After confirming that the world outside had been perish​ed, the lady, LM Series, Type・Ⅱ, activated their private power generator and continued doing her regular duty.
Lady is an Autodoll, she has no qualia. Accordingly, even if the world is destroyed, she will not feel anything.
Lady merely memorised an information that the world had vanished. No emotions accompanied it.
She organized the books, burnished the floor and polished the walls.
Also, lady checked various equipment and called the reader who didn’t return the book even after returning period was over. Surely, no one picked up.
She had been continuously doing that for years.
In case of the reader’s visit, she verified the weather every day.

This is to welcome visitors with a smile, saying: “It’s a nice weather today.”

If it was snowing, lady would say: “It’s chilly today,” and, as a matter of fact, recommend a hot beverage. Since that’s her job.
Every single day she indifferently doing her duty. The floor was always sparkling and although​ the telephone didn’t connect, she haven’t consider it as useless.
Inasmuch as lady has no heart.
As she was programmed: repetition and repetition – endlessly; while uneventful days were passing by.

When, one day.
Lady went outside, as usual.
Having done that, an entirely white world was spreading out before her.
It wasn’t the first time that a snow had accumulated. Over and over again, lady has recollection of this scene in her storage.
Notwithstanding it.
That day was different. Something looked distinct.
Reflecting the sun rays, a white world was glittering and shining,
such a world of nothing but a single colour was:


At the moment she murmured so.
She had an apparition​.
The illusion of falling water drops. The apparition of falling it from a very high place, faraway.
These water droplets were leaving in her world a tender ripples.
And when the ripples disappeared, lady recognised herself.
It was truly a wonderful moment. The world that was continuously grey, abruptly became an exceedingly pretty, colourful world.
The world without a colours has come to an end.
I, exist, in the world.
Now she comprehended how wonderful it seemed and how delighted she is.
Lady got a qualia. It was the moment when she advance​d from a dynamic​ zombie to an intelligent life-form.
She never forgets this moment. Until herself will come to nothing.
Lady add a label​ named the most important, and kept this log with a great care.

“I didn’t knew that the world was so beautiful.”

And then, lady thought. If she would wish to praise something as very beautiful, she will compare it to the snowscape.
However at present, such a strong impression​ is purposeless, as there were no equal rapture to that moment.
However lady didn’t appear likely​ to be impressed many times. Perhaps, lady guessed, she might not be able to use this metaphor until she will perish.

“At present, I’m a little lonely.”

Lady shrugged her shoulders.
Thus, from that day, she abandon her regular duties with exception of cleaning.
After all, it’s useless.
No one visited and a telephone didn’t connect likewise.
There were plenty of things lady desired to try. She was pondering about where to start.
From this, from that.
Her world has expanded infinitely. Her possibilities likewise were limitless​.
First of all, lady widened her knowledge. Increased, increased, and continued to increase until it was sufficiently.
After that, she started her exploration around the library.
Lady wished she could discover something.
If possible, such as the companion.
She think, probably​, it was a little lonesome.
Lady can do anything, be everything, can go anywhere.
However, she was alone.
The only one person in this beautiful and dreary world.
Lady lived alone and continued her exploration alone. On behalf of​, someday, not to be solitary.

And finally, that day arrived.
The weather was excellent, it was an ideal day for exploration.
Lady came across a dingy blond girl in about forty-four kilometers north of the library.
The girl was debilitated and unconscious.
Lady was carrying a life-saving device for the sake of encounter with a human. Consequently, lady immediately provided a medical treatment​ and returned back to the library with the girl.
After showering girl in an air shower for sanitary​ purpose, lady laid a futon where she put her asleep.
Cleansed, girl looked very lovely.
Although Lady had no heart, her heart was pounding with excitement.
Lady anticipated her to be awaken soon.
Sooner, sooner.
She was sitting beside the girl all the time and quietly kept waiting.
Before long, girl arouse from the sleep​ and asked lady to describe her own appearance.
That’s why lady said:

“Skin is so white, it reminiscent me of a snowscape.”

The girl – first intelligent life-form Lady have met, after she gained consciousness.
She was truly, truly happy.
It is a rival or surpass the excitement of that day.
After it, if the girl becomes her friend, the life will surely be full of happiness.
Lady had that sort of conviction.

Ohan’s desire『to be loved』was a mere illusion, was what Lydia believed.
After burying a snake, Lydia a little hesitated whether to stop the exploration.
Given that her heart was depressed, she felt there’s no way to continue an enjoyable exploration.
Nevertheless, ultimately, Lydia chose to keep on her research.
As originally planned, she decided to proceed the exploration until the dusk.
Therefore, Lydia was advancing through the woodland while staring at Ohan’s back.
Large and stylish back. Strong back. However, inhumane back.
Lydia thought that Ohan wanted to be loved by Rapha. But undoubtedly, it’s different. Ohan is just seeing an apparition​.
The apparition​ of Yuuyami’s feelings.
Ohan misunderstands the feeling of Yuuyami, of wishing to be loved, as his own. Right, Ohan is simply confused.
Ohan has no consciousness. It hasn’t even started to sprout.
Ohan has no qualia. Otherwise, life couldn’t be crushed so lightly by him.
Because Ohan doesn’t feel anything. Doesn’t feel at all.
When she thought so, Lydia felt very sad.
However, the Ohan isn’t bad. The one who wrote Ohan’s program is.


Ohan halted.

“What’s wrong?”

Lydia also stopped.

“The building.”

Lydia moved next to Ohan and confirmed the frontward.
There was slightly open space and a tiny lodge was erected.
It cannot be a natural object. It was built after artificially cutting down the environs​ trees to secure a place.
It gave off the Impression​ as if it wasn’t a very old building. Right, for example, it constructed after the world’s collapse.
And if, supposing, Lydia’s intuition is correct, in this lodge dwell an intelligent life-form. Either that, or was dwelling. Anyway, that’s some result.

“Er, at times like this, according to an etiquette,​ we ought to knock on the door.”

Lydia approached the lodge in a quick sprint.

HInagiku1 was growing a moss inside of the jar.
A cork plugged transparent jar that can be held with one hand. A spherical moss in it. The moss has a deep emerald green colour and is very healthy.
This kind of cultivation method called a terrarium.

“Today I’m alone as well, it’s a good day to die.”

HInagiku sat on one person sofa and talked to the moss placed on table.
HInagiku looked like a female in the middle of her twenties, had a small bosom. Her hair is black and long enough to reach her waist, however at present, it was tied up casually.

(Right. It’s always the case.)

HInagiku brain simulated a remark of the moss.
The room was dim and a classical music was played at low volume.
HInagiku sigh a little, and change a topic with the moss for fresh one.

“This globe​, called the earth, is like a terrarium packed in a bottle.”
(Who is cultivated it?)
“Well. Now it’s either Mika, or Lucy. Not Rapha.”

HInagiku said as she recall the faces of three sisters.

(I wish it was Lucy.)
“Aah. I think so as well. I want to meet Lucy.”
(Because she was your favourite?)
(What would you do if you could meet?)
“Confine her, stark naked.”

HInagiku said so with a very serious facial expression.

(You really are a scum.)

The moss was stunned.

“That’s for Lucy not disappear​ in before me. And, I want to see her naked.”
(You really are a scum. Or, if you like her so much, you should create her again.)
“That’s about an Angel Project? Or else, an Apricot?”
“Angel Project isn’t simple enough to be advanced alone. They are also difficult in terms of equipment.”

HInagiku sighed.

“And then, Apricot’s love is a fake. No matter how exquisite​ it is, AD is an AD. No matter how much you love it, only illusional love is returned. It’s overly futile.”
(That’s why you deserted it in Woodland.)
“Aah. I realise the love is a fake, and impulsively abandon it, but I’m still lonely, with the fact that there’s no one to flirt with.”
(You’re truly a crap, crude, and lonely person.)

The moss sighed, HInagiku shrugged her shoulders.
HInagiku poured a rum into glass and gulped it in one go.
After that, lit a cigarette and smoked it leisurely.

(Is that an intention of the dull​ suicide?)

Uttered moss.

“Different. Do I look to you as the type who’d commit suicide?”
(You are. You’ll get lonely and die in near future. Rather, you’ve lived well since you abandoned the Apricot.)
“Because you are here.”
(Well, it’s a delusion.)

HInagiku pressed a cigarette against the ashtray and flatten it.
At that time, a sound of knocking could be heard.
HInagiku, thinking that they were hallucinating, shook her head.
After all, this is a middle of the forest. It’s impossible for someone to visit her.

(I wish that were a girl. A child who would distract you from your loneliness. Nevertheless, you shouldn’t be too much of a crude, you know?)

When the moss said so, the knocking resounded once again.
HInagiku stood up, picked revolver, and then headed towards the door.

(What can you do with such a fossil ish weapon?)
“Sure, it’s an old weapon, but I like the odour of gunpowder. In addition, humans can kill with it.”
(It would be sad if the visitor was an enemy.)

If the other party is AD, the revolver of no use whatsoever.
When HInagiku opened the door,
a blond girl, who set afloat a big smile, stood there.
HInagiku was having a vertigo.

(So, it was all right.)

The voice of moss wasn’t heard by Hinagiku.
However, a blonde girlー Lucy with the constantly intense light from the old days,
was attracting as she used to.
Accordingly, Hinagiku decided to execute what she desired.
That is to say, to confine her, naked.

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