Yuuyami collapsed backwards.
Also, simultaneously, arms, which were tightening Lydia, now released her.
Lydia coughed violently several times, tears blurred her vision.
She was scared. Pained. She thought she would break.
However more than that – confused, she couldn’t understand why Yuuyami done such a thing to her.


Lydia called out Yuuyami, who ceased moving.
Yet, there was no reply.

“Heey, what’s wrong?”

Lydia grabbed Yuuyami’s shoulder with both of her hands and shook it.
Nevertheless, she received no reaction.


Yuuyami’s face was clammy to touch.
Her eyes were shut and so tidy that make Lydia shiver.
She was so tidy, as if dead.

“Heey, Yuuyami, get up…”

She tapped Yuuyami in cheek.

“I’m not angry, you know? A little surprised, but it’s alright?”

Gradually, hands filled with the power.


And then, soon, became weaker.
Lydia began reasoning. More than ever before, until brain screamed.
When finally, the answer arrived.

“Shut down..?”

Yuuyami’s quantum brain fell. Her system has failed.
Why? How?
She need to think more. Reckon to the degree when her brain would boil.
Quantum brain can’t be easily terminate. Especially, latest model quantum brain of Yuuyami. It was so elaborate even consciousness could dwell in it, as precise as if was created by the God.
Therefore, it won’t break. That what Lydia thought. Always believed.
Believed Yuuyami would live longer than herself.
She couldn’t deem with such an abrupt ending. Absolutely not allowed.

“I have to help. I have to help.”

Lydia ran to motorbike.
After that, grabbed Yuuyami’s backpack and turned it upside down, altogether scattered its content on the sandy beach.
Now, checked the content, one by one.
Recognizing every single thing without exception, Lydia despaired.


Lydia sat on the sand in petan.
The backpack contained a receptacles for samples, food, water and medical kid for humans.
There was nothing that could be used for Yuuyami.

“Right, if I return to the library.”

Lydia looked at the bike.

“No… I can’t go back. I can’t return without Yuuyami…”

she would get lost. She would get lost alone in this perished world.
Lydia haven’t modified motorbike. She wanted to establish artificial intelligence. She wanted to build and attach a compass.
Nevertheless, she haven’t. The whole time she devoted to Maker-Factory.

“What should I do? What can I do?”

It’s painful. It’s difficult to perceive. She was having a headache​.
After all, Yuuyami, who always gave solutions, now silent.

“Why did she had a failure in the first place? What was the origin?”

Recallingーwhat happened before Yuuyami fell down, as accurately as possible. Distinctly.

“Thermal runaway..?”

It was unlikely that heat caused a runaway. If that was the case, it should’ve been hot enough to burn Lydia.
Yet, nothing come into her mind, other than heat.
Yuuyami adjusted her cooling system to warm up Lydia. At first, it was a little too hot.


“The heat by its nature reduce processing capacity, if there would be any overload..?”

what could’ve been loading?
She couldn’t figure out. Couldn’t find the reason as for what happened with Yuuyami. They sat there. They were touching skins.
She don’t understand anything.
However, even so,

“When it cool down, will she restart…?”

there was no choice but to believe. She had no choice but to hope.
Lydia stood up and ran towards the sea.
Then, as she was, jumped into the water, descend to her shoulders until her body would get cold.
It was cold…became numb…
However, there was no other way.
Lydia came out from the water and cover collapsed Yuuyami.

“Please, cool down…”

It would be much faster to dip Yuuyami into the water, though Lydia didn’t have enough strength to carry her.
Light and durable were the materials which were used to made a parts of Yuuyami. Nevertheless, she was still much heavier than Lydia’s weight.
Yuuyami’s body was yet hot.
She was overly confused to notice earlier, however now it hotter than before, when Yuuyami was warming Lydia.

“After all it’s related to the heat.”

As soon as the temperature of Lydia’s body got higher, she immediately run to the sea.
And then, once more lied over Yuuyami, to cool her down.
Over and over,
it continued for a long time.
Until eventually, Lydia’s lost her senses, her mind became cloudy.

“Yuuyami…get up…”

Lydia fell over Yuuyami, and realized she could move no longer.
Before she knew it, sky dyed orange. Lydia doesn’t even notice as landscape eroded by orange.

“Yuuyami, you said, one day I could become standalone, so in order for me to keep living…”

Almost no voice was audible.
Certainly no one could hear it.
Nevertheless, Lydia continued.

“But it’s impossible, Yuuyami. I can’t be alone. I can’t live alone…”

Her field of vision rapidly deteriorated. She couldn’t see anything. She wasn’t able to identify a thing any longer.
The beautiful sleeping face of Yuuyami, now distant.

“After all…”

As the darkness of the night would come,
like sinking to the bottom of the sea,

“…to be alone is scary.”

Lydia gradually lost her consciousness.

“Can you see me, Onee-chama?”

When Lydia opened her eyes, she saw Rapha’s anxious expression.
What is she worried about? With this sort of thoughts in her mind, Lydia slightly nodded as a reply to the question.

“Good. It seems that resuscitation is successful.”
“Yes, that’s correct. Onee-chama was close to death on the beach. Together with Yuuyami.”
“Yuuyami… Yuuyami?”

Lydia tried to rise up. However, she couldn’t, inasmuch as was about to pass out.

“You can’t move yet. I collected both Yuuyami and motorbike, so there’s no problem.”

For now, Lydia exhaled in relieve. If together with Yuuyami – good.

“This is..?”

Lydia was still hazy. She felt if she get distracted, before soon she would lose consciousness.

“We are inside of ambulance.”


Lydia knew what was an ambulance. A car simmilar to simple operating room for rescuing humans from unforeseen injuries and illnesses. To prevent shaking no tires were used. As a substitute it used an Angie instead, to lightly float in the air.
By the way, Angie is a common name for Anti-gravity devices.

“But why?”
“I can’t take it.” Rapha sighs. “Onee-chama didn’t show up, so I was wondering if she got into an accident or got ill.”
“Is that so…”
“Yes, that’s correct. Onee-chama wasn’t the kind of person who would break her promise. I thought, it wouldn’t change. Therefore, I went to the library with Ohan in this very car. ”
“…I, to the library…”
“You weren’t there. Consequently, I followed a fresh trail of the bike tires. Since you there was possibility that you got into troubles.”
“I see… Actually Rapha is kind child.”
“Actually, what does that supposed to mean? The way you putting it, as if you trying to say I’m not kind to you. It’s because you’ve forgot myself.”
“Right. I’m sor…thank you.”

Lydia closed her eyes. Drowsy. Consciousness seemed to fly away.

“Ah, Onee-chama, can I confirm only two things before you go to sleep?”
“Wha, t?”
“First. Did you, Onee-chama, was trying to cool down Yuuyami? With your own body.”
“Nicely, grasped…”
“It was number one of all of the speculations I’ve had.” Rapha sighed again. “At any rate, I merely considered behaviour of the fool… I’m saying, that was astonishing.”
“Saying…aren’t you.”

Lydia tried to laugh, however she was too tired to laugh.

“Don’t take a fried leg, please.1 And second. Do you want me to repair Yuuyami?”
“Yes, that’s correct.”

Said Lydia without a second of thinking as her consciousness seemed to sink into the darkness.

“Why? If it broke, it can be fixed. Of course, if now it’s unnecessary for you, it can’t be helped.”
“That’s not it. But, please.”
“Rapha, please, don’t touch Yuuyami…”
“I see. If Onee-chama says so, I will leave Yuuyami as it is.”
“Thank you……”

There was consciousness in Yuuyami. There was a life.
It would be a problem if Rapha, who didn’t understand it, repair her without permission and Yuuyami would become different.
It would be a problem – conservative expression.
If Yuuyami would no longer –
Lydia would be despaired.
All alone she was so scared.
The world so warm when they were together, every day was enjoyable.
All alone, it was cold enough to die.
While thinking that sort of thing,
before she knew, Lydia fell asleep.

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