On the way back, when he was about to reach the spatial gate teleportation point, he finally encountered a middle-rank beast.

It was a wolf-like and pig-like monster, wrapped in rock-like skin.

However, the size of this alien beast turned out to be one size larger than the bear beast just now!


The wolf beast seemed to have fallen behind, sensing the existence of Shi Qiu and the others, and grinned at them.

At this time, an idea suddenly popped up in Shi Qiu's mind.

"I just had that auxiliary skill, it seems that there is no restriction on the object of casting?"

"So... Should it also be available to non-teammate units? "

"If you use it on this wolf beast, what effect will it have?"

Shi Qiu pondered for a while, and used it as a cheat tool to check the attributes of this wolf beast.

The level of this wolf beast in front of him is level 17.

In addition to displaying the attributes of the wolf beast, the cheat tool also shows the hostility value of the wolf beast to Shi Qiu and others.

"Hint! Target hostility is rising ... 24、26、28......"



"Reason for hostility: Trespassing into territory, judged to be an intruder!"

Xia Yao saw the wolf beast and said happily: "The last strange beast has been sent to the door." "

Duan Lan thought for a while and said, "Yu Li, the last alien beast, you solve it alone, no problem, right?" "

Yu Li nodded and whispered, "Good." "

With that, Yu Li took a step forward and walked up.

However, at this time, Shi Qiu said: "That... Teacher, actually, I want to try. "

"You?" Duan Lan was stunned: "Oh, you want to go with Yu Li, right?" OK. But I'm afraid..."

Saying that, Duan Lan Yuguang swept his eyes at Lan Ningxue.

Shi Qiu smiled: "No, I mean, I want to try it alone." "

"What? Are you alone?? Duan Lan froze.

The rest of the people were also stunned.

They thought they had misheard.

Are you a level 1 assistant and want to single out a level 15 or above beasts??

Are you messing around??

"How does that work!?" Lan Ningxue was surprised: "Junior, the alien beasts in this nearby area are at least level 15 or above!" Your current level is still too low, and your positioning is to assist, even if you come to the official mission later, you don't have to charge and kill the enemy. "

The rest of the people nodded.

Indeed, when an auxiliary needs to face the enemy alone, the team must be almost dead.

Shi Qiu: "I know, but... I have some ideas and want to do an experiment. "

"No, no, it's too dangerous!" Lan Ningxue was aggrieved: "Junior brother, if something happens to you, what should I do?" Am I not a widow? "

The corner of Shi Qiu's mouth twitched, thinking when did the two of us become that relationship?

But now there was no way, Shi Qiu had to touch Lan Ningxue's head, and said softly: "It's okay senior sister, believe me, I have a number in my heart." "

Lan Ningxue looked at Shi Qiu stunnedly, and her cheeks gradually flushed.

Junior's voice is so good....

The eyes are so gentle....

I'm going to die....

Duan Lan was serious: "No, I can't agree to this." "

"I am your guide, and my mission is to protect your basic safety after entering the space door."

"You have just awakened the Qisoul, the level is only level 1, but you want to face the middle-rank alien beast directly, this is too chaotic, if something happens, I may not be able to save you too late."

"And Shi Qiu, you are an assistant, why are you full of thoughts about what is going on with the alien beast??"

Shi Qiu smiled bitterly and shrugged.

Qiao Xiyue looked at Duan Lan, then at Shi Qiu, and suddenly smiled and said, "Sister Lan, let the junior brother try it, it's just a wolf beast, there are so many of us, it should be fine." "

Duan Lan's expression was complicated: "Xiyue, why are you so messy..."

Qiao Xiyue touched her nose: "Hmm... I don't know why, I trust my junior's judgment, although I don't know what he wants to do. "

Saying that, Qiao Xiyue glanced at Shi Qiu next to him again and winked at him.

Shi Qiu also smiled back.

Xia Yao echoed: "Uh-huh, if you see that the junior brother is really in any danger, I will use my super power to control that ugly wolf from a distance." "

Duan Lan sighed: "You... Alas, there is no way to take you guys... Well, Xia Yao, you have to keep an eye on it. "

"Shiqiu, if you want to try any skill, you can try it. But be careful. "

Shi Qiu: "Good. "

"Roar!! ~~~~" The wolf beast roared angrily again at Shiqiu and the others.

The wolf beast scolded the mother in his heart: "You humans don't go too far, have you put Lao Tzu in your eyes?" I have never seen such an insult to a wolf! "

"Hostility soaring: 45, 48, 50..."

Shi Qiu struggled again to coax Lan Ningxue before walking towards the wolf beast.

After calculating its own blue amount, it has recovered a lot, and it should be enough to put 4 auxiliary skills.

He could see that the intelligence value of the wolf beast was only 3 points....

"Well, if you can double the effect, 4 times should be enough."

Walk twenty meters in front of the wolf beast and stand.

Shi Qiu squinted his eyes and concentrated all his attention on the actions of the wolf beast.

Although he already had an abacus in his heart, he still had to be cautious.

This is a level 17 beast! With a casual claw, he can easily tear his Tier 1 block in half!

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