Lan Ningxue's eyebrows frowned slightly, and she let out a snort.

"Receiving the healing effect, slowly restoring health..."

"Effect of side effects: one second into a state of distraction..."

A sound from the system sounded in Lan Ningxue's mind.

The wound on her thigh was also healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Duan Lan was even more surprised.

Could it be that Shi Qiu's auxiliary skill is not only a percentage effect, but also this healing skill?

S-class assistance, really terrifying!

Shi Qiu: "Senior sister, how do you feel?" "

Lan Ningxue slowed her mind, and her voice trembled a little: "Also... Not bad..."

Shi Qiu wondered.

But doesn't Lan Ningxue look good?

How do you feel so weak?

Originally, Senior Sister Lan was as cold as an iceberg, why did her voice become so soft and sticky?

Shi Qiu said kindly, "Senior sister, are you all right?" Why don't you feel right? "

Lan Ningxue turned around and glared at him, the secret path is not your harm?

However, I don't know why, she looked at Shi Qiu's handsome and beautiful face, and she always felt more handsome than just now...

And the junior looks so cute....

I really want to take a bite....


Lan Ningxue shook her head abruptly.

What am I doing? This is the world inside the space door! Dangerous places everywhere!

Lan Ningxue tried hard to concentrate again, raised the gun to condense his soul power, and shot those fierce bear beasts.

However, as long as Shi Qiu's voice sounded in her ears, she couldn't help but lose her mind.

My heart was pounding, like a deer crashing.

What the hell?

Shi Qiu saw that Senior Sister gradually returned to normal, and also breathed a sigh of relief, and said in the rear: "Senior Sister, my buff can be stacked three times, and I will add two more layers of buff to you now." "

Lan Ningxue: "Oh, good... What the? ...... Wait... Wait a minute..."

However, Shi Qiu had already thrown out a "gift of death".

Black light shrouded.


Lan Ningxue closed her eyes and endured, her delicate body trembling.

However, the "loss of concentration" state caused by the effect of the skill is not useful for forbearance.

Even if Lan Ningxue was a Level 15 Soul Contractor, she couldn't resist that natural physical reaction.


Shi Qiu finished casting the third skill, exhaled, panting, and sweating.

Unexpectedly, this assistance turned out to be an individual work....

"Sure enough, my level is too low, and three auxiliary skills are tired like this."

This is still the premise that Shi Qiu is born with high basic attributes as an SSS-level soul contractor, and he also adds "physique" points.

When ordinary people are level 1, I'm afraid that one or two skills will basically consume the blue, right?

Shi Qiu wiped the sweat from his forehead: "Senior sister, my blue amount is still enough, let's do it again." "

Lan Ningxue's face froze: "What... What the? ... Still coming? ......"

"Auxiliary! ——"Shi Qiu used all his strength, and a black light was released again!

"Buff effect: temporary double attack +8%, temporary speed +7%, temporary..."

After the three buffs were stacked, Shi Qiu sat on the ground tiredly.

By the time the third buff is stacked, the effect is obviously discounted.

Shiqiu opens the system panel and checks your blue amount.

"Whew... Ok, although a little tired, but not completely overdrawn yet. "

Shi Qiu now basically knew his casting limits.

In the full blue state, you can put about 6 first-order auxiliary skills.

Six times in one breath, among the Tier 1 Soul Contractors, this should be regarded as a pretty strong record.

And the automatic blue return speed of Shiqiu is also quite fast.

Under the increase of Shiqiu's three powerful buffs, Lan Ningxue's firepower opened up and quickly cleared out the two bear beasts in front of him.

Shi Qiu rested for a while and stood up from the ground: "Senior sister, I should still be able to use the buff auxiliary technique twice now, I will help the other senior sisters." "

Who knows, when Lan Ningxue heard this, she suddenly froze, and then teleported over sharply and grabbed his arm: "No!" "


Shi Qiu was taken aback.

“...... Senior sister, what's wrong with you? "

Lan Ningxue pursed her lips, looking at Shi Qiu's eyes with a hint of affection.

For some reason, she just wants to keep her junior brother firmly by her side now...

"You go and help them, do you just leave me alone?"

Lan Ningxue's eyes were resentful, like a little woman who had been left behind by a negative man.

Shi Qiu looked confused: "But the bears and beasts here are all dead, Senior Sister Qiao, and they haven't yet..."

"They can do it themselves!"

“emmmm... But if I go to help, won't it solve it faster? "

"Nope! You're mine now, so I don't want you to help those bad women. "


Shi Qiu swallowed his spit: "Senior sister, what's wrong with you?" "

"I didn't have much."

"But you don't look quite right..."

Lan Ningxue held Shi Qiu's arm tightly, her eyes were like autumn water, pitiful Chu Chu: "Junior brother, you will only add buff to me in the future, and you are not allowed to add it to others, okay?" "

Shi Qiu: "... Senior sister, don't be like this, I'm afraid..."

It took about seven or eight minutes.

Qiao Xiyue and the others quickly cleared out the remaining few exotic beasts.

In the past, when Shiqiu did not come, Qiao Xiyue and their class were all four people on a mission.

Qiao Xiyue and Lan Ningxue's personal strength has long been stronger than that of ordinary seniors, while Yuli and Xia Yao's strength also has the level of juniors.

Cleaning up the monsters of junior A-level tasks, which are tasks that belong to the general junior year, is indeed simple and difficult for them.

Xia Yao said: "Hee, Sister Lan, did our strange clearing speed break the record again?" "

"One, two, three... Nine. Yu Li counted the corpses of the alien beasts on the ground: "Hmm... It seems like there is still one left. "

"It's okay, just kill a random beast on the way back."

Duan Lan said indifferently and turned around: "Xue'er, how are you doing over there?" "

Just now, after she saw Lan Ningxue's buff increase, she went to pay attention to the others.

I saw that Shi Qiu was held by Lan Ningxue's arm and walked over.

Lan Ningxue held Shi Qiu's arm tightly, looking happy and satisfied, and the whole person was almost attached to him, as if she was afraid that he would run away.

Women: "??? "

Xia Yao was surprised: "Wow, Sister Lan, didn't you say that you want to take the high and cold route?" Why did you suddenly take such initiative with people's junior brothers? "

Qiao Xiyue took a deep look at Lan Ningxue, and her eyes were quite playful.

Shi Qiu was embarrassed: "Senior sister, in fact, you don't have to hold it so tightly..."

Lan Ningxue loosened her arm, her voice was gentle, and her eyes were like autumn water: "Ah, I'm sorry junior, did I hurt you?" "

Shi Qiu: "... No, I mainly think your chest should hurt. "

Yu Li's eyes were full of confusion: "Xue'er... What's going on? Why do I think she's weird? "

Xia Yao: "... Unexpectedly, in order to win Sister Yue's bet, Sister Lan had actually begun to blatantly seduce? "

Duan Lan also felt that something was wrong, but she didn't think much about it, thinking that she was just fooling around: "Xue'er, just now your attributes seem to have improved a lot, is it a percentage attribute increase?" "

Lan Ningxue smiled: "Uh-huh, it's all because of the buff given by the junior brother, I can solve those two strange beasts so quickly, you don't know, the junior brother is really powerful just now." "

Xia Yao: "??" Sister Lan, something is wrong with you. "

Lan Ningxue: "I'm right. "

Shi Qiu: "..."

Qiao Xiyue glanced at Shi Qiu with deep eyes.

Duan Lan: "... Uh, okay. Shiqiu, do you still have the spare energy to use the auxiliary technique again? "

Shi Qiu nodded: "Yes." "

Duan Lan: "Okay, then you use that buff auxiliary technique just now on me once, I think..."

Lan Ningxue suddenly interjected: "No!" "

Duan Lan: "? "

Shi Qiu: "..."

Lan Ningxue firmly hugged Shi Qiu's arm again, and said solemnly with an oath of sovereignty: "Junior brother is mine, he has promised me, in the future, only as my assistant, only give me a buff, and will never deal with other women again!" "

Duan Lan: "??" "

Shi Qiu's face turned white, and he roared in his heart:

"When did I say that, huh!?"

Xia Yao was stunned: "Wow, junior brother, what kind of soul soup did you pour into Sister Lan?" "

Although Lan Ningxue privately said that she would deceive her junior brother.

But that's just lip service.

Xia Yao had never seen Lan Ningxue so active with any boy.

Shi Qiu will finally understand what the last few sentences of the auxiliary technology introduction mean....

"But this meow is definitely the power of death, not the ability to love God???"

"Does death also need to flirt with sisters?"


Shi Qiu found that Qiao Xiyue, Xia Yao, Yuli and several senior sisters, as well as Teacher Duan Lan, were all looking at him with a strange look...

Fortunately, the effect of this skill should only be temporary....

After a while, it should be back to normal, right?

Duan Lan shook his head: "... Well, forget it. The task is almost complete, let's go back first. Xia Yao, bring the hearts of these monsters. "

Xia Yao: "Uh-huh, I've put it all in the inventory." "

On the way back, Lan Ningxue was still close to Shiqiu, and the two of them were almost glued together.

Qiao Xiyue walked at the end and quietly took out her mobile phone.

She aimed at the backs of Shiqiu and Lan Ningxue, took a few photos in a row, and showed a bad smile.

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