Avatar With A System

Chapter 4 - 4: Water Tribe

Many hours have passed, and soon, Soren had woken up in the middle of the forest, and while looking around had noticed that the Lion Turtle had vanished, and he was left feeling stronger than before, and after trying to get up off the ground Soren's mind was attacked by Nina as she rang out with a notification.

{Soren, you will now experience immense pain from the increase of forced knowledge left behind by the Lion Turtle, please brace yourself}

[Wait What!?... AHHHHHHGGRRUUAAHH!]: soren

Soren quickly fell back down to his knees as he clutched his head from downpour of forced information of all the Earthbending styles and techniques that the Lion Turtle knew over his vast lifetime as a mythical beast that was on the level of the Gods. Soren had been under this pain for 30 minutes and felt like his head was threatening to split open due to the influx of knowledge, but after Soren was about to pass out from the pain, it all stopped, as the knowledge had also stopped, and when that happened, Soren once again passed out as it was tough for a 12 year old boy to endure such pains and suffering.

[W-where am I?... Oh wait, I'm still in the forest]: soren

Soren sat up while clutching his head, and before long he decided to see just what happened to him due to the gift the Lion Turtle gave him, and he remembered a command for the System that he had yet to use since he unlocked the access to Nina.

[Nina, can you show me my status please]: soren

{Yes Soren…

Name: Soren Huang - Age: 12 - Elements: Fire, Earth

Chi: 10,000

Blessings: Earth Lion Turtle, ######

Skills: Firebending (Beginner), Earthbending (Master)}

[Nina, is there a way to put the status of a normal bender into how you displayed my status so I can know where I stand?]: soren

{Yes Soren…

Name: Lee Feng - Age: 24 - Element: Earth

Chi: 5,000

Blessings: Natural Born Bender

Skills: Earthbending (Intermediate), Fishing, Martial Arts (Intermediate)

This is the status of a grown man from the Earth Kingdom, he just bȧrėly qualifies as a Military soldier, and will soon be trained into a high ranking Earthbender soldier for the Earth King… You are half his age, and are already 2 times stronger than him, and can also use 2 Elements, and more to come in future… Speaking of… Ding! Congrats for completing your Quest in record time!... Here are your rewards… Ding! New Quest!... Penguin Sledding}

Soren was a bit surprised to see that he was 2 times stronger than an ȧduŀt male, and was starting to understand where he stands in power, and after seeing the new quest he began to look into it, and noticed that he now needed to make his way to the South Pole, as that's where the start of the story will be.

{Quest! Penguin Sledding: Head towards the South Pole and meet up with the Avatar and his 2 companions before they leave to start their journey… Time Limit: 2 Years 10 Months}

'So I need to head South obviously, and it appears to be in that direction': soren

Soren thought to himself while looking towards the south, and after waving goodbye to the people in the village Soren began heading towards his destination to fulfill what he thought to be his destiny, and along the way he caught lots of food with the help of both his Firebending and Earthbending.

... Time Skip ...

[All Water tribe women come aboard!... Setting sail back to the Southern port!]: ???

Soren was walking through the town near the ocean trying to figure out how he was going to make it across the ocean to head to the South Pole, he thought about using his Earthbending to build himself a path, but thought that it would be extremely hard due to him needing to use so much energy, and if that wasn't the case, any Earthbender would just bend any kind of path he needed, and sometimes that was the case for small paths, but something that could go down for thousands of mile would be hard to control. As Soren thought this, he overheard a woman yelling about the Southern port, and as he looked over to the woman, he noticed that she was wearing a Water tribe outfit, and her ship was made in the water tribe, and as Soren inspected the ship, he noticed that many more women began to bring back crates of supplies, and Soren found his ticket in to the ship.

[Here, let me help you with that]: soren

Soren had rushed over to help a struggling water tribe woman with the crate she was carrying, and after helping her carry the crate onto the ship, the woman had a smile appear on her face as she was glad Soren was helping her, but also because he was quite good looking.

[Thank you for your help kind sir… My name is Yu Na, but you can call me Yu-Yu for short… What's your name?]: yu

[I'm Soren Huang, but you can call me Soren… I came here because I needed to get to the Southern Water tribe, but after arriving at this city, I noticed that there were no ships that could take me there]: soren

[Well why don't you travel back with us then… I'll vouch for you]: yu

[Thank you so much, I would appreciate that very much]: soren

Soren then set sail with the women from the Southern Water tribe, and Soren was told that it would take 4 days to reach the Southern Water tribe, and during that time he reminisced over his journey here.

... Flashback ...

'I have been traveling for a few months now, but I still can't find a village to rest up at': soren

As Soren said this, it was night time and he had just made himself a shelter with Earthbending, and it looked exactly like Toph's Earth Tent, but it was much bigger, as Soren wanted to be able to cook inside of it to try and keep away any kind of animals or bandits, and it worked.

[Nina, do you think I should practice Martial Arts?]: soren

{Well Soren, Earthbending and Firebending are just Martial Arts with Chi added to use the Elements, if you were to practice these moves without the use of Chi, then you are in spirit using Martial Arts, but it would look weird to an Earthbender to see you using Earth Styles without bending the Earth around you, but you can open one of the rewards for completing the last quest and try your luck with that instead}

When Soren heard this his interests were spiked as he quickly opened the Inventory and took out a Golden ticket like thing that was shining, and after crushing it like Nina instructed, a lottery wheel started spinning, and soon stopped on a Purple colored triangle before the wheel disappeared, and was replaced with the reward.

Soren was interested in what he had just won, and after collecting the reward, he head began to hurt once more, but not as much as the time with the Lion Turtle, and in a matter of second, Soren had understood the basics of the style, and Nina informed him that any skill won from the lottery system needed to be trained from the Basic level up to the Master level, while the Lion Turtle gifted Soren his knowledge, so it didn't need to be trained or unlocked as long as Soren had survived the intake of such knowledge.

... Skip ...

Soren had been traveling for a little over a year, and had come across many different kinds of bandits, and would train his martial arts on them, and over that time Soren got extremely proficient with it, but he never killed any of his opponents directly, if he happened to knock them all out and leave and an animal happened to come by and kill them, Soren wouldn't know or care, as he was already long gone from that spot.

[I'm 14 now, and have just over a year left to make it to the South Pole… I wonder how close I am]: soren

When Soren first got the mission to head to the South Pole, he was a few months away from being 13, and knew that he needed to be to the South Pole by the time he was 15 to complete the Mission, and not be left behind, so with that thought, he quickly picked up his pace, and almost a year later, Soren made it to the town that he had met Yu Na in, and was preparing to go to the South Pole, but didn't have a way until he saw the Water tribe ship.

... Flashback End ...

'Nina, what's my status looking like?': soren

{Ding!... Here you are Soren…

{Name: Soren Huang - Age: 14 - Elements: Fire, Earth

Blessings: Earth Lion Turtle, ######

Skills: Firebending (Intermediate), Earthbending (Master), Jeet Kune Do (Advanced)}

Soren was smiling at his status, while he was being watched by the woman who let him come aboard their ship, and when she saw him smile, she felt that he was the cutest thing she had ever seen as a bit of a blush appeared on her face. After 4 days, Soren had finally arrived at the South Pole, and upon leaving his cabin that he was given while he traveled with them, he noticed that it was extremely cold, and he quickly went back inside the cabin while secretly using his Firebending to warm up. Soren had known that being a Firebender even if you were not from the Fire Nation was a bad thing because if you were a Firebender, you were automatically ȧssumed to be from the Fire Nation, so Soren knew not to show he Firebending out in public, and if he does, then he should only show Firebending, as if they saw him Earthbend he would be hailed as the new Avatar, and the Fire Nation would be on his back.

'I just need to hold out until Aang makes his appearance to the world once more, then I can help him with both Fire and Earthbending training': soren

Though Soren said that, he still planned to let Toph and Zuko join the team and teach Aang, but it never hurt to have multiple teachers, and if Soren learned Waterbending, then he would teach Aang that as well.

[We're here Soren… Here take this coat, you must be freezing being used to such warm weather and all]: yu

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