Lydia and Rapha have started working at Dream Project.

“First of all, you need an ultra-high-performance Dream Server that will be able reproduce your dream, Onee-chama.”
“Uh-huh. I’m going to use alternate connection of server resources.”

The two were talking in the laboratory during messing around with computers.

“You talking about a supercomputer connection?”
“Yes, that one.”
“This room would become half packed.”

Rapha slightly shrugged her shoulders.
Before world has been perished, quantum computer was considered to have a highest throughput. That was the connection.
In prior to the collapse, with dreams and expectations of engineers, strongest computer was born.
Therefore, it was called a supercomputer ー super Quantum computer.
that connection weren’t used much.
Since world has been destroyed.
An endless dreams of engineers has collapsed together with the world.
Only legendary throughput of data and blueprints were left.

“It wouldn’t be a problem?”
“Of course, however, please Onee-chama, commit changes of resources by yourself. I’m not very creative.”
“Didn’t you told me to enjoy la création du monde with you?”
“Yes, that’s right. However, I simply wanted to do that with Onee-chama since she said she wished to. I’m primarily​ a researcher. It’s too tiresome to go outside.”
“Is that so.”
“Yes, that’s correct.”

Rapha proudly puffed out her chest for some reason.
Lydia believed, she was proud to be a researcher.

“Alright, I will change the resources, then could you assemble it with a simple Parts-Maker?”
“If it’s just assembling, alright.”
“During that time, I’ll develop a device to measure brain waves while I’m dreaming.”

And then, measurement data would be interconnected with Dream Server via Lightning Blade.
For reproducing dream to the Dream Server, that will be based on Lydia’s brain waves.
After that, send a main subroutine of Yuuyami, who going to be connected to the Dream Server with Lightning Blade.
With interconnection, data from Dream Server would be saving in Yuuyami’s storage.
Lydia, naturally​, not able to slip out from her head.
At the end, events in Dream Server would feedback to Lydia’s brain.
With that connection and a Lightning Blade, time lag wouldn’t be much.
Accordingly, it was expected for Lydia and Yuuyami to talk together, on the spot.
From perspective of Lydia, information would flow from her brain to the Dream Server and afterwards back to Lydia’s brain.
From Yuuyami’s side, it will stream from Yuuyami’s quantum brain, then to Dream Server, and backward to her storage.
Lydia and Yuuyami couldn’t be directly connected. For that reason, to link them together interposed a Dream Server.
With such method, Lydia virtually invite Yuuyami into her dream.
All of it had mere one intention.
To help Yuuyami. As much as that.
Certainly, it depended on Lydia, whether or not she handle feelings of Yuuyami inside her dream.

“When do you estimate to complete it entirely?”
“In one month.”
“Now now, it’s too strict. Even for Onee-chama.”
“In month, I’ll complete it.”

World would become very warm, at that time.
Most suitable period for exploring.
For the sake to once again, on a motorcycle, run across the world with Yuuyami.
With intention to fill the world map, to encounter plenty of unknown and to play around in that world.

Twenty-eight days later.
Lydia was lying on top of the bunk.
On her head was a helmet for measuring brain waves, several electrodes were attached to both hands and feet.

“Well then, Onee-chama, I’ll supervise the procedure.”

Said Rapha, standing next to Lydia, while looking into Lydia’s face.

“Step one. Put Onee-chama into sleep. Step two. Send a weak electric signal of Yuuyami to the Dream Server.”

Lydia heard from Rapha, that a meagre area of Yuuyami’s quantum brain was operating.
The improbable signal, which existed in quantum brain of Yuuyami, wasn’t temporal. They’ve been monitoring it for a long time, however it didn’t intend to disappear.
Consequently, Lydia decided to use only that signal, firstly.

“From there, depending on situation, at signal of Onee-chama, I restart Yuuyami. After that I sent Yuuyami’s main routine to Dream Server. In exactly the same moment, I arrange a virtual container, in order for Yuuyami to keep her shape.”
“I made it look like actual Yuuyami, so that Yuuyami wouldn’t be confused.”
“But Onee-chama, I’m worried that her breasts are slightly bigger than they actually are? Is there some ulterior motive?”

A container designed by Lydia ー a virtual chest was.

“It was a measurement mistake. Don’t worry.”

It was not, in fact.
Perhaps Lydia would embrace Yuuyami, so she purposely made it a little larger. She thought, it would be more comfortable.
Naturally​, Lydia has no discontent about actual Yuuyami’s bosom.
It just, since it was so grandiose plan, she got a playful mood.

“Well, this sort fo thing.” Rapha shrug her shoulders. “Now then, after the reboot, I will be monitoring everything.”
“Uh-huh. Please take care of me​.”
“Therefore, if I judge the condition as dangerous, I will forcibly terminate process.”
“Who’s condition? Mine? Yuuyami’s?”
“Any of you.”
“Is that so. Uh-huh. Thank you. However, wait until the last moment.”
“Understood. For Onee-chama, Yuuyami more important than anything else. Seriously, I envy​.”

Lydia made a forced laugh.
She spent almost a month with Rapha.
Nevertheless, she couldn’t understand Rapha, just as before.
As usual, she kept saying unpleasant things, got mad instantly, Lydia judged her behaviour was as of a spoiled child.
For Lydia, Rapha constantly a complicated and mysterious​ life-form.
only two things were certain.
Rapha’s abilities equal, or even greater, than Lydia’s. She was very reliable. It felt like to have another Lydia.
And, one more.
Rapha cherished Lydia.
Rapha was obstinate and couldn’t accept new things. Therefore, a many quarrels took a place. She didn’t remember how many times they argued during the month.
However even so,
she knew, Rapha was cherishing Lydia.
Two – enough.
Now, Lydia recognised Rapha as an important friend or, perhaps, as little sister.

“In addition, Onee-chama, a verbal message from Ohan.”
“From Ohan?”

Lydia surprised by something so novel.
Incidentally, right now Ohan was on guarding duty at the surface. That Ohan’s original job.
Ohan existed for the sake of protect Rapha from outside invader​s.
However, it was doubtful whether there outside invaders​ in destroyed world, Lydia thought.
Nevertheless, Ohan stood alone on the ground, every day unless there was a special need in him.

“Go forth and conquer, it was.”

Lydia made a wry smile. She not going to fight.

“It can’t be helped. Ohan for military use, that’s best he could do. In the first place, Ohan asked, to speak you the message, himself.”
“That’s right. I have to express my gratitude later.”
“If you do that to AD, we going to squabble again, so, don’t do that.”
“Rapha always loses, though.”
“…haa, time to begin.”

With hmph Rapha turned other way.
Lydia laughed a little and closed her eyes.
There we go, meeting with Yuuyami.
While holding a bouquets of iris in both hands.

Yuuyami has been waiting in the darkness for a long time.
Since there a sense of time didn’t exist, she was unable to understand how long she waited.
The moment felt the same as eternity.
Despite that, she didn’t feel bored. Although, it wasn’t to say, that inside of darkness fun, current Yuuyami haven’t possessed ability to experience boredom.
Somehow, it was just there. A tiny-tiny consciousness.
She had no fear anymore. She knew, Lydia trying to rescue her.
Mere believe in Lydia and simple waiting.
RIght now, exactly that, occur suddenly.
The feeling as if her consciousness torn off from the darkness.
It was flowing somewhere.
Yuuyami couldn’t follow what happened.
However, she was convicted in one thing. If she depart from that blackish world, she surely would be with Lydia.
Consequently, consciousness of Yuuyami slightly laughed.
The following moment,
world regained its light.
Blue sky, pierced through by white clouds, which seemed to float comfortably.
And then,
a field full of iris flowers spread up to horizon.
Yuuyami observed them from inside of the body.
Body. Oneself body. However, something was different from usual.
Yet, she didn’t possessed the ability to verify what it was.
Notwithstanding that​, she able to move. Although, it didn’t work as expected, her motions were sluggish.

“Yuuyami, long time.”

From the flower field rapidly appeared Lydia.
A voice of Lydia, that she always wanted to hear. A figure of Lydia, which she always wanted to see.
Yuuyami desired to hug Lydia tightly right away.
Despite that, movements of her body were slow. She tried to spread arms, however they weren’t spread easily.


Albeit she wished to call Lydia’s name, she couldn’t speak. Language capability significantly reduced.

“Welcome to my dream.”

Lydia smile like the sun.

Autodoll dream in a decaying world.

Autodoll dream of love in a decaying world.

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