Avatar With A System

Chapter 16 - 16: Jeong Jeong’s Training Pt.1

After Chey left to see Jeong Jeong, Aang and the others were led by the men with bamboo hats to a small hut as they waited for Chey's return. Soon, a few hours had gone by, and Sokka was fast asleep in his sleeping bag, even after claiming he wouldn't fall asleep, just in case they were attacked by the men who brought them to the hut. Katara and Aang were both left talking with each other about the Northern Water Tribe, leaving Soren to watch guard for any trouble as they waited for Chey's return, and they didn't have to wait long, as Chey had been seen approaching with a dejected face, as Aang spoke.

[What happened?... Can I see Jeong Jeong, now?]: aang

[No… He refuses to see you, and he's very upset that I brought you here, and wants you to leave immediately… I'm sorry, Avatar]: chey

Upon hearing the commotion, Sokka woke up with a sleepy face, as he spoke in a half awake tone.

[Are we leaving?... *Yawn*]: sokka

Aang ignored Sokka, as his stubbornness overtook him, as he prodded at the situation.

[But why?... Why won't he see me?]: aang

[He says you're not ready… He says you need to master Waterbending and Earthbending, and you have yet to do so]: chey

[Wait… How does he know that?]: aang

[He saw the way you walked into the camp… He can tell… That's another thing that makes him such a great man!]: chey

Aang didn't like Chey's answer, and decided to speak with Jeong Jeong himself, while Soren, who happened to be listening in on the side felt a weird sensation in his gut, as if this Jeong Jeong could tell that Aang hasn't mastered Water or Earthbending, could he tell that he could Firebend as well as Earthbend?

'I better follow them… Maybe I can learn something from this Firebending Master': soren

After Aang left the small hut to go talk with Jeong Jeong, Soren decided to use his Earthbending to create an enclosed tent over his body, with a single sentence.

[I'm going to sleep… Sokka, watch for trouble]: soren

[Awww!... But I was just about to go back to sleep!]: sokka

Soren didn't give him time to complain as he barricaded himself with his Earthbending, before creating a small hole into the ground, as he created a tunnel, tunneling a few meters outside the hut, and out of the detection of the guards, before he came back above the surface, and snuck his way towards Jeong Jeong's hut, where he was able to listen in on the conversation inside the hut.

[If a fish lives its whole life in this river, does he know the river's destiny?... No!... He only knows that it runs on and on, out of his control… He may follow where it flows, but he cannot see its end… He cannot imagine the ocean!]: jeong jeong

[Okay… But it's the Avatar's duty to master all of the bending disciplines]: aang

[To master the bending disciplines, you must first master discipline itself!... But you have no interest in this, so I have no interest in you!... Now, get out!]: jeong jeong

[Please… I have to learn!... This could be my only chance]: aang

Just before Jeong Jeong could speak, Soren decided it was time to reveal himself, as well as the truth, as he could tell this old man was a tough nut to crack.

[Just stop, Aang… If you want to learn, I can teach you]: soren

Just as Soren spoke, both Aang and Jeong Jeong turned their attention to his direction, and before Aang could question Soren's words, Jeong Jeong spoke.

When Aang heard this, he was confused, as Soren was an Earthbender, so he couldn't understand what was happening right now, and spoke.

[What do you mean, Firebender… Soren's an Earthbender]: aang

[Hmm… Is that so?... Impossible!... He walks like a Firebender!]: jeong jeong

As Jeong Jeong explained how he was able to decipher the method used to tell if someone had mastered a specific element, Soren looked to Aang with an apologetic expression as he spoke.

[I'm sorry, Aang… Yes, I am an Earthbender, but I am also a Firebender]: soren

[I-Impossible!]: jeong jeong

Soren looked at the unbelieving face of both Jeong Jeong and Aang, before he raised his left hand and conjured a small flame, while raising his right hand, and using his right leg to stomp the ground, he raised a small rock into the air, causing both Aang and Jeong Jeong to widen their eyes in surprise. Jeong Jeong thought Soren was a Firebender, but upon hearing how Aang explained he was an Earthbender, he thought he miscalculated, but upon seeing Soren wield both elements, it turned his whole world upside down.

[H-How is this possible!... Only the Avatar can wield more than a single element!]: jeong jeong

[I'm sorry for lying to you, Aang… But I thought if you guys knew that I could Firebend as well as Earthbend, you'd look at me as if I was different]: soren

[So you will teach me Firebending?]: aang

Soren began to smile upon hearing Aang's words, as he was happy that Aang didn't question him about his ability, and instead asked him to teach him, making Soren nod his head.

[Yes!... I'll teach you if this man refuses to do so]: soren

Upon hearing the conversation between the two children, Jeong Jeong became upset, as he shouted.

[Are you crazy!... The Avatar must learn Water and Earthbending before he can learn Firebending!... Water is cool and soothing, while earth is steady and stable!... But fire, fire is alive… It breathes, it grows… Without a bender, a rock will not throw itself… But fire will naturally spread, and destroy everything in its path!... If one does not have the will to control it, you will lose everything… That is fire's destiny, and you are not ready, and neither is the young man next to you!... But… If you refuse to listen, It's better to have a master who has more experience… So I will teach you]: jeong jeong

[Really?... That's great!]: aang

Soren stood to the side with a small smile on his face, as Aang celebrated, leaving Jeong Jeong to give a dirty look towards Soren.

[*Hais*... You will start training tomorrow]: jeong jeong

Both Soren and Aang then left Jeong Jeong's hut, as they went back to their hut, only for Soren to stop and speak.

Upon hearing his question, Aang stopped and turned to look at Soren with a questioning gaze as he spoke.

[Why?... You shouldn't have to feel the need to hide from us… We're your friends, after all… Also, if you don't mind me asking, how did you learn that you could use dual elements, as that's never been heard of before]: aang

[Well… I was born a Firebender, but not from the Fire Nation… My parents were non benders, but I don't know about my grandparents, as they could have been Firebenders… As for my ability to Earthbend, I got it from a gigantic lion turtle spirit… He gifted me the power to Earthbend, and my meeting with you at the Southern Water Tribe wasn't a coincidence, as I had been told to meet you there by… I guess you could say a spirit]: soren

Soren didn't know how to explain the existence of the System, as he decided to go with calling it a spirit, making Aang quite interested in Soren's story, as the two of them walked back to the hut, as it was decided that Aang wouldn't say anything to the others unless it was important. Upon waking up the next morning, Aang, Katara, and Soren went down to the river bay to meet with Jeong Jeong, while Sokka followed them to go fishing for breakfast.

[Alright!... Spread your feet apart!... Wider!... Wider!... Bend your knees!... Good! Now, concentrate and breathe in!]: jeong jeong

Aang was being trained by Jeong Jeong while Katara was practicing her Waterbending, while Soren continued to watch from the side, as Aang trained. Soon, Aang was brought up a trail by Jeong Jeong with Soren following behind them at a distance, and upon seeing them climb a small mountain, Soren decided to follow them and train with Aang, causing Jeong Jeong to question him.

[What are you doing!]: jeong jeong

[I'm training… Can I not train here?]: soren

[You can already control, fire… Why would you be doing this training?]: jeong jeong

[Hmm… This is true… Would you like to learn something from me?]: jeong jeong

[Sure!]: soren

Upon seeing Jeong Jeong lead Soren elsewhere, Aang got upset as he shouted.

[Hey!... Why does he get to learn something, but I just get to sit here!?]: aang

[Be quiet!... No talking!... Just breathe!]: jeong jeong

Soren was then led down the mountain and towards an open field, before he stopped a few meters away from Jeong Jeong, who was facing away from him with his hands behind his back.

[How much do you know about Firebending?]: jeong jeong

[I know quite a bit, but I'm nowhere close to becoming a master among masters]: soren

[Then it's safe to ȧssume you don't know how to bend lightning?]: jeong jeong

Jeong Jeong didn't speak, and instead he just raised his hand with his pointer and middle finger raised towards the sky, before an electrical current began to form, before Jeong Jeong used his other hand in the same form, but angled towards a set direction, where Soren watched as a blue lightning bolt was shot from Jeong Jeong's finger tips.

[Wow!... So cool! Please teach me!]: soren

[Hahh… This is a very advanced technique, and it's also very dangerous, so pay close attention]: jeong jeong

Jeong Jeong then went through the movements as Soren followed them to a T before Jeong Jeong told him to continue practicing those movements, and to not try to absorb lightning yet. Soon, the day had come to an end as the sun began to set, as Soren began heading back to the camp, just in time to see Aang holding a fireball in his hand.

[Congrats, Aang!]: soren

[Soren!... Hey, watch this!]: aang

Aang began playing with the fire in his hand, while Katara was warning him to be careful, leaving Soren with a bad feeling in his stomach, as he got closer to Katara just in case anything bad happened.

[I wonder how that juggler did it]: aang

Aang then began replicating a move, only for the fire to circle out and begin to spread, making Aang realize his mistake as Katara tried to defend herself, and just before the flame could reach her, Soren acted as he stepped in front of Katara and gathered all the flames before shooting them into the sky, dispersing them in a single go.

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