There are heavy guards near the space gate, responsible for keeping an eye on the changes in the space gate, and beware of alien races killing from the opposite world to the human world.

Shi Qiu and the others registered outside, then stood in the teleportation array and entered the space door.

After passing through the spatial crack, the feeling was extremely wonderful, and Shi Qiu could not express it in simple words.

This feeling lasted for about half a minute, and Shi Qiu came back from the chaos, at which point they had entered the world inside the space gate and teleported to the D3 area.

Shi Qiu looked at everything here.

It turns out that the world behind the "door" is no different from theirs.

But it seems to be a Gobi and very deserted.

Silence, cold, gray sky, withered branches swinging and swaying, the surrounding environment is so quiet that it almost breathes of death.

Xia Yao said: "Junior, you have just awakened the Qi Soul, and the combat effectiveness of the alien beasts in this area may be too high for you, so you must follow us." "

Shi Qiu nodded: "Got it." "

Qiao Xiyue and the others obviously had a lot of experience in finding exotic beasts.

A few people walked in this barren Gobi for a while, and soon found three wandering beasts.

The appearance of the beast resembles a bear, but its body size is more than three times that of an ordinary brown bear, its sharp fangs are exposed, and the hair on its body is as hard as steel thorns.

Shi Qiu's eyes were cold.

Through the cheat tool, he could see that the level of this alien beast was level 15, far exceeding the average of the average of the average junior year, and it was exceptionally strong in terms of strength and defense!

A beast of this level, if it is changed to other ordinary junior classes, I am afraid that the entire squad will join forces to fight hard to barely fight, and it will also be seriously injured!

However, the requirements of this mission are to kill 10 such exotic beasts!?

Several black lines appeared on Shi Qiu's head.

Is this a so-called "simple" task?


Those bear beasts quickly discovered the existence of Shi Qiu and the others, revealing hideous faces and emitting a deafening roar.

Xia Yao's eyes lit up, and her pink little tongue licked her lips: "It's coming, the sisters are ready to work." "

Duan Lan turned his head and said, "Shiqiu, your level is still too low, if you are touched by a bear beast, you may be crushed to pieces, so you must pay attention to your position for a while." "

Shi Qiu: "Good. "

At this time, those exotic bears had already screamed and pounced, looking like they were going to tear Qiao Xiyue and the others to pieces.

Lan Ningxue pulled out his double guns, and as the barrel flickered, his soul power was filled, and several luminous bullets shot out in succession.

The bear beast's swift attack was interrupted, and it had to stop and raise his palm to block the gun.

Yu Li took advantage of this moment to raise his magic staff, and a fireball flew out and exploded on the bear beast! The bear beast suddenly let out several wails.

Then Xia Yao raised his hand and grabbed it, and the bear beast seemed to be suppressed by some kind of gravity, and was violently pressed to the ground.

Finally, Qiao Xiyue's figure flashed, and he inexplicably appeared behind the bear beast, holding a short sword and piercing the bear beast's neck from behind.

Blood splattered!

One knife, crisp and neat.

Settle the account.


The bear beast fell to the ground, breathless.

Shi Qiu squinted slightly.

It is worthy of being an elite class, so strong strength!

The level 15 alien beast is undoubtedly a flood-like existence for ordinary junior students.

But in front of Qiao Xiyue and them, they actually lived like a rookie chicken, and under the joint siege of several girls, they couldn't hold up a face and fell down.

The remaining two bear beasts, seeing their companions killed, did not feel fear, but became even more angry, and also pounced, entangled with Qiao Xiyue and them.

Just being able to kill a bear beast so quickly is also due to the fire.

Now that the two bear beasts were on board together, the formation of everyone was immediately divided.

But Qiao Xiyue and the others were very experienced and dealt with it unhurriedly.

The roar of the bear beast was obviously calling for companions, and after a while, six or seven more bear beasts rushed out from all directions.

Shi Qiu reminded: "Senior sister, pay attention, there are a few bears and beasts over there!" "

Lan Ningxue swept away the afterglow and sneered: "Okay, this is much more exciting." "

Nearly ten bear beasts came in one breath, and Qiao Xiyue and the others did not dare to be careless, and each of them used their housekeeping skills.

For a while, the fire was shining, and the heat wave was dazzling.

The sound of cheers, gunshots, soul roars, and wails are connected.

Shi Qiu had always maintained a safe position not threatened by the bear beast, with his back against a small hill.

In this position, if the bear beast wanted to attack him, it must first break through Yu Li and Lan Ningxue.

In the team, the most important thing is to ensure your own safety.

Only by protecting yourself can you milk your teammates.

Shiqiu is also a king-level gamer, and this common sense is still understood.

Duan Lan nodded frequently as he watched from the side.

Shi Qiu's position was very safe, and looking at his eyes, he was obviously observing the movements of the other bears and beasts at any time.

"I didn't expect that the first time he worked with the team as a soul contractor, he actually showed such an excellent combat talent, is this the so-called genius?" Duan Lan thought.

I just don't know what effect his skills have.

Duan Lan did not hold on to the expectation that Shi Qiufu's skills would be of much use.

After all, Shi Qiu has just awakened the Soul Contract, the level is only level 1, and the buff buff given by the auxiliary skills is basically dispensable for high-level Soul Contractors like Qiao Xiyue.

Duan Lan: "Shi Qiu, try your auxiliary skills." "

"Hmm." Shi Qiu nodded, and after ensuring that his position was safe, he began to condense his soul power.

He glanced at Lan Ningxue, who was closest to him, and with his left hand raised, he used the Soul Formation Skill for the first time.

"First-order auxiliary skill - the gift of death!"

The words fell, and a black light fell on Lan Ningxue's body, completely enveloping her.

For a while, Lan Ningxue didn't know what was happening, and was aiming at a bear beast and preparing to shoot, when she suddenly only felt an inexplicable energy being instilled into her body, and her body trembled comfortably and trembled.


"Buff effects: temporary double attack +11%, temporary speed +9%, temporary soul +12%, temporary health +8%, temporary reaction +14%, temporary defense +5%, temporary resistance +5%, temporary pain sensation -7%, temporary favorability to the Grim Reaper host +20."


Lan Ningxue was simultaneously prompted by the system in her mind.

"Side effect effect: enter a state of distraction for 1 second."

Shi Qiu: "?? "

What did I just hear?


Lan Ningxue's eyes were confused, and the person seemed to be a little confused, and with the trembling of his delicate body, the wrist holding the gun also shook.

As a result, a shot was crooked, and this shot actually hit Xia Yao's feet, which startled Xia Yao.

Xia Yao sweated coldly: "Wow Sister Lan, where are you fighting?" You're going to murder your teammates! "

Lan Ningxue came back to her senses, her cheeks were slightly red, and she blamed herself: "Ah, I'm sorry, I was just too ..."

Shi Qiu suddenly reminded at this time: "Senior sister be careful!" "

Lan Ningxue was stunned, turned back sharply, and saw that a bear beast on the right had already rushed towards her fiercely.

Lan Ningxue quickly dodged and dodged the fatal blow of the bear beast.

However, he was still scratched on his thigh by the sharp bear claw.

"Huh?" Duan Lan's eyes lit up.

Just now, Lan Ningxue's agility in dodging the attacks of the bear beast was obviously significantly improved compared to before!

How is this possible? It stands to reason that the auxiliary skill buff given by the first-level soul contractor should not have much effect, right?

"Did you say... Shiqiu's auxiliary skills, which provide a percentage bonus ?? "

Thinking of this, Duan Lan's whole person suddenly became excited, and even his little face turned red.

Shi Qiu had just awakened the Qiu Soul, and he actually had a buff skill with the gain percentage attribute!

What this means, she as a teacher, simply knows very well!

Among this year's freshmen, there are such demons!

And it just so happened to be assigned to her class!!

Shi Qiu saw that Lan Ningxue's thigh was injured and asked, "Senior sister, are you okay?" "

"It's okay..." Lan Ningxue bit her lower lip lightly.

She has three clear claw marks on her thighs. Fortunately, the wound is not deep.

The claws of this exotic bear are as sharp as a sickle.

If Lan Ningxue hadn't been able to dodge just now, I'm afraid that the entire thigh would have been unloaded.

Shi Qiu: "It's okay senior sister, I still have healing skills, I'll give you a mouthful of milk." "

Saying that, he rubbed the skill again.

"First-order auxiliary skill - the blessing of the god of death!"

A black light fell from the sky again, shrouding Lan Ningxue.


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