors other than Schmidt's confidant, Major 4.

Carl also remembered that there was a guy in the two, with a beard and a face that seemed to be very vicissitudes of life. In fact, he was not very old, just about the same as Schmidt.

Carl laughed, and then he had to ask: "What else do you think he is good at?"

"He's quite tall, taller than me," Mary replied.

When Carl heard this, his palm stood up and interrupted her:

"Okay, Aunt Mary, this Divacwich is not your thing."

"He even served me dishes, why isn't it mine?" Mary asked aggrievedly.

"Okay, Aunt Mary, he's served food for me, other majors, and Uncle Leopold, if you think like that, are we all going to marry him? "

"Okay, but he's too non-specific like this. He has served so many people."

"Auntie brat, why don't you stay where it's cool? If you know anything about being specific, you can add so much drama to him with the simple act of picking up a dish?"

South Korea's TV drama makers, don't ask you to be a screenwriter, they are too blind, Carl slandered her.

Mary was dragged over in a daze, and then sent away in a daze. She also revealed a weakness, and she might be kidnapped for food.

Carl told her to stay where it was cool. She didn't know what to think, so she ran to Big Elizabeth's place in a daze. Could it be cool? They are in the house.

Carl turned his head and looked at little Maria Anna with a half-smile.

"Second brother, I heard that you are very rich, right?"

A lot of money, this is definitely Carl's itch.

The little girl was confused, and she clicked with one finger, just like Duan Yu clicked on Jiu Mozhi in a confused way and absorbed his skills.

"Well, cough, I'm not rich anymore. Compared with the uncle and his wife, parents, and Uncle Carl, I'm still poor."

Karl completely forgot that he wanted to ask the younger sister why she looked like Divacvich. He didn't know that he had been brought to the rhythm.

Although this rhythm was not brought by Maria on purpose, thinking about it, she is just a little stupid, how could she take the initiative to bring the rhythm.

However, just like her performance in the "Blowing Bragging" series, she looks harmless to humans and animals, and when she sees it, people let go of their defenses. In addition, she has her own aura, and she will take you away by accident. off the flight path.

"Second brother, I heard that there is a university for Princess Maria Anna here. Is it in memory of me?"

"What commemoration, you are still young, bad luck."

"Who is it in memory of?"

"Maria, this is not a commemoration, this is a respect, this is a respect for Aunt Maria Anna, and these universities are named after her. This is also the kindness of Lao Ha's family to this place, so that the people here have reading."

"Then I will also have a Maria Anna University in Vienna. Respect me and bring the grace of the old Ha family to the Viennese."

"Eldest sister, the Viennese are rich and have a university degree, but they also want the grace of you being a little broken university? You're more or less the same in remote mountainous areas."

"Then I'll go to the remote mountainous areas. Budapest is far enough, far enough, poor enough, is there a mountain there? Can we build a university?"

"If you don't build it, you have to go to a more remote place. Besides, I don't like Budapest. At least in the past ten or eight years, I don't like Budapest."

"Then where do you like it?"

"By the Adriatic Sea, there is a port city called Zadar. Outside there are slender islands, like ships, and they look very beautiful. Well, again. A little further south, Split is also good, not as cramped as Zadar."

Carl's Chinese core, Lu Changqing, has played there, and it is regarded as Guilin and Halong Bay in Europe.

"Where is the Adriatic Sea not cramped? Even the Mediterranean Sea is a bathtub in the eyes of Britain, not to mention the Adriatic Sea."

Leopold came over and took a sentence.

Carl felt something was wrong, it seemed like I should have asked her.

Thank you, Uncle Leopold, for taking me out of Maria Anna's rhythm. It's like Su Xinghe's "Chessing Game", everyone is taken in and out.

Carl felt uncomfortable for a while, reached out and rubbed little Maria's head, so that little Maria could feel the care of her second brother. He suddenly asked:

"Maria, don't give me nonsense, let me ask you why you like that lieutenant Divacwich."

"He also served me vegetables..."

It's all, where and how, with a single dish, you can settle two idiots, Divacwich is lucky, Carl's appearance is as stable as an old dog, and he sighs in his heart.

"...What? He's a lieutenant. I like high school officials, at least lieutenant generals."

Carl's long sigh was interrupted just like that. So the problem is solved?

It's quick to empathize and leave love, just because someone's official is small?

It seems that men, if they want to win the favor of women, they still need a little bit of status in the arena, especially women who don't understand anything, such as these little idiots, they only look at those superficial things.

If you look at the little Elizabeth who is a few years older, you will know by looking at the eyes, that may be true love.

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