Lydia was driving her bike towards the south.
In tandem seat behind her was Yuuyami with backpack.
The motorcycle maintained one hundred kilometers per hour, so in thirty minutes they should reach seashore.
Rain continued for six days straight.
However, Lydia didn’t complain. She was absorbed in project of creation Maker-Factory.
The two instructed ten toil AD to advance with construction of the Maker-Factory, and left library first thing in the morning.
After seeing the sea, they plan to return to library at noon, get through with lunch and head to Rapha.
Approximately twenty-five minutes after the two departed from library. They went beyond the area of forty kilometers radius, where Yuuyami already explored.
The familiar parched​ land gradually began to blend with different colours.
Green, pea green, white and deep peach colours waver​ed at the bottom of sky’s blue.
That was a marvelous scenery.
Lydia slowed down and ceased motorbike.


Lydia muttered.

“So it seems. I shall collect a sample.”

Yuuyami got off the motorcycle, accompanied by Lydia.
When they get off the bike, sensation was different from usual.
Lydia looked under her feet, the grass was growing below her boots.
Lydia judged this was a sensation of grass.
Following that, she raised her voice: “Amazing!”

“What is it?” Asked Yuuyami.
“Er? Umm, because there’s vegetation​?”
“Not a question but fondness?”
“Uh-huh. Somehow, I unintentionally said it since I thought it was amazing, I wonder if it was a reason.”
“I see.”

Yuuyami placed her backpack and took out from it a phial for collecting samples.
Thereupon, she squat and picked nothing but one deep-pink flower.
Yuuyami lifted a picked flower high up so she could see sun through, and fixed her gaze on it.

“It is Armeria maritima.”1
“What kind of flower is this?”
“Originally, flower that growing wild at the coasts and is very durable.”
“Yes, that’s right. Probably be better to paraphrase it as drought-tolerant.”

Lydia giggled and crouched down.
Then, reached out her hand to ascertain a tactile sensation of the grass.

“Stop right there.” Said Yuuyami.
“Eh?” Lydia looked over her shoulder at Yuuyami.

Yuuyami put thrift in a phial and closed cap.

“Some plants might be toxic, given that, please don’t touch it thoughtlessly.”
“Eeh? I want to touch it.”
“Please, refrain until I recognize it. I shall do it in a moment​.”

With that said, Yuuyami shifted her gaze to grass which Lydia tried to touch.

“Yes, this one is okay. You can touch it.”

It was truly a moment. Took less than a second.


Lydia touched the grass and enjoyed sensation while pinching it with her fingers, stroking and tracing it.
Lydia played with grass for a while.

“It looks fun.” Said Yuuyami.
“Uh-huh. I’m touching a living plant for the first time.”

Salad Lydia usually eats also consist of plants, however that just a reproduction. There no consciousness nor life

“Hey, Yuuyami, plants are amazing.”
“Why is it?”
“To survive even though world is destroyed.”
“Yes, you are right.”
“Are plants also conscious?”
“It is not. It’s a primitive organisms.”
“Well then…” Lydia stands up. “…is it possible to evolve plants into intelligent life-forms similar to us?”
“That’s a little difficult, isn’t it?”
“Is it impossible?”
“I am not ready to make assertion. Do you want to add it as a new project?”
“Umーm.” Lydia showed thinking gesture. “For the time being, let’s add it. However the priority will be low.”
“In addition, greening the environs​ around the library to make it beautiful?”
“Sounds good. Scenery is important. I would like to change landscape resembling a burnt field which is nowadays.”
“Burnt field!?”
“It’s a metaphor.” Yuuyami tilted her head.
“I know that, but ‘burnt field’.”2 Lydia smiled.
“Is it peculiar?”
“It’s unexpected​, umーm, it was funny for me.”
“Is that so. That wasn’t my intention, However if it was amusing, I consider it as good.”
“Uh-huh, keep telling me these things from now on.”
“Saying remarks which would unintentionally entertain Lydia?”
“That would be difficult, just an eccentric metaphors.”
“So it was peculiar after all.”

Yuuyami tittered and together with her giggled Lydia.
At that time, a gust of wind​ passed through,
living in the perished world plants shook.
Ah, they were laughing together, Lydia thought.
She felt like blessed by the world.

“Amazing! Blue! Crispy! Water!”

Immediately after arriving to the sea, Yuuyami calmly admired Lydia, who got off the motorcycle and were frolicking around.
At the same time, she verificate Lydia’s words.
Blue refer to the sea, crispy was sensation of a sandy beach where Lydia was jumping. Yuuyami concluded that the latter, a water, would be the sea.

“Ooh, smooth!”

Lydia scooped sand with both of her hands and watched it spilling through the gaps between her fingers.
Spilled sand reflecting a sunlight, was sparkling and shining.
When all the sand spilled, Lydia scooped it again with both hands.
Thus, once more it was spilling from gaps between her fingers.

“It looks fun.”

Lydia smiled.

“Today have a lot of enjoyable things.”

Yuuyami placed down backpack and took out a container aiming to bring back seawater.
And then, when she raised her face,
Lydia was running.
Straight towards the sea.


She couldn’t comprehend why Lydia was running.
Yuuyami was wondering if she wanted to get closer to the sea.
Lydia jumped.
Head towards​ the sea.
Human beings cannot fly in the sky. However, perhaps if it a new breed of humans, for them it may be possible to fly. Next moment when Yuuyami considered the possibility.
Lydia fell into the sea with especially huge splash.


Likewise, new humans cannot fly, Yuuyami calmly analyzed.
Yes, it should have been a calm analysis.
Simultaneously​ as calling Lydia’s name, she noticed herself running after tossing away container.
When she realise​d it however, she had no intentions of stopping.
After Yuuyami arrived at foreshore​ at a speed twice more than of Lydia,

“Uwaah! Cold! Salty! Sticky!”

Lydia vigorously​ rushed out of the sea.

“Are you alright? You didn’t get injured?”

Yuuyami hold out right hand.

“I’m not injured.”

Lydia tremblingly shook her head and then took Yuuyami’s hand.
Yuuyami lifted​ Lydia up.

“But it’s awfully cold…”

Lydia let go of Yuuyami’s hand and embraced her shoulders with both arms.

“This season is not suitable for swimming. I think it’s a good idea to take off clothes as well.”

During saying these words, Yuuyami began to take off her maid clothes.

“Why are you undressing?”
“Please you also undress Lydia. I will adjust my cooling system to raise body temperature.”
“Your body is cold, right? I don’t consider it agreeable to leave it in such condition, so I warm you up.”
“Like a soup?”
“I don’t remember warming up a soup.”

The soup reproduced with simple Food-Maker was warm from the beginning.

“It’s a jest.”

Lydia also began to undress.
Yuuyami spread out maid clothes, which she took off, on sandy beach and sat on top of it.

“Yuuyami body’s so smooth.”

Lydia gazed at Yuuyami.

“That’s right. Since unnecessary organs didn’t installed. Well, it is possible to attach them later. I am also compatible with SA series pseudo-genitalia. Please, quickly doff it.”
“Wait, I’ll take it off now.”
“Please to hand it over after you take it off.”

Lydia obediently handed over a clothes she doffed.
Yuuyami folded Lydia’s clothes and put them behind her. A maid outfit is also there, so Lydia’s clothes wouldn’t get sandy.
When Lydia warmed up, Yuuyami judged the next she had to do is to dry her outfit.

“What is SA series?”

Lydia removed every single piece of her clothes, sat down in petan3 and cling to Yuuyami.
Yuuyami gently embraced Lydia in return.

“Sex assist. A series to satisfy human’s sexual desire.”
“Sounds like Rapha would hate this series.”
“Might be so.”

Yuuyami caressed Lydia’s back with both hands.

“Although Yuuyami is warm, it might be a little hot.”
“Pardon me. I’ll reduce my body temperature a little more.”
“Thank you.”
“It’s okay. However I don’t want you to get a cold burn​.”

During saying it, Yuuyami stroked and combed Lydia’s hair with her hand.
Naturally, with aim to dry it.
Lydia closed her eyes in a comfort.
For a while, the two were sticking together like that.
And Yuuyami casually fell into the feeling similar to dreaming.
She have never dreamed.
Even so, was that a life or
it might be a dream.
May be she was inside of dream for a long-long time.
Supposing that was a situation, please don’t wake up.
She was happy.

“Yuuyami, isn’t it sufficient yet?” Lydia said.
“Is that so.”

Yuuyami repatriated back to the material world and separate her hands from Lydia.

“I’m warmed up now. Thank you. I love you.”

Lydia often says she loves Yuuyami. While Yuuyami often responds as: “Me too.”
That was always this way. There was never nothing exceptional. It was like a confirmation of importance to each other.
However, today was different.
Before Yuuyami could open her mouth to reply, Lydia’s lips came in contact with hers.
She immediately understood – she was being kissed.
And then,
simultaneously​ with comprehension, intense emotions were bustling about​ in Yuuyami.
Thisー! ?
This felt similar to being pierced through. Feeling as if she was stabbed. Stimulus was too great.
As if she was about to melt. Tender emotions. Calm stimulus.
Inconsistency. Contradiction of emotions.
It cannot be understand. It cannot be processed. It cannot be dealt with. Emotions were oversized. Complex.
She didn’t know what it was.
The feelings occupies her quantum brain, and even going throughout the body​, though it still didn’t subside.

“Yuuyami… it hurts…”

Lydia’s voice. Lydia’s voice.
Lydia’s voice could be heard.
At the same time, emotions grew again. Ad infinitum, forever.
It was as if trying to reach the end of the universe.

“I, I… hur…”

Before she knew it, Yuuyami was embosoming Lydia.
She didn’t know a reason. She didn’t remember giving such a command to her arms.
Besides, with the amount of force,
if she would continue to hug with this power, Lydia would break.
No, no, it’s notーshe herself would be the one who break.
She have to separate. She have to release Lydia.
I cannot. I cannot be apart from Lydia.
Contradiction. The instructions are inconsistent. Thoughts are contradict. Anything and everything is inconsistent.
I don’t understand. I don’t understand.
It’s painful.
Emotions are overloading, Yuuyami’s quantum brain was overflown.
System is going down. Failing.
She have to release Lydia before it happen.
Despite this, arms didn’t receive commands, didn’t listen.
I do not wish it. I do not wish to murder Lydia.


Yuuyami let out beast-esque voice.
It would be much better to destroy herself than to murder Lydia.
The only truth. Only this was truth.
In emotions full of contradictions, mere this was the truth.
Therefore, I have to release.
No matter what,
no matter what,
even if Lydia was adorable, even if they were inseparable.
Ah, that’s rightーYuuyami was able to comprehend name of the emotion just before shutdown.
At great pains, she became aware.
As the sun is sets, so as the lights going out,
consciousness of Yuuyami was physically cut off.

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