Avatar With A System

Chapter 3 - 3: Lion Turtle

Soren had begun walking down what appeared to be the main road, and as Soren began walking around to look for a good place for food and while walking down the street Soren caught sight of the widely known mail system of Omashu.

[Wow!... So this is the mail system that the Avatar had used as a sled… I wonder if I can try it… Maybe later, first I wanna eat some food]: soren

Soren continued to walk down the road until he saw a group of people gathered around this one stall selling what smelled to be like some kind of meat, and upon getting closer to the stall and squeezing his way through the crowd, Soren was now at the front of the line to a kebab stand, and when the man saw Soren a smile appeared on his face. The man had a smile because of the look Soren gave upon taking in the scent of the roasting kebab's, he could see drool dripping out of Soren's mouth as well as his full attention on the food being cooked on the grill, he then decided to reward Soren for giving him such a complement not by words, but by actions.

[Here you go boy… You remind me of my lost son, as he would always look at my food like you have… Please take this as a reward for letting me see a bit of my son in a strong young boy such as yourself]: stall owner

When Soren heard the man he took the kebab with gratitude in his eyes and he began to savor the flavor of the kebab given to him by the stall owner. As Soren ate the kebab, the stall owner's smile grew brighter and as he thought about the happy face Soren gave, he began wondering where Soren's parents were and decided to ask.

[So, where are your parents little buddy?... Don't tell me they let you roam the streets all alone?]: stall owner

As Soren finished the food in his mouth he wiped the grease off of his lips and began to speak with a smile to the stall owner.

[Well, in my village, you are considered an ȧduŀt at 13, but because I had a dream of the return of the Avatar, I left home a year early to train… Anyways, thanks for the food old man!]: soren

The stall owner was a bit surprised by Soren's words as the Avatar had disappeared for a little over 90 years and most thought that the Avatar had been wiped out along with the eradication of all the Air Nomads when the Fire Nation killed them all trying to find and capture the Avatar. The stall owner then watched as Soren disappeared from the crowd and his vision was then filled with other customers throwing money at him for the delicious kebabs, and all he could do was give off a sigh as he went back to cooking.

... Elsewhere ...

[You are now banished from the Fire Nation… The only way I will accept you back is if you capture the Avatar and bring him back to me… Now go! And take my brother Iroh with you!]: ???

A boy with a ponytail wrapped in a Red cloth with bandages wrapping the left side of his face was seen kneeling before a man sitting behind a wall of fire that seemed to react along with the current emotion he was feeling, and beside the boy stood an elderly man with a big round stomach with gray hair and a beard.

[Come on Prince Zuko… We must leave now]: iroh

[Yes Uncle, we must leave at once and search for the Avatar so that I can return my Honor]: zuko

The room became silent with only the sound of flames crackling as they burned covering up the man who sat upon the throne behind them, and as both Zuko and Iroh left the room, the wall of fire began to settle only to reveal the face of the current Fire Lord, Fire Lord Ozai, and his face showed one of detest towards his son as he didn't care if his son succeed on this impossible mission he set, or died on the journey, but he knew that Iroh would protect Zuko, so any shred of love Ozai might have for his son was put at ease.

... Omashu ...

Soren was walking through the city while using the bamboo stick used to skewer the kebab together to pick the remaining scraps out from between his teeth, but as he was focusing on that he failed to notice being surrounded by some strange and sketchy men looking dirty and mean.

[Hehehe!... Look what we got here Boss! A nice young one, and his body doesn't seem too bad either… He'll make a great labor slave for sure!]: man 1

[Hehe, yeah!... We might even get a few Gold coins for him Boss!]: man 3

[Alright!... Calm down, if we make too much noise we will alert the city guards to our plan, just take hold of him with the chains!]: man 2 (boss)

Soren then watched as a group of around 6 people began to surround him from all angles, and as Soren began to look for a path of escape he was caught in a net made of steel that took 3 grown men to throw at Soren, and as it made contact with Soren it brought him to the ground as well as knocking him unconscious due to the fact that it was a metal net being thrown at him.

[Hahaha!... We got him boss!]: man 4

[Shut it!... And what did I say about using the net! You might harm him and diminish the goods value!... You better hope he's still worth a pretty copper coin, or you guys will be sold next!]: boss

When the boss spoke these words the group felt shivers run down their spines as they have seen what happens to those sold into slavery, and it wasn't pretty. The group then put Soren into a metal box used to transport criminals, and the reason for using a metal box is to keep Earthbenders from escaping, and the group of criminals didn't know if Soren was an Earthbender or not, even though Soren didn't try to fight back, they still took precautions. The group then started leaving Omashu and began traveling towards their next destination, and about 3 hours outside of Omashu, Soren began to wake up and notice his current predicament while showing just a bit of fear of what was to come next.

[Nina, where am I?]: soren

{Ding!... You are currently in a steel box on the back of a carriage being transported to what could be ȧssumed to be a Slave camp}

Soren was a bit scared as he had heard stories from his parents about children who were caught by slave traders when they stayed out late or were far away from their parents, and it seemed that Soren had been caught by these traders.

[What should I do?... I'm not an Earthbender, so I can't try to do what Toph did when she was captured… But I have Firebending, can I melt the metal?]: soren

As Soren began talking to himself, the group of men heard quiet mumbles from inside the box and this notified them that Soren was awake finally.

Soren heard the man as well as the loud noise from him banging on the metal box, and this just made Soren feel even more scared, but something big happened in that next moment. Soren heard a strange voice calling out to him in a soft tone, and as he listened to the voice Soren felt the need to head towards the voice, but he was trapped inside the box, but after letting out a sigh Soren set his resolve to leave the box and placed his hands on the metal surface and felt the cold steel on the palm of his hand, and this gave Soren an indication of what time of day it was as if it was day time, the metal would have a warm temperature to it, while Soren could guess it was around dusk or night time. Soren then began to pass his Chi into the palms of his hands as they began to emit an intense heat, and began heating up the metal at a rapid pace, and after a few seconds, the metal box began to have 2 orange spots the size and shape of a 12 year olds palms before the color began to spread out and the area around the palm shapes began to get Yellow before turning White and disappearing only to reveal 2 palms and a 12 year old boy pushed his way through while burning his clothes a bit, but he was now free, and he ran off towards the woods before the group of criminals even noticed.

'Now, where did that voice come from?': soren

Soren began searching the area for the soft tone voice that he felt had called out towards him, but nothing was ever heard, and just as Soren was going to give up his search, he once again heard a voice in the same soft tone as before.

[Come, child of the Earth… Be blessed and live life like a bolder… Immovable and Unbreakable]: ???

Soren had began to follow the repeated sentence and after walking in a trance like state for over an hour Soren had come across what appeared to be a gigantic face sculpted to the point it could be considered a masterpiece, and as Soren inspected the sculpture that he ȧssumed took up a whole lifetime worth of work to the person who sculpted this piece. Soren inspected the surface of the image to see all the moss and vines that grew over it while trying to hide the work of art, and as Soren went to touch the surface he watched as an eye had opened and zoned in onto Soren's person, and upon seeing Soren, the ground began to rumble and shake, as the ground began to open up and Soren fell into the gap only to reappear in the palm on the gigantic beast once thought to be a sculpture.

[Human?… No, but you are similar to a Human… Why have you come to me in my final hours before my death?]: ???

When Soren heard the beast, his attention was drawn to the fading life force of the beast as he was caught in his words and began to speak.

[I was called here by you… I could hear your call to the child of the Earth]: soren

[Impossible!... The child of the Earth is one who is destined to wield all 4 Elements, or what you Humans refer to as the Avatar, but I don't sense the spirit of Raava within your soul, so you are not the Avatar]: ???

[I guess I will tell you… I am the Ancient Lion Turtle of the Earth, I had been injured in some of the previous wars in the past and have yet to heal, so for the past 100 years have been calling out to the Avatar to pass my legacy down to him to repay his past life for helping me all those years ago]: earth lion turtle

Soren then sat down and listened to the story about how the First Avatar known as Avatar Wan had befriended him, and helped him out in the past, and the gift given was Earthbending, but the Lion Turtle felt that this was still not enough as it would be selfish to die and not pass on his teachings to the current Avatar, but no matter how long he had called for, nobody showed up. Soren then got a new notification from Nina and put it to the side and waited for the Lion Turtle to finish his story, and after the story was over Soren spoke up.

[Well Mr. Lion Turtle, I may not be the Avatar, but I have been destined to join him on his journey in 3 years when he reappears to the world… But I can only help him if I can get stronger, will you be willing to grant me strength like you did Mr. Wan?]: soren

The Lion Turtle began to stare at Soren in silence after hearing his words as if contemplating on what his answer would be, and after a few more moments, the Lion Turtle spoke up.

[I'm sorry… I cannot do that… Us Lion Turtles have sworn never to give Humanity our powers ever again, and you must be blessed with the ability if you wish to use one of the Elements, and as I can see, you are already blessed with the power to Firebend, so why do you need the power over Earth?]: lion turtle

[But I am different Mr. Lion Turtle!... I know I am destined to bend all 4 elements just like the Avatar, and I just need your blessing to continue in mt journey]: soren

[... Little one… You still don't understand, even if I were to give you the ability your human body cannot handle the power… I told Wan the same thing, but he had Raava, so I could give the power to her]: lion turtle

[But I am no normal Human, you've already seen that with me being able to hear your call… I just know I would be able to hold the power and control it… Just give me a chance]: soren

The Lion Turtle sighed at Soren's words and thought back to the first time he meet Wan and Raava, and after a brief flashback the Lion Turtle spoke again.

The Lion Turtle then held Soren in his palm and used his other hand to touch Soren's forehead and heart as a Brown light shined and enveloped Soren completely, and after fading Soren passed out due to the alteration of his Chi and a "Ding" went off in his head signifying the completion of the quest.

[I will give my legacy to you young one, if you get the chance, teach Wan's reincarnation as well… Goodbye]: lion turtle

The Lion Turtle was then absorbed into the ground and an outburst of Chi was dispersed throughout the planet rejuvenating the plants and animals as well as Soren who received the most of it leaving 1 less Lion Turtle in the world.

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