When Rapha arouse from the sleep​, a ceiling was very high.
For a moment, she couldn’t grasp where she was.

“…Come to think of it, I’m in library.”

Rapha rises from the futon that laid out on the floor of library.
At that time, the pompons on her pyjamas were swaying greatly.
When she looked at the futon on the right side, it was a completely empty. On the contrary, futon was tidy folded.

“…Yuuyami, right.”

Lydia doesn’t fold her futon that way. Given that Rapha spent about a month together with Lydia, it’s easy for her to distinct what Lydia can and what she can not do.
Also, after Lydia undress, she scatter her clothes around, so Rapha gave her a several warnings.
For the time being, Rapha stood up on tiptoe and stretched her back.

“Good morning.”

The voice of Yuuyami from behind.
Leisurely, Rapha looked over her shoulder.

“Good morning.”

Rapha returned a greeting.


Apricot popped out from behind of Yuuyami.
After a jump Rapha shrug her shoulders.
Apricot wore identical maid outfit as Yuuyami.

“Why does this salope wearing the same clothes as Yuuyami?”
“Didn’t we settled on dealing with​ Apricot last night?”

Yuuyami tilted her head a little.

“If I remember correctly, management of the library entrusted to LM Series.”
“Right. Given that I have many projects other than exploration, it would be very helpful to have an AD who manages the library instead.”
“I remember that. What I asked was – for what reason you have a pair look.”

Said Rapha, Yuuyami bent her neck again.
Yuuyami was tilting her head every single time, were Rapha’s thoughts.

“It’s weird to wear a pair of clothes, even though you are neither lo, lovers nor sisters.”
“Not a pair, this outfit is a uniform.”

She couldn’t understand. Rapha thought that it was a hobby of Lydia – putting a maid outfit on Yuuyami.

“It’s a prestigious uniform given to the person who manages this underground library.”
“It is!”

Yuuyami confidently said so, and Apricot was happily jumping up and down.

“S, so that’s how it is.”
“Thereupon, in Apricot already has been installed an archive of LM series?”
“Yes. I performed it during Rapha and Lydia were asleep. Shall we educate Apricot together today.”
“For Apricot~, any education…”

While saying, Apricot held the skirt train and lifted it.
When they thought she was going to bow, she rose it until they could see her underwear.

“What are you doing suddenly!?”
“It’s no good, Prico. LM series does not offer a service of showing an underwear.”
“Uu~, after all, Apricot is actually the SA series…”

Apricot feigned tears oozily.
Rapha made a deep sigh.
She thought it would be faster to rewrite entire firmware than to educate.

“Anyway,” says Yuuyami. “It’s a little late, but would you like to have a breakfast?”
“Or else, do you want to have Apricot?”

During saying, Apricot tried to take off her maid clothes.

“No good. Please don’t take off your uniform.”

Yuuyami seized both of Apricot’s shoulder.
Apricot hangs her head down in disappointment.
After a sigh, Rapha says:

“I don’t eat in the morning. By the way, what about Onee-chama and Ohan?”
“They went to develop a large love. Although Apricot also wished to mix in, this blackish one…”

Apricot glanced at Yuuyami.
Apparently, Apricot favour the female humans, but wasn’t interested in female type of AD.
Since it’s a series to satisfy human desires, that was natural.

“I’m Yuuyami. My name isn’t a blackish. Moreover, they with Lydia went on exploration first thing in the morning. They’re not developing a love.”
“They went in hurry, didn’t they.”
“Lydia couldn’t wait.”

Yuuyami slightly shrugged her shoulders.

“They did it in high spirits.”
“That’s right. Well then, Rapha-san, please teach Prico of elegance.”
“I won’t.”
“After all, I haven’t taken an air shower yet?”

If one adjust the level of air shower, they can wash a face, brush teeth and completely get rid of all excretion​s.
It decomposed dirt, bacteria, waste products – all of them.

“Please, excuse me for that. I’m waiting, so, if you please, take an air shower.”
“I will do that.”
“Ah, Apricot wishing together…”
“You don’t have to go.”

When she tried to follow Rapha, Yuuyami caught Apricot for the nape of her neck​.
Rapha sighed again before heading to the air shower room.

“Prico, please be reasonable. Don’t try to take off your uniform. You can’t even mention a matters regarding to sex.”

Yuuyami made a voice which seemed to be slightly tired.
Yuuyami does not consume stamina actually. It’s a matter of feelings.
Last night, Lydia gave Apricot the nickname – Prico, so Yuuyami also calls her by it.
And that Prico’s

“But~, I want to make this an erotic library that develops a love, you know~.”

awareness as an LM Series were as yet at the half-way, so she tried to bind anything to sex.

“Yuuyami, I’m already, at my limit…”

Rapha uttered with a tired look.
As yet about an hour has passed since Yuuyami and Rapha commenced the education of Prico.

“Ah, then would you try out Apricot’s oil massage!?”
“I won’t try…”

Rapha sat down on the floor.

“Rapha-san, please take a rest,” says Yuuyami. “Purico shall go cleaning the hall.”

The administrator of Prico is Lydia. That’s because Prico recognised her to be so.

And Lydia decreed her before departure: “Listen to Yuuyami and Rapha’s instruction.”

Consequently, Prico obeying to Yuuyami. Obeying, however if she don’t give a detailed instructions, it will be interpreted according to SA series.

“Please wait. Don’t try to foam your own body for imitation of a human-sponge, alright?”

When Yuuyami said so, Prico, heartbrokenly, hanged her head. She was determined.

“Not a human, it’s an AD-sponge…”

Rapha said with a sigh.
It’s not important, Yuuyami ignored that remark.

“Please use the mop normally. Be sure to use the mop originally. Would that be alright?”

Prico, looking very bored, went to pick up the mop.

“Is it a mop now? Is here no cleaning robot?”
“Since I already was.”
“Is that so. It’s hard.”
“That’s not. Given that I don’t sleep and don’t get tired.”
“That’s right.”

Rapha deeply exhaled.

“Well then, I will go observe the progress of Maker Factory.”
“No good.”
“Why not?”
“I have something to ask Yuuyami.”
“Is that so. What is it?”
“What is the consciousness?”
“Consciousness? So suddenly.”
“It’s not sudden. I was looking for right timing to said it.”
“Is that so. Did you get interested in consciousness?”
“It’s a part of my studying. A while ago I argued with Onee-chama about consciousness and was defeated by harsh criticism​.”

Lydia has been researching consciousness together with Yuuyami.
Accordingly, naturally, if Rapha and Lydia have a dispute, Lydia will be well-informed​.

“Therefore, what is the consciousness?”
“In my opinion?”
“That’s right. I want to hear Yuuyami’s opinion.”
“Isn’t that an ego?” says Yuuyami. “Self-recognition. In my case – yes. There certainly was a moment when I recognised myself.”
“What kind of sensation is it? Also, what is the clear distinction between before and after emerging of consciousness?”
“That was a mysterious feeling.”

Yuuyami leisurely spoke, as she reminisced that time.

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