Avatar With A System

Chapter 17 - 17: Jeong Jeong’s Training Pt.2

As Aang began firebending, Sokka happened to be alerted, and upon running over to see what happened, he arrived just in time to see Soren redirect the fire that was shot towards Katara, as he was left speechless.

[Katara!... Are you okay!?... I'm so sorry!]: aang

[She's fine… But you were reckless in your actions with no form of control]: soren

Soren's words stuck Aang in the heart, as he knew that if Soren hadn't been there to protect Katara, she could have gotten seriously hurt.

[I'm sorry…]: aang

Just as Aang spoke, Sokka came running in as he shouted, his tone in obvious confusion and anger.

[What just happened!... Soren, how did you do that!]: sokka

[Sokka, calm down… It's fine]: katara

[Yeah, but… You could have been hurt!... I knew it was a wrong idea to let Aang train here!... And you, Soren! How are you able to Firebend!?... You're an Earthbender!]: sokka

Sokka gave no time to answer any of his questions, as he continued to spout more and more questions, only for Katara to smack him on the head.

[Sokka! *whack!*]: katara

[Oww!... Hey! What was that for!?]: sokka

[You're asking too many questions!... I said, calm down… Let's take this slowly, and rationally think about this… One question at a time]: katara

Katara took the role as peacemaker, as Sokka began to calm down, before asking each of his questions. Questions that mostly pertained to how Soren could be both a Fire and an Earthbender, and upon seeing that it would be useless to lie, and to the people he considers his friends, at that, so he decided to tell them the truth.

[Yes, I am both a Fire and an Earthbender… It seems impossible, and it truly is, but I was thought to be a non-bender like my parents, but one day I awoke to find out I was a Firebender… I soon left home to train to control my fire, and came across a gigantic lion turtle, and with his dying breath, he gave me the ability to Earthbend… I then had begun my journey to the Southern Water Tribe where I met you guys, and decided to journey with you… Did that answer all your questions, Sokka?]: soren

[I guess that seems logical]: sokka

Sokka immediately began agreeing to the fact that it was logical for a spiritual turtle to grant powers, and with this thought in mind, Sokka shouted out an idea.

[Wait!... Does that mean that if we find one of these lion turtles, I can finally become a bender as well!?]: sokka

Everyone in the group looked towards Sokka with a deadpan expression, while Katara spoke in a teasing tone.

[Oh?... I thought the 'Great and Mighty- Sokka' was fine being a non-bender?]: katara

Upon hearing the obvious sarcasm in her tone, Sokka spoke while rubbing his nose.

[Yeah, I am great… But I can become even greater if I were to be able to bend an element, and if Soren said the one who gave him the ability to Earthbend is dead, then I have 3 other options to choose from!... Or can all the lion turtles grant any element?]: sokka

[From what I learned, there were 4 main lion turtles who used to grant the ability to bend their respective element, but after a certain incident many thousands of years ago, the lion turtles swore to never bless people with their elements again, and bending would only be passed down through blood… Also, who knows if any of the lion turtles remain today… I might have gotten luck to find the last one, and even if they are still alive, you still gotta convince them to bless you with an element]: soren

[I see… Aang!... New goal! We gotta find us a Lion Turtle!]: sokka

[Umm… How about a Turtle duck?]: aang

Sokka inspected the small and cute turtle duck closely, before rubbing his chin and scowling at the small creature before speaking.

[Cute… But not what we're looking for]: sokka

Just as Sokka said this, Aang set the turtle duck down and began looking for other turtle like creatures, while Sokka went along with him, leaving Soren and Katara alone to look at their childish natured behaviour.

[Thank you for saving me, Soren… If not for you, I don't know what I would have done]: katara

[No need to thank me… I was just protecting a friend]: soren

Upon getting into talking with each other, the ground began to rumble, as both Aang and Sokka began to return with haste, as they both seemed to be scared out of their wits.

[Run!... Monster!... Big! Monster!]: sokka

Sokka and Aang ran towards the others, but Sokka seemed to be falling behind, while Aang used his Airbending to increase his speed, and upon seeing what was chasing them, Soren and Katara also began preparing to run.

[W-We were looking for a lion turtle, and happened to stumble into its nest… Run!!!]: sokka

As Sokka said this, he happened to reach both Katara and Soren, before trying to squeeze past the both of them, only to push Katara to the ground, where she sliced the palm of her hand on a jagged rock near the creak they were standing near.

[Ahh!]: katara

Upon realizing his mistake, Sokka quickly stopped and turned to Katara, before pulling her as both he and Soren began following Aang, only to see Jeong Jeong appear before shouting.

[What happened!?... I told you to breathe, and concentrate on the leaf!]: jeong jeong

Upon seeing the situation, Jeong Jeong released a sigh, before he raised his hand towards the sky with his pointer and middle finger pointing towards the clouds, before he mumbled.

[I'm sorry… I don't wish to hurt you]: jeong jeong

Jeong Jeong then used his free hand to control a single bolt of lightning towards the lion vulture as the shocking sensation caused the creature to escape, leaving Soren and the others alone, while Jeong Jeong sighed in relief. As Jeong Jeong prepared to turn around to scold the group, he noticed Katara sticking her hand in the river water to clean the wound, but to his surprise, the water healed her.

[You have healing abilities… Only the great benders of the water tribes sometimes find themselves to have this ability… I've always wished I were blessed like you… To be free from this burning curse]: jeong jeong

[*Sigh*... Waterbending brings healing and life, but Firebending brings pain and destruction… It forces those blessed with its curse to walk a razor's edge between humanity and savagery, as one small slip up, and you can burn down an entire village of innocents… And such a sight will tear you apart as long as you still seek for humanity… Alright… It's time to start packing, I'm sorry, Avatar, but I can no longer teach you]: jeong jeong

[Hih?... But why?... I thought I was doing good]: aang

[If you consider almost burning your companion 'Good' then you are not ready to truly learn Firebending]: jeong jeong

Aang seemed to remember this, as such an event made him think of the possibility of what would have happened if Soren hadn't been there, making him nod in agreement in the end.

[I understand-]: aang

As Aang spoke, a gigantic fireball landed in the river just next to them, and upon looking towards the direction it came from, they noticed a familiar figure at the bow of the leading ship.

[Commander Zhao!]: sokka

[Go!... Leave this place, and never return, or you'll be destroyed!]: jeong jeong

Upon hearing his words, Sokka went to pack up all of their supplies, while Soren, Aang, and Katara were prepared to fight until Sokka said everything was ready.

[We're fighting!... That's the Avatar's duty… I must bring peace and balance, so if Zhao wants to fight me, I'll fight]: aang

[And we'll help him!]: katara

Soren just stayed silent as there was nothing left to say.

[You brats!... *Sigh* Don't get hurt in the process!]: jeong jeong

Jeong Jeong then got into a horse stance as he waved his arms in a circle before erecting a gigantic wall of flames that cut off Zhao's attack path, making it harder to bring along his entire troops.

[Fret not, men… My old master gave up fighting long ago, and is now just a washed up nutcase… Isn't that right, Master Jeong Jeong?]: zhao

Upon seeing Zhao step through his flame curtain with ease, Jeong Jeong decided it was pointless to keep it up, and made the entire thing disappear to save energy.

[What do you want, Zhao?]: jeong jeong

[It's simple, really… I want the Avatar]: zhao

[*Sigh*... You used to be such a great man!... I can't believe my former master has regressed to become a simple savage]: zhao

[You're wrong, Zhao… It is YOU who have become the savage]: jeong jeong

[It's Admiral Zaho now]: zhao

[That title will not help you against the Avatar… Don't try to fight him, you are no match!]: jeong jeong

[I think I can handle a child]: zhao

[We'll see…]: jeong jeong

Jeong Jeong then turned away, as Aang decided to finally make a move, seeing as resolving this peacefully will not work, but he did give Zhao a final warning.

[Admiral Zhao!... I don't want to hurt you, but if you plan to harm anyone in this forest and cause more harm, I'll have to fight you]: aang

[You? Fight me?... Ahahaha!... Then bring it on, little boy!... Men! Surround the Avatar, and bring him to me… Alive!]: zhao

[Sir, yes sir!]: firebenders

The Firebenders began surrounding Aang, Katara, and Soren, all with their fists pointed towards them, ready to Firebend at any moment, while Katara gathered some nearby water, while Aang was ready to use the air to defend against any incoming attacks, leaving Soren to start bending the Earth around him, ready to trap and attack the soldiers with rocks.

[Hey, Soren… Why don't you use your Firebending to fight this one… I kind of wanna see how good you are]: aang

Soren looked towards Aang with a questioning gaze, as he knew that if he did this, the Fire Nation would undoubtedly find out he could dual bend.

[Yeah, I think this would be quite informing, so we know your capabilities]: katara

Soren then looked to Katara to see that she was just as interested in his firebending, leaving him defeated in keeping his secret, as the rocks he was controlling dropped, and fire appeared in his hands.

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